Friday 10 May 2024

WI meeting in Old Buckenham

Living in Blickling Hall

 The speaker at the Woman's Institute meeting on Thursday 25 April was Elizabeth Scott, in character as Kath the scullery maid, explaining the living history of Blickling Hall. She explained what it was like for Kath working at the house in the 1930’s interacting with the audience. Lord Aster made an appearance as well. Then Elizabeth explained the history of the house with a slide show. How the original building was associated with Ann Boleyn’s parents and the current building was built in 1616 in Jacobean style by Sir Henry Hobart. The National Trust took it over in 1940 and they now have demonstrations of how the kitchen was run in the 1930s with the food of that time. It was a very enjoyable evening and lots of fun and laughter.

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