Tuesday 21 May 2024

Old Buckenham Parish Council

 May Parish Council minutes

This report has been written by the newsletter and blog editor from the draft minutes and may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 2 May at Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Leslie Evison, Pete Twissell, Stan Burton, David Taylor and Ali McWilliam. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Doug Irons and Steve Gowers. Also attending were Jonn Hicks (Clerk) and two members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 11 April were approved (6 in favour).

Financial matters. The Community Account Balance now stands at £26,422.95. Payments of £610.11 were approved (6 in favour). These covered payments to three community car drivers, grass cutting and the Parish Clerk’s salary.

Two Wheel Tuesday. Naomi Bailey reported that a few complaints were received regarding parking on the Green. The Parish Council is to observe for the next couple of weeks to gather evidence and will then will invite David Tranmer to the next meeting to discuss. Ali McWilliam also suggested purchasing a couple of signs to be erected on a Tuesday advising motorist bikers of their responsibility toward parking. Stan Burton also suggested buying some cones from Highways and placing them around the affected areas of the Green to try to prevent anti-social parking whilst TWT is taking place. The Clerk to investigate the prices of signs and cones and will confirm these at the next meeting. He will also formally invite David Tranmer to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

Councillors’ reports. Ali McWilliam reported that the allotments are beginning to come to life and looking very tidy. She has formally asked if it is possible to erect some gates at the entrance to the allotments to aid with security of the site due to the fact that last year saw lots of vandalism to people’s crops and property. The Clerk asked her to investigate the costs and report back to next meeting. He will also speak to the landowner as his permission would be required before anything could be erected.

Naomi Bailey is attending a meeting with Steve Askew, George Freeman, Anglian Water and representatives from Banham Parish Council to discuss local flooding issues and will report back at the next meeting.

Pete Twissell confirmed that representatives from the Village Hall Management Committee will meet with Parish Council members on Saturday 25 May at 9.30am in the Memorial Hall before the Parish Council monthly Surgery. Naomi Bailey also confirmed that the our MP George Freeman will also attend the Parish Council surgery on Saturday 29 June.

Stan Burton and Naomi Burton said that there was no damage caused to the benches or concrete pads around the Ottomer Pond after the recent flooding. The concerned families have been informed.

Planning application. Grange Road from Stacksford Lane to Hargham Road, Stacksford. Change of use of summerhouse to beauty studio (retrospective) (3PL/2024/0367/F). There were no objections (6 in favour) but it was noted that the applicant could have come to the Parish Council with their intentions before they commenced work rather than go about this in the way that they have done.

Other business. Leslie Iveson was elected as new trustee for Eleemosynary Trust.

Next agenda. Items to be discussed to include a car boot sale on the Recreation Ground, the Allotments and progress on Burial Ground.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 June at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

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