Tuesday 23 April 2024

Old Buckenham April minutes

 Old Buckenham Parish Council

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 11 April at Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel. Councillors present were Naomi Bailey(Chair), Leslie Evison, Pete Twissell, Stan Burton, Steve Gowers, David Taylor, Doug Irons and Ali McWilliam. Also attending were Jonn Hicks (Clerk) and six members of the public.

The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 7 March were approved (7 in favour 1 abstain).

Financial matters. The Precept payment from Breckland was £11,420.50 which brought the Community Account balance to £30,481.66. Payments of £4093.71 were approved (8 in favour). These included £201.65 to the community car drivers, £100 for grass cutting and £311.61 for membership of the National Association of Local Councils.

Also included were the Precept Grants that had been paid:

Old Buckenham Village Hall £1000

Old Buckenham Primary School Family Association £250

Old Buckenham Primary School Family Association Preloved £200

Monday Mardle £125

Almshouse Trust £500

Fawns £250

R.O.B.S (?) £250

Windmill Trust £500

Two Wheel Tuesday. David Tranmer has acquired the materials to make good the areas of the Green which were damaged during last year’s events.

Councillor reports. Ali McWilliam reported that the allotments are beginning to come to life and looking very tidy. She said the drainage ditch inside the perimeter needs clearing and the Clerk is to write to the land owner to request this is undertaken sooner rather than later.

Pete Twissell has removed a section of the new hedging on the Recreation Area to allow access for a tractor and has replanted the removed saplings on the footpath side of the field. He also reported that the Village Hall committee would like to meet with the Parish Council during May. He had also spoken to the Village Hall Committee regarding the use of their car park when Two Wheel Tuesday is taking place. Their committee was not opposed but will need to check that the hall is not in use on those nights so that is no conflict of use. The Clerk to suggest to David Tranmer that he makes a donation to the hall at the end of each season as a goodwill gesture.

Steve Gower reported that he has gained another two volunteers for the community Speedwatch group. Also that the batteries for the SAM Sign need replacing and that they available from Westcote at £86 each. The Clerk to investigate if can get them for a better price through his employer.

David Taylor asked about overgrown footpath from the Country Park to New Buckenham. The Clerk advised that this was not a Parish Council issue but it was the responsibility of the land owners who have a duty to ensure they are accessible to walkers.

Naomi Bailey has had correspondence with the ‘owners’ of the bench that has been flooded by the waters in Ottomer Pond and the bench base concerns which will be reviewed when it is safe to do so. Following a meeting with Highways she now has written correspondence that Highways are not responsible for the ditch, roadway or pathway leading up to the Primary school. Should anybody wish to clear a ditch on their property and they have been told by Highways they are not allowed to, this is wrong. They are in fact allowed to. Highways do not have the budget to clear every ditch in Norfolk and are grateful for the help from residents. Also Naomi Bailey reported that she, Leslie Evison and the Clerk had a meeting with the Highways Engineer at NCC who has ensured everyone that Old Buckenham is on the list for drainage and ditch clearing as well as pot hole repairs but also pointed out that due to the severe weather this winter they are rather busy but he will chase contactors. They also pointed out that the new steps they fitted at Manor Corner were rather a poor effort considering the cost of the project. The Clerk informed him that the Parish Council felt let down with the quality of the steps and the work involved.

The Clerk will attend a meeting at County Hall with the Planning Inspectorate regarding the flooding situation caused by the infilling of the ditch at West View Farm.

The Chair and the Clerk received a letter from MP George Freeman asking to attend a meeting for which he has been formally invited (the monthly surgery in May).

Action Log updates. Doug Irons and Steve Gowers gave all members a run through of the electronic version of the action log and also asked all members to keep this updated so that the Parish Council can report to the village each month what has been done and what is still needed.

Planning applications. Access from the west on to Buckenham Road. Widening and enhancements to the existing agricultural access to create a temporary construction access onto Buckenham Road (3PL/2024/0285/F). Supported by the Parish Council (8 in favour).

Development Plot at Poplar Farm, Fen Road NR17 1NP. Demolition of existing building (with extant permission to convert to a dwelling) and the erection of New Single Dwelling and Cartlodge, and Change of Use of Agricultural Land to Domestic Curtilage (Revised Scheme) 3PL/2020/1009/F. Supported by the Parish Council (8 in favour).

Other business. Stan Burton and Pete Twissell reported that only two members of the public attended the Surgery on Saturday 30 March but this was a bank holiday weekend so perhaps people had other plans.

(Steve Gowers departed the meeting)

Items for next agenda. These will include flooding update, the burial ground, allotment security and the Local Plan.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 2 May starting at 7.30pm at Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel.

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