Friday 14 October 2022

Old Buckenham Parish Council minutes

Latest council deliberations

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 6 October in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Andy Nicholls, Jonn Hicks, Doug Irons and Terry Cook. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and nine members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 15 September were approved (4 in favour, 1 abstain).

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £38,465.61 (this includes £10,790.50 precept payment). Payments of £1141.98 were approved (5 in favour) and included £240 for audit, £286 for trees for the Queen Elizabeth planting and just over £130 to the community car drivers. S Barker has re-issued invoice for missed payment and so a cheque for £100, which was pre-approved at the last meeting, has also been issued.

A letter has been received from the bank requiring mandate to be signed again with additional information. The Register Finance Officer (RFO) has also drafted a letter to the bank raising a formal complaint about how long and difficult this process has been. 

Councillor reports and matters arising from those minutes. Terry Cook and Andy Nichols had received phone calls from a parishioner with concern about the procedures that have occurred by Breckland Council around a planning application. The parishioner is very concerned and has George Freeman, our MP, and also the husband of the Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk involved too. The Parish Council have now received evidence from two applications in which neighbours and the Parish Council have not been informed or kept updated by Breckland. It is a complicated application, and while the Parish Council cannot advise on the application itself, the Clerk can contact Breckland Council on the parishioner’s behalf to enquire about the process so far and request a breakdown of the procedures that should have been followed. County Councillor Steve Askew to also be kept informed.

The Parish Clerk reported back on various subjects. Finger post on Mill Road replaced (FP12), finger post outside Church rooms and Give Way sign repaired/replaced. Additional finger post at the Grove Road end of FP12. Has been notified that County Broadband will be starting installation works in the village before Christmas. Have received digital copies of the plans. Casual Vacancy notice for new Councillors is on the noticeboard. Notice received of a wooden pole being placed opposite Old Buckenham Priory by BT Openreach.

Letter received from Breckland explaining that the Gamekeeper has been removed from Asset of Community Value register after its maximum of five years. Handyman jobs list sent out to councillors. Handyman is on a fixed price for his work and so did not drop during winter months when little was growing. Jonn Hicks to liaise with John Fernihough of Green Working Party who manages handyman’s work.

Met with Steve Milner and received SAM sign equipment which will be passed to Jonn Hicks to organise. Steve Milner also explained that he was happy to continue helping with running and training of Speed Watch once it is set up. Cuffer Lane junction with Moat Lane Road will be closed from Monday 24 October to Friday 4 November.

Email received from the owner of the Ox and Plough explaining that the agreement for renting areas of the Green needs to be with the landlord David Tranmer, rather than the Ox and Plough. After consulting the agreement, Terry Cook explained that the named person on the agreement is with David Tranmer, not the Ox and Plough. The agreements are also based on the number of events/number of benches, rather than a time period, and can therefore be flexible. Clerk explained that the phrasing of the minutes may have caused confusion and apologised. Clerk to respond in writing to the owner clarifying these points and also send a copy of the agreements for their records. Jonn Hicks had spoken to Stud Farm who are not prepared to give up any land for a new burial site. He will now need to contact local farmers to see if they would donate any land.

Planning applications. (All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal – Parish Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting)

New planning applications. West View Farm, The Green. Convert the existing barn into one dwelling to include the demolition of adjoining existing hen house and erection of side extension and the creation of a new access (3PL/2020/1500/F). Application was originally made in 2020 but was quashed by the High Court following mistakes made by Breckland Council. The Parish Council have been notified that the application is being considered for re-determination and has been asked for comment. Originally, the Parish Council supported the application but had concerns about the access. Andy Nicholls and Terry Cook highlighted that there are no new documents available and the map on the application is very poor and unclear. The issue regarding the access road has not been clarified and it simply states that access would be made “through the wall”. Councillors explained that the proposed building work to the barns and buildings were not a problem in their view but that access remains the issue. Councillors felt a time extension should be requested so that they could see Highways comments before making any further comment.

Wayside, Buckenham Road. Change to boundary line and repositioning of garage to Plot 9 (retrospective)(3PL/2022/1096/F).This is on Attleborough/Old Buckenham boundary. A tree survey is referenced but councillors were unable to find the document. There is also a statement that says that the land is “vulnerable to contamination” but this statement was not clarified or explained. Councillors felt that they would like further information and clarification before making a decision.

Precept grants. The dates on the application form and policy have been updated. Applications for precept grants are now open and available from the Clerk. The deadline for completion and returning to the Clerk is Sunday 20 November. They will then be discussed at December’s Parish Council meeting, ready for the Precept Application submission by the end of January.

Newsletter paper. The Village Newsletter which goes to every household in the village, requires more paper from next month. Quotes have been slow coming in but are expected to be up to 50% more than last year. Last year the PC paid £437.25 for 25 boxes. A proposal to pre-approve payment up to £600 for paper was approved (5 in favour). Clerk to collect quotes and purchase.

Christmas Tree. Clerk to enquire about Christmas Tree for this year. Naomi Bailey to liaise with electrician regarding checking the lights and acquiring a new timer. She will also enquire with the Landlord at the Ox and Plough about providing electricity. While this has kindly been free of charge in previous years, Councillors felt that a donation should be made this year, due to the cost of electricity being so high.

Jubilee Trees. The Green Working Party have suggested an area behind the War Memorial for the planting of seven trees to honour the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Councillors felt this was not ideal as a lot of money was previously spent cutting back and removing trees that were too close to the War Memorial. Andy Nicholls also highlighted that the War Memorial and the trees for the Queen are very separate things and so should be in separate locations, rather than crowded together. Naomi Bailey and Jonn Hicks to raise issues about location with Green Working Party at meeting on Monday 10 October and a proposal that they make the final decision on location, after discussions with Green Working Party, was approved (5 in favour). Resident Brian Simms has ordered trees. They are a tulip tree, whitebeam, bird cherry, crab apple, aspen, white birch and white (royal) oak. Once delivered, the Parish Council will arrange an event for their planting. As trees require planting in this autumn, suggestions of Saturday 29 or 30 October have been put forward. The Clerk to liaise with all those involved and confirm date and organise. Thanks to Brian Simms for his help in organising. Plaques and benches to be arranged at a later date.

Website. Quotes from two companies have been received. Councillors had a few questions and requested some more information including why is ‘.gov’ more expensive than ‘.com’?, * could the companies send examples of other Council websites they have done and asking the cost of a website similar to the Attleborough Town Council website. Also to ask New Buckenham Parish Clerk and Attleborough Town Clerk for their website designers. The Clerk to collect requested information ahead of decision at next meeting.

Allotments. Clerk has contacted allotment holders to request information on their future plans regarding their allotments and is awaiting responses. Naomi Bailey enquired about getting a group of volunteers together to clear overgrowth. Resident Alison Hannah (allotment holder) felt that this may not be popular as there isn’t anything in it for anyone, other than the allotment holders. Terry Cook disagreed as he had seen other villages in which the allotments were viewed as a real asset, were cared for and well maintained. Therefore, a change in perception of the allotments by residents and the Parish Council was needed. He also felt that by getting everyone involved, it would give residents more ownership over the land and may also generate interest in the allotments and therefore it was worth a try. Andy Nicholls highlighted that there have been volunteer groups provided by large private businesses in the past and would be worth looking at. He also explained that currently the allotments are not financially viable as the Parish Council spend more money renting the land than it does from renting out the plots. After work is completed, a big push on publicity is required to rent out as many plots as possible and would also require a good maintenance plan so that this problem isn’t created again. Alison Hannah added that trees were originally planted to form an orchard next to the allotments but there is no real access to them any more as the grass has grown too long and the path has disappeared. Clerk to enquire about volunteer groups and also request quotes for the clearing of the overgrowth and rubbish.

Public participation. The range of trees selected for the Jubilee trees may look a little odd. They may look better near other trees. The allotments started because the Parish Council had to provide them as there was significant interest. If they were removed, then there may be a request in the future which would require the process to start again. The Christmas tree lights were replaced with waterproof ones last year. Will need a new timer.

Items for next agenda. These would include the burial Ground, the allotments and website decision.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 3 November at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. 

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