These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 6 June in the Village Hall. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair), Steve Milner, Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel, Andy Nicholls and Gemma Frost. Also in attendance were Rachel Noyes (Parish Clerk) and Jim Trice (Met Office) as well as seven members of the public. Apologies for absence received from Ben Devlin. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 May were approved with an amendment that a property would count towards the quota despite being outside of the village boundary. Gemma Frost is still a Parish Councillor as the Notice of Vacancy has been cancelled by Breckland and therefore she does not need to be co-opted back in.
Presentation concerning proposed new weather radar. Jim Trice from the Met Office attended the meeting regarding the building of a new weather radar in the village. A report on his presentation was posted on this blog on Sunday 16 June.
Public participation. A parishioner asked if using boards on the Green might be a way of boosting numbers of the public attending parish council meetings. While there is the noticeboard at the shop, not everyone attends the shop or reads the board. Steve Milner will look at possible equipment to use. Another parishioner explained that, after proposing an alternative to leasing the Green at the Annual Parish Meeting, there has only been six days to ask for general views and so they requested that the lease extension was not signed at this meeting to allow more time to collect parishioners’ views.
Green management and signing of lease. The chairman explained that he had requested that the village survey be completed again and could use those results to judge whether to sign a lease extension. He had also calculated that the Green had cost each household in the village 9.3p per week last year (although it was pointed out that not all households pay Council Tax). Several councillors felt that there had been so much discussion in the past about signing the original Green lease that the extension should be signed now and that discussing having a lease at all would be starting the process all over again. They also felt the Parish Council needed security for spending money on the Green in the long term. It was proposed that the Green Lease Extension be signed at the meeting and this was agreed (5 in favour, 1 abstained).
Joint meeting with village hall management committee. This was arranged for Monday 24 June at 7.30pm at the Village Hall Memorial Room.
Declarations of interest. Andy Nicholls needs to complete a new declaration of interest form due to new business.
Financial matters. Balance in the community account was £45,262.14 and balance in premium account was £2,878.92. Letters of thanks had been received from the Village Hall management committee and the Monday Mardle for their precept grants. Payments approved totalled £1,590.95.
It was questioned why the parish council is paying £385 to lease the recreation area from the Village Hall, plus maintenance costs, when it is not used by anyone. The original lease will be consulted to see if there is a get out clause. The Village Hall could then use it how they wish, maybe extending the car park for which they could receive an income from school parking permits. Andy Nicholls highlighted that planning regulations would need to be consulted for any change of use.
Income received was £250 from the Ox and Plough and £500 from the Green Rights Proprietors.
The Asset register had been updated to include an Eco bar trailer for transporting mower to playground, etc, to cut grass and a strimmer and lawnmower added. The Asset register was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain). Donna Oakley and Adrian Joel will take the audit form to the Internal Auditor and, once signed, it will be sent to the External Auditor. This must be received by Monday 1 July, otherwise there are financial penalties.
Jonn Hicks wished to thank Donna Oakley for the excellent work tidying up the financial records of the Parish Council over the last year.
Planning applications. Crown Lane Cottage, Crown Road. First floor extension to existing single-storey annex and storage/workshop building (3PL/2019/0508/HOU). The dwelling will be quite far back from the road and is being built for son to live in. This was supported by the council (6 in favour).
9 The Old Yard, Hargham Road. Erection of office building with first floor two-bed residential accommodation - revised elevations from previous application (3PL/2019/0539/F). Will roughly be in place of original dwelling but with slightly lower elevation. Applying for moving some windows and a new balcony. This was supported by the council (6 in favour).
Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Demolish existing agricultural building and construct new residential dwelling (3PL/2019/0287/F). Amendment with additional contamination information and with Highways and tree information provided. This had been discussed last meeting Application was not supported (5 in favour of not supporting, 1 abstaining).
Eastview, Cake Street. Conversion of existing detached bungalow to two 3-bedroom semi detached houses, incorporating ground floor side and rear extensions with new roof to accommodate new first floors (3PL/2019/0540/F). Left, right and back extensions are within permitted development. Raising elevation requires planning application. Entrance to plot being moved further away from the difficult corner on Cake Street. Developers are flexible about keeping/closing original entrance but in dialogue with Highways about it. Expected Highways will require it closed. A turning circle will be within the land to allow cars to turn and exit properties forwards and not reverse onto road. In a 30mph zone, 43m of vision is required from the entrance. By moving entrance, they will have 45m. The properties are still a good distance from the boundaries and will be a greater distance than some are currently nearby. House is increasing in size by 85%.This application was supported by the council on the conditions it meets Highways requirements, particularly regarding the new entrance to the plot (6 in favour).
Planning decisions by Breckland Council. Land to the north of Fen Street. Erection of four detached dwellings (3PL/2019/0231/O). This has now been considered and the application has been approved.
Orchard House, Loss Wroo, Hargham Road. Demolish existing extensions and conservatory, erection of two-storey extension on south elevation, erection of boundary fences and entrance gates (3PL/2019/0445/HOU). This application has been considered and has been approved.
Items for Highway Rangers. Old Hall Farm Cottage corner on junction of Cake St/Harlingwood Lane: Hedge requires cutting back to the telegraph posts, Crown Rd/Grove Rd: hedge requires cutting back ,ditch alongside Cake Street, Hargham Road: 30mph sign with red paint on it needs cleaning and clear pathways around the green from overgrowing grass, etc.
Chairman’s Report. Wedding near the Ox and Plough recently was for a local couple. For any future weddings/events requiring a marquee on the Green, the Parish Council needs to be consulted and a fee paid for additional use of the Green. There are to be no cars on the Green. Only bikes for Two Wheel Tuesday are allowed. Lots of edges around the Green need strimming/tidying. The Village Handyman to have a day’s work tidying up around benches, war memorial, etc. However the Ox and Plough are responsible for maintenance around the parking bays.
Members of Working Parties. These were assigned.
Personnel Committee: Steve Milner, Ben Devlin, Gemma Frost.
Play Area Working Party: Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel, Steve Milner, Jonn Hicks, Kerry Talbot (R).
Recreation Area Working Party: Jonn Hicks, Andy Nicholls.
Road Safety Working Party: Steve Milner, Gemma Frost, Andy Nicholls, Mike Bartlett (resident), Trevor Crooke (resident), Lucy Womack (resident)
SNAP: Steve Milner.
Attleborough Development Partnership: Adrian Joel.
Old Buckenham Village Hall: Jonn Hicks.
Allotments: Adrian Joel, Gemma Frost.
OBPC website: Steve Milner, Rachel Noyes.
Old Buckenham Green Rights: Andy Nicholls.
Almshouses Trust: Ben Devlin.
Village Green Management Working Party: Gemma Frost, Andy Nicholls, Sarah Dye (OBGRP), Allison Frank (OBGRP), Terry Cracknell (Lord of Manor), John Fernihough (resident), Adrian Joel.
Eleemosynary Trust: Jonn Hicks.
Village Green Working Party. It was agreed to spend remaining grant money on bench bases around Ottomer Pond (6 in favour). The Ox and Plough have raised money for a bench for Alec Byrne. They need to consult with the Green Working Group about this.
Road Safety. Grant received of £1650 for an electronic speed display sign. In addition to a large donation, now have approximately £4000. Going to speak to Breckland about locations for sign.
Play Area. Playdale coming out to inspect and give a quote for a new bridge as other bridge parts showing signs of wear. Jonn Hicks and others will be relaying the path in the play area, sorting bases for the bins and replacing wood around chippings. Last inspection was in October and it is completed once a year.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that the Scouts have offered to clean the memorial. Donna Oakley said a van with the name “Culling Metal Scrap Dealers of Norwich” on it was seen emptying their rubbish into our bins. Couldn’t get vehicle registration or a photo but need to write a letter to them. Andy Nicholls felt there was a need to debate the proposed weather radar tower which could have a strong impact on the village visually. as well as nearby villagers. The chairman suggested waiting till the public have a chance to learn about it at the planned Public Consultation and then discussing it at the next Parish Council meeting when residents can attend and give their views. Steve Milner highlighted that that is what the planning system is for and when they submit their application, we could give Parish Council views then. The public event will be advertised with posters and Facebook posts in additional to the planned leaflet drop to ensure as many residents are informed as possible.
Allotments. There had been a request for two beehives at the allotments and the council approved this (5 for, 1 abstain). Allotment number 8 needs maintenance as it is not currently being worked on and weeds spreading to other allotments. Adrian Joel will speak to resident.
Items for next agenda. These would include the Action Log and the proposed weather radar.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 4 July at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 6 June in the Village Hall. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair), Steve Milner, Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel, Andy Nicholls and Gemma Frost. Also in attendance were Rachel Noyes (Parish Clerk) and Jim Trice (Met Office) as well as seven members of the public. Apologies for absence received from Ben Devlin. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 May were approved with an amendment that a property would count towards the quota despite being outside of the village boundary. Gemma Frost is still a Parish Councillor as the Notice of Vacancy has been cancelled by Breckland and therefore she does not need to be co-opted back in.
Presentation concerning proposed new weather radar. Jim Trice from the Met Office attended the meeting regarding the building of a new weather radar in the village. A report on his presentation was posted on this blog on Sunday 16 June.
Public participation. A parishioner asked if using boards on the Green might be a way of boosting numbers of the public attending parish council meetings. While there is the noticeboard at the shop, not everyone attends the shop or reads the board. Steve Milner will look at possible equipment to use. Another parishioner explained that, after proposing an alternative to leasing the Green at the Annual Parish Meeting, there has only been six days to ask for general views and so they requested that the lease extension was not signed at this meeting to allow more time to collect parishioners’ views.
Green management and signing of lease. The chairman explained that he had requested that the village survey be completed again and could use those results to judge whether to sign a lease extension. He had also calculated that the Green had cost each household in the village 9.3p per week last year (although it was pointed out that not all households pay Council Tax). Several councillors felt that there had been so much discussion in the past about signing the original Green lease that the extension should be signed now and that discussing having a lease at all would be starting the process all over again. They also felt the Parish Council needed security for spending money on the Green in the long term. It was proposed that the Green Lease Extension be signed at the meeting and this was agreed (5 in favour, 1 abstained).
Joint meeting with village hall management committee. This was arranged for Monday 24 June at 7.30pm at the Village Hall Memorial Room.
Declarations of interest. Andy Nicholls needs to complete a new declaration of interest form due to new business.
Financial matters. Balance in the community account was £45,262.14 and balance in premium account was £2,878.92. Letters of thanks had been received from the Village Hall management committee and the Monday Mardle for their precept grants. Payments approved totalled £1,590.95.
It was questioned why the parish council is paying £385 to lease the recreation area from the Village Hall, plus maintenance costs, when it is not used by anyone. The original lease will be consulted to see if there is a get out clause. The Village Hall could then use it how they wish, maybe extending the car park for which they could receive an income from school parking permits. Andy Nicholls highlighted that planning regulations would need to be consulted for any change of use.
Income received was £250 from the Ox and Plough and £500 from the Green Rights Proprietors.
The Asset register had been updated to include an Eco bar trailer for transporting mower to playground, etc, to cut grass and a strimmer and lawnmower added. The Asset register was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain). Donna Oakley and Adrian Joel will take the audit form to the Internal Auditor and, once signed, it will be sent to the External Auditor. This must be received by Monday 1 July, otherwise there are financial penalties.
Jonn Hicks wished to thank Donna Oakley for the excellent work tidying up the financial records of the Parish Council over the last year.
Planning applications. Crown Lane Cottage, Crown Road. First floor extension to existing single-storey annex and storage/workshop building (3PL/2019/0508/HOU). The dwelling will be quite far back from the road and is being built for son to live in. This was supported by the council (6 in favour).
9 The Old Yard, Hargham Road. Erection of office building with first floor two-bed residential accommodation - revised elevations from previous application (3PL/2019/0539/F). Will roughly be in place of original dwelling but with slightly lower elevation. Applying for moving some windows and a new balcony. This was supported by the council (6 in favour).
Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Demolish existing agricultural building and construct new residential dwelling (3PL/2019/0287/F). Amendment with additional contamination information and with Highways and tree information provided. This had been discussed last meeting Application was not supported (5 in favour of not supporting, 1 abstaining).
Eastview, Cake Street. Conversion of existing detached bungalow to two 3-bedroom semi detached houses, incorporating ground floor side and rear extensions with new roof to accommodate new first floors (3PL/2019/0540/F). Left, right and back extensions are within permitted development. Raising elevation requires planning application. Entrance to plot being moved further away from the difficult corner on Cake Street. Developers are flexible about keeping/closing original entrance but in dialogue with Highways about it. Expected Highways will require it closed. A turning circle will be within the land to allow cars to turn and exit properties forwards and not reverse onto road. In a 30mph zone, 43m of vision is required from the entrance. By moving entrance, they will have 45m. The properties are still a good distance from the boundaries and will be a greater distance than some are currently nearby. House is increasing in size by 85%.This application was supported by the council on the conditions it meets Highways requirements, particularly regarding the new entrance to the plot (6 in favour).
Planning decisions by Breckland Council. Land to the north of Fen Street. Erection of four detached dwellings (3PL/2019/0231/O). This has now been considered and the application has been approved.
Orchard House, Loss Wroo, Hargham Road. Demolish existing extensions and conservatory, erection of two-storey extension on south elevation, erection of boundary fences and entrance gates (3PL/2019/0445/HOU). This application has been considered and has been approved.
Items for Highway Rangers. Old Hall Farm Cottage corner on junction of Cake St/Harlingwood Lane: Hedge requires cutting back to the telegraph posts, Crown Rd/Grove Rd: hedge requires cutting back ,ditch alongside Cake Street, Hargham Road: 30mph sign with red paint on it needs cleaning and clear pathways around the green from overgrowing grass, etc.
Chairman’s Report. Wedding near the Ox and Plough recently was for a local couple. For any future weddings/events requiring a marquee on the Green, the Parish Council needs to be consulted and a fee paid for additional use of the Green. There are to be no cars on the Green. Only bikes for Two Wheel Tuesday are allowed. Lots of edges around the Green need strimming/tidying. The Village Handyman to have a day’s work tidying up around benches, war memorial, etc. However the Ox and Plough are responsible for maintenance around the parking bays.
Members of Working Parties. These were assigned.
Personnel Committee: Steve Milner, Ben Devlin, Gemma Frost.
Play Area Working Party: Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel, Steve Milner, Jonn Hicks, Kerry Talbot (R).
Recreation Area Working Party: Jonn Hicks, Andy Nicholls.
Road Safety Working Party: Steve Milner, Gemma Frost, Andy Nicholls, Mike Bartlett (resident), Trevor Crooke (resident), Lucy Womack (resident)
SNAP: Steve Milner.
Attleborough Development Partnership: Adrian Joel.
Old Buckenham Village Hall: Jonn Hicks.
Allotments: Adrian Joel, Gemma Frost.
OBPC website: Steve Milner, Rachel Noyes.
Old Buckenham Green Rights: Andy Nicholls.
Almshouses Trust: Ben Devlin.
Village Green Management Working Party: Gemma Frost, Andy Nicholls, Sarah Dye (OBGRP), Allison Frank (OBGRP), Terry Cracknell (Lord of Manor), John Fernihough (resident), Adrian Joel.
Eleemosynary Trust: Jonn Hicks.
Village Green Working Party. It was agreed to spend remaining grant money on bench bases around Ottomer Pond (6 in favour). The Ox and Plough have raised money for a bench for Alec Byrne. They need to consult with the Green Working Group about this.
Road Safety. Grant received of £1650 for an electronic speed display sign. In addition to a large donation, now have approximately £4000. Going to speak to Breckland about locations for sign.
Play Area. Playdale coming out to inspect and give a quote for a new bridge as other bridge parts showing signs of wear. Jonn Hicks and others will be relaying the path in the play area, sorting bases for the bins and replacing wood around chippings. Last inspection was in October and it is completed once a year.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that the Scouts have offered to clean the memorial. Donna Oakley said a van with the name “Culling Metal Scrap Dealers of Norwich” on it was seen emptying their rubbish into our bins. Couldn’t get vehicle registration or a photo but need to write a letter to them. Andy Nicholls felt there was a need to debate the proposed weather radar tower which could have a strong impact on the village visually. as well as nearby villagers. The chairman suggested waiting till the public have a chance to learn about it at the planned Public Consultation and then discussing it at the next Parish Council meeting when residents can attend and give their views. Steve Milner highlighted that that is what the planning system is for and when they submit their application, we could give Parish Council views then. The public event will be advertised with posters and Facebook posts in additional to the planned leaflet drop to ensure as many residents are informed as possible.
Allotments. There had been a request for two beehives at the allotments and the council approved this (5 for, 1 abstain). Allotment number 8 needs maintenance as it is not currently being worked on and weeds spreading to other allotments. Adrian Joel will speak to resident.
Items for next agenda. These would include the Action Log and the proposed weather radar.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 4 July at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.
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