Sunday, 9 June 2019

Great day for a run in Old Buckenham

How the morning went by
The blog editor was out and about with his camera today trying to record some of the more unusual images of the 10k race that took place to raise money towards repairs to the Old Buckenham windmill.
Here is a sort of essay of captioned pictures to try to capture the successful and cheerful time that was had by all. It is expected that the event will have raised around £3000.

People queuing to get into the village hall...
...just to sign on and get their paperwork.
Then to find somewhere to fill in their details... triplicate?
Waiting for the start...
...while the mobile tv equipment is delicately adjusted.
The wheelchair entrant starts off first...
...while everyone else gets ready for the 'off''.
The race begins...
...with nearly 300 others taking it slightly slower.
Time to get the bottles of water out... the runners started to return.
All the runners were cheered home...
... including a first time runner amazed at what he had achieved.
Then a relaxing walk back to the village hall...
... to queue for homemade cakes.
Some of the many helpers enjoyed some cake too...
...while the winning runners collected their medals.
Overall a great day out that the village should be proud of. It is intended to have another run in 2020 so make sure you are part of it.
You can click on the individual images to see them at a larger size.

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