Thursday 31 July 2014

See plans for proposed Old Buckenham school

Look, read, think and comment
Here are some of the points that have so far been raised concerning the Chapel Road School relocation (planning application y/3/2014/3006).
  • The proposed development falls outside the present village boundary. The justification given for this being that it is a sustainable development and that no other options were available. With respect to the former, it can hardly be described as sustainable as it is totally dependant on cars and minibuses as there is little to no public transport in the area. The latter comment is not substantiated with details of approaches made to land owners.
  • One reason for siting the building at this location is integration with mainstream schools. No details of integration, already happening or planned, is given to justify this statement.
  • The Design and Access statement states that public access to the Multi Use Games Area (muga) and other facilities could be through the village hall boundary. The Village Hall has made it clear that this is not an option because of an already oversubscribed car park.
  • The Transport statement describes that there is unlikely to be an increase in traffic travelling through Old Buckenham. With up to 80 teachers arriving and a total of 38 minibus movements in and out, with around 50% going through the village, there is a significant traffic increase especially considering these movements will already be concentrated into a busy time
  • The Transport Statement also shows no safety measures where the proposed new access road joins the B1077 - at a point where cars could be travelling at 60mph. The document describes an 85th percentile speed of 35mph using the moving observer method but sample sizes have not been disclosed. Independent measurements reveal a 42mph 85th percentile speed (this was determined by timing vehicles over a known distance with a sample size of 50). With a 42mph 85th percentile speed this requires a 120m vision splay. On the south side only a 90m splay has been recommended.
  • Insufficient parking spaces have been provided for staff when pupil numbers reach target. A target of an 11% reduction in single occupancy journeys has been set, with no plans on how this will be achieved or what sanctions will be applied if target is not achieved.
  • The design of the building is not in keeping with other buildings in the neighbourhood.
  • In the community consultation that occurred in June there was strong concern expressed about inadequate infrastructure and the increase in traffic at times that the roads of Old Buckenham are already congested.
  • Old Buckenham does not have public street lights and, most importantly, does not want them. The proposed development has significant external lighting The application does not describe switch off times to limit light pollution.
  • The proposed kitchen garden area is not in a good position in that light from the south side will be shielded by the building.
Remember there is an opportunity to see all the detailed plans in the Memorial Room at the Village Hall tonight between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.
If you cannot get there then the following is the web address that should take you directly to the application where you can look through everything and leave your comments.
Make sure your voice is heard, don’t just leave it to others.

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