Wednesday 9 July 2014

Public recess discussions at July meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council

Concerns of local residents
 These notes have been written by the blog editor from information supplied by the parish clerk.
A resident asked for an update on the question of parking on the Green at the play area. Carol Marshall informed the meeting that a working party had been set up and they were getting prices for digging up existing parking areas and replacing them. An alternative was to put hardcore down and to replace the posts. Sarah Dye said that the Green Right Proprietors could not agree to hardcore. Tim Ing explained that two options were available, either replace the whole area or replace with a concrete base but he did not think either solution would suit all parties. The meeting was informed that the Ox and Plough public house would be willing to contribute towards the costs. It was agreed that Steve Milner and Carol Marshall would meet with local residents.

The question of bikers meeting at the public house ('Two wheel Tuesdays') was also raised as they meet every Tuesday and up to 135 bikers have turned up. They make a considerable noise when leaving which was upsetting to residents nearby and their animals. They are having a meeting with the police and asked for the support of the Parish Council on the matter. Another resident said there needs to be a balance between the needs of both bikers and the residents. Steve Milner agreed to attend the meeting with the police.

A resident raised the matter of the missing gate at the play area and thought the play area was unsafe without the gate. Another resident raised the matter of street cleaning vehicles damaging the road surface when carrying out cleaning. A resident raised the matter of Chapel Road School and said residents are unhappy with the planning application and also that Norfolk County Council are unwilling to attend meetings on the application. A traffic survey on the road outside the proposed new school is due to be completed in mid-July. The question of extra traffic on Hargham Road because of the new school was raised. One resident said that proposed access to the new school is not suitable and also that the drawings presented by NCC at the recent village meetings were not helpful, raising questions over traffic volumes on the road outside the school when it opens. A resident raised the question of the parish council's new Grievance and Disciplinary code which he thought was too involved and complicated. A further resident raised the matter of parking in the Village Hall car park. Steve Milner replied that the Village Hall working party was looking at possible solutions and some trials of these possibilities will be looked at. A resident raised the matter of the traffic management information received. Steve Milner said that a transport statement had been received and would come out with the planning application for the new school. The Parish Council were asked if they would challenge the application and Steve Milner replied that he would be submitting comments to NCC on the concerns of the village regarding the perimeter road but he wants a meeting with NCC. One person who is a school governor of the Chapel Road School as well as a local resident had met recently with Steve Milner regarding the issues of the new school. The Parish Council was asked to contact MP George Freeman and seek his help on the question of new school.


Anonymous said...

Reading the Old Buckenham blog I feel it is unfortunate and disappointing that local a few local residents seem determined to inhibit and prevent local business, ie the Ox and Plough developing trade whilst encouraging people to visit the village.
Any visitors no matter what their mode of transport, should it be motorised, peddle power, by foot or horse should be welcomed.
The two wheel Tuesday event is once a week for a few short summer months which the majority enjoy which include a high number of non bikers, but as usual in todays society the minority want to spoil for their own reasons. There are serious issues that need addressing, ie the speeding through the village this would be a better use of police resources, not two wheeled Tuesday.

Steve Milner said...

To respond
Two wheel tuesday is enjoyed by many and is an important part of maintaining a thriving community public house. However the popularity is causing problems for some residents. The meeting with with the police helped identify issues along with actions to improve the situation. This in my opinion was a great use of police time as it calmed everything down and identified ways that the landlord can ensure that the events and local residents can co exist. He has already been pro active in making improvements and welcomed the additional points. Long live the village pub and hats off to the boys in blue,