Saturday 6 April 2013

Old Buckenham Parish Council

April Parish Council meeting
These notes were prepared by the blog editor from the draft minutes and may contain information that is amended at a future meeting.

All councillors were present apart from Jonathan Kemp who had sent his apologies. Two members of Norfolk Constabulary and two members of the public also attended.
There was a public recess with the meeting suspended to allow members of the public and Norfolk Constabulary to speak.

Minutes of March Parish Council. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Derek Smalley said the Norfolk Rural Community Council had increased the subscription to the Oil Buying Scheme from £15 to £20 per year.
Planning applications. None
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Land off Fen Street. Outline application for five houses. Permission refused.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing reported that the allotment water supply had been turned back on. He then referred to the Annual Parish Meeting which he thought was very positive and that it seemed all parties wanted to work together. Following the successful Jubilee celebrations he wondered if the village could hold an event every two to three years to bring the village together. It was suggested that councillors think about it and put forward suggestions in the future. On the recent road flooding in Cake Street and at Manor Corner the meeting was informed that the problem at Manor Corner was caused by the pond being full as the ditch which ran out surface water emptied into the pond and said the pond needs to be cleared out. The recent surface water in Cake Street was due to a cracked pipe which Norfolk County Council Highways would be repairing in the near future. He said that he had spent £45 on pins to deal with the matting at the play area parking site. Tim Ing said he had spoken to Ron Brewer about putting important telephone numbers in the newsletter for residents. He reported that he and Adrian Joel had attended the recent public enquiry at Attleborough Town Hall into the Shrublands development and a decision will be made within the next six to eight weeks. Steve Milner raised the question of a Neighbourhood Plan. Tim Ing said this needed to be discussed at a separate meeting involving residents and the item would be put on the May agenda.
District Councillor’s report. Breckland’s Switch & Save campaign is going well with over 7,000 households signed up registering their interest. Breckland Council have written to all owners of empty homes in the district to encourage them back into use. In Old Buckenham there is one empty property and two under probate. He then said that the percentage of properties in Old Buckenham in the various tax bands were A to C 52% and A to D 71% with a total of 555 properties in the parish. Breckland’s Transport Plan for Attleborough should be completed by the end of May. This will include the effect of increased traffic levels through Old Buckenham.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said he recently attended the AGM of the Village Hall and they have elected three new trustees. An election would be held at their first meeting for various committee positions including that of chairman. Sarah Dye said the damaged swing at the play area had been repaired. Akis Chrisovelides said he had given some posters to the High School for display for the proposed Youth Council inviting young people to the next meeting. Adrian Joel reported that one allotment was still available for rent and had been widely advertised. Carol Marshall said repairs to the Recreation Area fence had been done and the goal posts had been moved to allow construction of the BMX track. The Recreation Area had failed to get a grant from the Norfolk Foundation.
Highways. There is a large pothole in Stacksford Road and the road surface on the B1077 at Slough Lane was very poor. The Parish Clerk is to inform Highways.
The Green. The old hay bales are being moved but they are very wet from recent bad weather and they may need to be left until they have dried out.

The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 2 May in the Church Rooms commencing at 7.30pm.

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