Sunday 4 November 2012

Latest Old Buckenham PC minutes

Parish Council November meeting
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

There was just one member of the public at the November meeting of the Old Buckenham Parish Council. Two councillors, Tom Johnson and Jonathan Kemp, had sent apologies for not being able to attend.
The meeting was suspended to allow the member of the public to ask questions and then resumed afterwards.
Minutes of last meeting. The minutes of the October Parish Council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Precept meeting minutes. The minutes of the Precept meeting held on Wednesday 24 October were also signed as a true and accurate record of that meeting..
Matters arising from the minutes. Carol Marshall said that Mike Bartlett of the Village Hall had raised the question of why the Parish Council had not precepted for a contingency amount for future resurfacing of the village hall car park. The Parish Clerk said that it would be wrong for the Parish Council to precept for something that was not their responsibility. If the Village Hall wanted assistance with present and future resurfacing costs they would have to make a grant application on that basis. Adrian Joel asked why All Saints Church did not get the full amount of the grant that they requested. Tim Ing replied that not all people got what they wanted and the Parish Council had to be mindful of what they spent each year through the precept.
Allotments. Adrian Joel said that the Old Buckenham Allotment Society (OBAS) had held its AGM and elected a new Chairman, Steve Hicks. Adrian Joel had a meeting with him the day after he was elected and thought it was a good positive meeting. He then circulated photographs of the allotments from different views. Derek Smalley said he thought that hedges were not required as the view of the allotments is acceptable. Adrian Joel also agreed that there should be no shrubs or hedge planted along the path alongside the allotments. The Parish Clerk is to contact OBAS informing them of the decision.
Review of Financial Regulations. It was proposed by Akis Chrisovelides and seconded by Carol Marshall that the new amended Financial Regulations be adopted by the Parish Council. This was agreed unanimously.
Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Clerk gave details of an email received regarding a Neighbourhood Plan for the village. The Parish Clerk then read out a letter from David Spencer of Breckland Council giving details of his thoughts on the idea and promoting an alternative way forward. Adrian Joel felt that Breckland’s Local Plan would be a better way forward than a Neighbourhood Plan and that David Spencer should be invited to the Annual Parish Meeting when the idea could be discussed in more detail. The Parish Clerk is to write to Tim Bornett on the matter.
Planning applications. College Barn, Cake Street. Extension to provide new family room. It was agreed there were no objections, (8 for and 1 abstention).
Roughlands, Grove Road. Proposed extension to existing stables to accommodate six new stables, tack room and tea room. The Parish Council had no objections as long as it is for personal use and not any kind of business use (agreed with 4 for and 5 abstaining).
Roughlands, Grove Road. Erection of manege and horse walker. No objections from the Parish Council but no lighting to be installed, must only be used for personal use and no kind of business purpose. It must also be located precisely as shown on the application with additional screening between the applicants’ premises and Woods End at the western end of applicant’s property. This was agreed with 5 for and 4 abstentions.
43 Fen Street. Erection of conservatory. No objections, agreed with 6 for and 3 abstentions.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. None
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing had attended a meeting of the Breckland Planning Committee with Adrian Joel regarding the proposed development at Shrublands. The District Valuer had looked at the proposal to see if the development was viable in its present form. Breckland Council passed it with a vote of 6 for and 5 against even after Tim Ing had spoken against it. The application was now going to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration as the application was out of normal planning time limits. There was a section 106 payment of £248,000 and a recreational payment of £19,000. If the Inspector says it was out of time then a new application would have to be submitted. Grit bins have been installed alongside the B1077 near Prince Harry’s Wood and also one at Oaklands. The water at the allotments had been turned off for the winter months. The Play Area parking space would have sand put down by Tim Ing and if this proved unsuccessful then matting would have to be considered.
District Councillor’s report. Breckland Council had recently held meetings throughout the area to seek residents’ priorities in terms of the services they value the most as Breckland looks to save money. Results showed that community safety and CCTV along with clean streets was top of the list whilst bottom came arts, sport development and the Breckland Council magazine Breckland Voice. Views were also asked regarding the possible raising of council tax. Most people wanted an increase to the maximum, currently 3.2%, whilst the least people wanted to see was council tax staying the same. Charging for car parking in the district was also covered - 51% wanted to keep parking free whilst 41% wanted charges introduced with the first 1 or 2 hours free. Breckland are also looking to join up with South Holland Council to bulk purchase power. Both councils will provide a list of residents who are interested and prepared to switch their supplier if a lower price can be obtained. More details on the scheme will be on Breckland Council’s website and in the Breckland Voice magazine.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Paul Boggia asked that the question of street lights in the village be put on the December agenda. Carol Marshall said the Village Environment and Recycling Group are having a table sale on Sunday 2 December at the Village Hall starting at 10am. The Recreation Area working party is trying to get three quotes for the car parking and BMX track. Derek Smalley said the oil buying group will continue until March 2013 and its future will be decided then. He also attended a SNAT meeting in October. He gave details of accidents reported to police in Old Buckenham in last five years which totalled 21. Derek Smalley will be ordering bin speeding signs for the village with any surplus being sold to other villages. Steve Milner said the Community Speedwatch Group will have their training on Tuesday 27 November and then speed checks will start operating in the village soon after this. The Village Emergency Plan will come before the Parish Council in December for adoption. Adrian Joel said that Breckland Council have emergency packs available for the Parish Council, designed for elderly people in emergencies. He will obtain some for the Parish Council. Akis Chrisovelides said that he would write to interested youngsters informing them they could meet with parish councillors before any Parish Council Meeting.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk said that the Localism Act and the new Code of Conduct had thrown up a problem with councillors being able to vote on precept matters if they lived in the village. The Clerk had raised the matter with NALC to seek their approval of a course of action that he intended taking to remedy the situation - the Clerk to give dispensation to all councillors after receiving a written request for dispensation. This matter is to be discussed at the December meeting. The Parish Clerk reported he would not be available to attend the January parish council meeting.
Highways. Adrian Joel said that the 30mph signs on the B1077 coming into the village from Attleborough needed to be moved further towards Attleborough. The Parish Clerk to contact Highways on the matter. It was also reported that road signs had been left in village following the resurfacing work and Parish Clerk is to arrange for their removal.
The Green. Nothing to report.
The next meeting Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 December in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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