Monday, 7 November 2011

Lighting improvements nearer to reality

Village Hall news
At the November meeting of the village hall committee Sarah Dye was warmly welcomed. She proceeded to outline the possibilities of gift aiding some of the money which comes into the village hall coffers. Most of it is not able to be gift aided but some of it could be and this could provide a welcome extra small income for the hall. Sarah offered to be the gift aid co-coordinator for the hall and is going to acquire the appropriate forms from the Inland Revenue.
The Treasurer was pleased to report that the Norfolk Foundation had granted £1500 towards the new stage lighting project and Richard Crawley also reported that Breckland Council had also given a grant. This means the work to upgrade the lighting will commence early next year after the Old Buckenham Player’s pantomime.
The barn dance, which should have been held in October, had been cancelled bcause of a lack of support. The committee felt that it seemed to be an uphill struggle to come up with ideas which people would support. Anyone with ideas on what people want nowadays would be most welcome to share their ideas with the hall committee. The next fund raisers will be a quiz in March and the Garden Event in April and, of course, the Ivor Novello evening which is on Saturday 19 November (full details are given in the post on Friday 7 October).

Everyone is reminded that the village hall is available for hire from £6 per hour upwards, dependant on time of day and type of function.
At the November crib drive at the hall the winners were Joyce Goodey, Bill Cheesely, Alan Staniforth, Iris Lancaster and Muriel Large. The numbers club winners drawn at the crib drive means that £10 each goes to Bev McAnulty and the Allens with the £5 prizes being won by Bev Giles, Malcolm Wade, Gerald Norton, Jean Garwood and Berta Scott. The renewal date for the numbers club is Sunday 1 January and the committee hope that all existing members will carry on their subscriptions. There are several numbers which now have no owner so new members will be welcome. Any enquiries about the numbers club or hire of the hall can be directed to Jill on 860551.

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