Friday 9 August 2024

Lively meeting in Old Buckenham

 Active Parish Council

Last night's Parish Council was rather unusual. The car park of the Methodist Chapel was overflowing, all the parish councillors were there and the number of the public in the audience was just over thirty (there are usually only two or three). The subject of interest was Two Wheel Tuesday which happens outside of one of Old Buckenham's pubs during the summer months and attracts hundreds of motor cyclists and their machines to park on the village Green.

The subject of TWT as it is known had aroused a lot of comment on the Old Buckenham Facebook page during the last week. These comments ranged from how good TWT was for the village and the pub, the problems caused by the parked cars of those coming to see the bikes and  the speeding and noise of some bikers going through neighbouring villages.

We will have to wait for the minutes of this parish council meeting to see whether anything was resolved...

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