Thursday 25 July 2024

Latest Old Buckenham minutes

Parish Council deliberations in July

The following notes were written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met at 7.30pm on Thursday 4 July at Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel. Those present were councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Lesley Evison, Pete Twissell, Stan Burton and Ali McWilliam. David Taylor arrived at 9.30pm. Apologies had been received from Doug Irons and Steve Gowers. Also in attendance were Jonn Hicks (Clerk) and four members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 June were approved (5 in favour 2 abstain). 

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £21,388.39. Payments of £528.45 were approved (5 in favour) which consisted of Community car drivers £153,30, grass cutting £150 and Parish Clerk salary £225.15.

Councillors’ reports. Naomi Bailey reported that she had numerous complaints from various residents because of the volume of cars parked around the Green during the recent TWT event. David Tranmer of the Ox and Plough was invited to attend this meeting but sent message to say he was unable to attend but also asked for payment for the event to be held off for a couple of weeks due to the recent poor weather. This was rejected by the Parish Council and so the Clerk will speak to him and insist on payment. Clerk reported that he has delivery coming for the cones and barriers and will erect them on the next TWT if the weather is ok for the event to go ahead.

The Clerk also has taken delivery of the new batteries for the SAM sign and will deliver them to Steve Gowers. Pete Twissell told the Parish Council that the damage on the Green caused by TWT has begun but thinks this should be put on hold until this year’s events have ceased. The Parish Council all agreed but insisted that this must be done in November.

Naomi Bailey said that she had a phone call from a resident asking to fell a tree on his land. The Clerk informed her that she must tell the resident to speak to the Breckland Tree officer as this tree will have a Tree Protection Order attached and therefore requires permission from them before any works can be carried out.

Ali McWilliam had called an allotment holders meeting but only three turned up so will try again. Also reports that there is a small parking issue at the allotments but holders will strim and cut grass to relieve problem. Lesley Evison said that a couple of branches will be removed from tree by the High School due to them blocking the footpath and a couple of residents having problems using it on mobility scooters. Stan Burton has looked at Ottomer Pond for the overflow pipe again but the water level is still too high to find it

Action Log update. None 

Planning updates. 48 Fen Street. Proposed removal of rear conservatory, rear single storey extension & porch. Conversion of attached garage. Proposed rear extension, and re-building porch (3PL/2024/0525/HOU). There were no objections from the Parish Council (5 in favour),

The Kenyons, The Green. Front Garden Wall (3PL/2024/0499/LU). There was a lack of information on this application and it was not supported (4 in favour, 1 abstain). It now appears to have been withdrawn.

Saturday Surgery. A couple of residents attended and pointed out the footpath on Raggs Lane was very overgrown. Lesley Evison will walk it and inspect and then report to the Clerk. The Clerk will then speak to Breckland to find out when the Rangers are next in village and will ask them to tidy.

Other business. Naomi Bailey said that a few residents had complained on social media that the Annual Parish Meeting was not advertised. The Clerk pointed out that it was in the village newsletter editorial and was also included in the diary dates. Ali McWilliam pointed out that all personnel must be aware of what is posted on social media and to think before posting or commenting on posts. The Clerk said that the post she refers to was on a personal page and that if it is copied and pasted to another page it's often taken out of context. 

The next Parish Council meeting will on Thursday 8 August at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Meeting venue now changed to Methodist Chapel

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