Wednesday 15 November 2023

Old Buckenham Parish Council

 Latest set of minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 2 November at Old Buckenham Methodist Church. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Ali McWilliam, Doug Irons,  Pete Twissell, Paul Phillips, Stan Burton and Steve Gowers. Apologies for non attendance had been received from Lesley Evison and David Taylor. Also attending were Jonn Hicks (Clerk) and four members of the public.

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 October were approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £28,264.44. Payments totalling £1408.25 were approved (7 in favour). These included grass cutting, work on the flagpole and hire of the village hall for meetings.

Reports from councillors. Stan Burton has collected the trailer and has it stored in his grain store awaiting its sale. Looking for a minimum of £800. Pete Twissell has spoken with all schools regarding hedge planting around the recreation ground. All schools are willing to take part and he is awaiting delivery from the Woodland Trust and will then liaise with all parties. Ali McWilliam has had two more allotment applications and the Clerk to send invoices. Doug Irons is awaiting update for the new website. Steve Gowers has moved the SAM sign to Cake Street and is still looking for volunteers for the Community Speedwatch. He will contact Westcot regarding training for the SAM sign to enable the downloading of the information stored on it to recommence.

Green report. Ali McWinter attended the Green meeting. Green Right holders to contribute £1000 towards the tree maintenance work that needs to be undertaken before the spring. The final cut of the Green has been postponed due to the wet weather. The area behind the bus shelter needs tidying and Matt Harrowven from the coffee shop has offered his help. The grass around the trees by the Hovis House needs cutting but will need a small tractor and a flail machine due to the brambles, Naomi Bailey to speak to one of her clients to see if we can borrow a machine. Pot holes in the drive way by the Gamekeeper need urgent attention. Next Green meeting will be on Wednesday 24 January 2024.

New planning applications. Cricket Field, Old Buckenham Cricket Club. Internal changes to pavilion (larger bar area) and re-siting of traditional clock within a new dormer area (front elevation) (3PL/2023/1023/F). Approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).

Planning decision by Breckland Council. The following application has been considered and has been approved. Stacksford House Farm, Stacksford. Proposed single storey side and link extensions (3PL/2023/0910/HOU).

The following application has been withdrawn: Cricket Field, Old Buckenham Cricket Club. Internal changes to pavilion (larger bar area) and re-siting of traditional clock within a new dormer area (front elevation) (3PL/2023/0960/LU).

Open Spaces Society. Agreed to not take part as of no obvious benefit to the village.

Christmas tree on Green. The Christmas tree lights ‘switch on’ will be Sunday 10 December with the tree being erected on Saturday 2 December. Agreed to ask Richard Bunn to provide new cables and sockets with £500 allocated for task. Will place a bucket in the village shop for parents to put children’s names in and a name picked from the bucket on the day will perform the switch on.

Parish Partnership Scheme. Steve Askew to chase the Parish Partnership regarding flooding issues within the village.

Remembrance Day. The Clerk will lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council and Ali McWilliam to perform the roll call of the fallen.

Parish Council representatives. Doug Irons has the key to the new flagpole and will look after its use.

Public participation. Nothing from the public.

Items for next agenda. These will include the Precept, playground repairs, Green cutting, Green issues update and footpath from Village Hall to Chapel Green School.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 7 December at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

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