Friday 22 September 2023

Parish Council in Old Buckenham

 Notes on September minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Ali McWilliam, Doug Irons, David Taylor, Lesley Evison and Pete Twissell. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), District and County Councillor Steve Askew and eight members of the public. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Paul Phillips and Steve Gowers.

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 August were approved (4 in favour, 1 abstain).

Declarations of interests. Ali McWilliam is paid for gigs at the Ox and Plough.

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £22,130.05. Payments for approval totalled £4,506.93 and included £325.80 to the community car drivers, £250 to the village handyman, £1,657.45 for the new flagpole, £248 for the skip at the allotments, £600 for mowing the Green and £800 for clearing work at the allotments. The payment of these was approved (5 in favour).

Reports from councillors. Pete Twissell had attended the Village Hall management meeting and was reminded that the Parish Council was going to enter a team in the village quiz. There had been a query about the organisation of a future Village Fete. The Clerk was asked to enquire with their insurance company about whether the Parish Council insurance would cover such event rather than the individual organising it.

Ali McWilliam reported that the skip at the allotments was now filled with rubbish and the Clerk was asked to arrange its return. Her meeting with allotment holders had organised an Open day on Sunday17 September. Three half plots have been marked out ready for use and will be offered to locals. The future of the site will be re-evaluated in March depending on uptake of empty allotment plots. Present allotment holders are feeling frustrated about vandalism at allotments and the Clerk is to put article on Facebook. She had also had complaints from residents about speed of cars on Hargham Road, especially during school hours. Steve Gower has taken over road safety, including the SAM sign. He is to move the SAM sign from Hargham Road and regularly rotate around village locations. Option to buy more brackets to allow more locations around the village where sign can be fitted. Ali McWilliam also thanked resident Brian Fiddy and all other residents who came in to village after seeing the recent accident at Puddledock and returned to village to help direct and warn other drivers.

Naomi Bailey had spoken to a farmer about a potential burial site. She will create a document with all costings. Also has received a letter with Notice to Close the Churchyard. Suggestion was made to take the letter to solicitor or NALC to confirm what letter says before it being signed. The Clerk will arrange this. There have been further complaints about staff from schools parking on Abbey road and Sunnyside Track. Ali McWilliam, Naomi Bailey and Doug Irons are to arrange meeting about parking around village.

Rachel Noyes  reported that the road surface had been repaired by Manor Pond. Also the flagpole had been delivered and is to be installed before Remembrance Service in November. One of the Jubilee trees has died and a replacement will be reordered. She had been contacted about a car that had been left on the Green for many weeks. Put a request for information on social media and the car had been removed that evening. The defibrillators have been checked and will need to order some new pads for one of them.

Planning application 3PL/2022/0433/F was due to be heard at Planning Committee but has been postponed. There will be a Local Plan preview for Parish Councils and Naomi Bailey to attend. The Parish Council had been contacted by the Woodland Trust regarding an Afforestation Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) within the parish requesting feedback.

Steve Askew said that the Breckland Mobile Food Store: will be adding Old Bucenham to its route. The Clerk confirmed that the Village Hall has been contacted as an option but are currently working out logistics. He has requested an update on the possible Manor Corner crossing and will pass on once received. Overgrown hedges blocking footways and sightlines are causing multiple problems for residents and farmers around the village. If residents do not take action then Breckland Council may cut them and charge the owners.

The Green to receive a final cut end of September/early October. Update requested on pond maintenance plan and various vegetation maintenance mentioned at last Green Working Party meeting. Resident Stan Burton attended meeting at Chair’s request to help pass on information regarding the history of the Classification of the Green. His records showed that Old Buckenham Green is Common Land but this does not mean the land is necessarily a Common. As part of the Commons Registration Act 1965, all common land (which includes Greens) had to be registered with the Council, plus all rights over the land. Town or Village Green is classified as land that has been allotted for the exercise or recreation of the inhabitants or that residents have a right to indulge in lawful sports or pastimes, or that residents have indulged in these pastimes for no less than 20 years. During a court hearing regarding ownership of the Green, a judge declared the Green ownership is vested in Public Trustee. The Clerk to research paperwork to provide evidence of information.

A resident has enquired about the potholes outside the Gamekeeper. Doug Irons explained that he is in discussion with current landowner (who has changed over the last year) who is disputing that all damage is caused by customers and that residents from Post Office Terrace are also responsible.

Action Log. Flagpole has been delivered and will be installed soon. The Lesley Evison to liaise with Peter Twissell to arrange delivery of Parish Council trailer for inspection.

New planning applications. None.

Amended applications. St Marys Chapel, Castle Hill Road. Amendment to 3PL/2022/0997/LB - Change planned kitchen to two bedrooms & leave existing kitchen as is. Move one bathroom in converted sheds to the East of planned bedroom. New windows in elevation to the West. Change from Glass wall to windows on East Elevation. Grey Zinc Monopitch Roof to Extension (3PL/2023/0775/LB).

The Old School/Church Rooms, Crown Road. Proposed use of Church Rooms to include Class E (bookshop / cafe and sale of related merchandise (3PL/2023/0398/F and 3PL/2023/0399/A). Supporting documents now included.

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have been considered and have been approved: St Marys Chapel, Castle Hill Road. Amendment to 3PL/2022/0997/LB Change planned kitchen to two bedrooms & leave existing kitchen as is. Move one bathroom in converted sheds to the East of planned bedroom. New windows in elevation to the West. Change from Glass wall to windows on East Elevation. Grey Zinc Monopitch Roof to Extension (3PL/2023/0775/LB).

West View Farm, The Green. Convert the existing barn into one dwelling to include the demolition of adjoining existing hen house and erection of side extension and the creation of a new access (3PL/2020/1500/F).

Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Erection of 8 no. holiday  lodges  (3PL/2023/0076/F).

Planning appeals. None

An application has been submitted for an Operator’s License at a property on Fen Street. The Parish Council have not been notified directly but have been informed by residents. A member of the public requested that the Parish Council discuss the matter and submit feedback. Councillors felt that the road is too small for heavy goods vehicles to use regularly and a proposal to object was approved (6 in favour).

Hedge planting. Application made for free hedges from the Woodland Trust. These are to form a hedge between Village Hall car park and Recreation Ground. Application was successful and saplings to be delivered in November. Pete Twissell to look at getting schools involved in the planting.

Newsletter paper. A quote of £672 for 120 reams of paper for the Village Newsletter has been received. Proposal to approve was agreed (6 in favour)

Clerk and RFO position. The RFO handed in her notice last month and will finish at the end of October. The Clerk has also handed in her notice and will finish at the same time to allow jobs to potentially be advertised for one person. Proposal to advertise job for up to 25 hours a month, starting on points 20-21 of pay scale was approved (6 in favour). Ali Mc William thanked the Clerk, Rachel Noyes, for her hard work and wished her good luck with new post.

Trailer and equipment. Pete Twissell had not received contact details for collecting trailer and equipment. Will liaise with Lesley Evison to collect and inspect to establish condition and value of goods. Will then potentially look at selling the equipment as is no longer required.

Public participation. Sorry to see Rachel Noyes going as she has been an asset to the Parish Council. Hope that the Parish Council are able to find a good replacement Clerk and RFO. Felt that both had done a great job and Jonnathan Hicks said he was proud to appoint them when Chairman of the Parish Council.

There were concerns about how new approved property on West View Farm would be accessed around a listed building. Application states that wall which would be knocked is not listed despite previous claims it was listed and needed to be rebuilt by previous owner.

Items for next agenda. These would include insurance for potential village fete and update on Parish Council website.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 5 October at 7.30pm at location which will be announced.

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