What the council have been up to
These notes are written by the blog editor and based on the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 7 July 2022
at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Steve Milner (Chair),
Adrian Joel, Terry Cook, Doug Irons and Mike Farrington. Apologies had been
received from Naomi Bailey and Andy Nicholls. Also attending were Rachel Noyes
(Clerk), Steve Askew (Breckland and County Councillor) and six members of the public.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 May were
approved (3 in favour, 2 abstain).
Financial matters. The Community account balance was £32,320.37. This included Old Buckenham 2000 Trust donation for mugs of £600 and £335 from the selling of mugs. Cheques paid out in June totalled £1859.61 and included £78.15 on community cars, £100 on cutting the grass in the recreation area and £696.80 on the council’s annual insurance. In July payments totalled £2273.15 including a further £185.65 on community cars, £600 on cutting the grass on the Green, a further £100 on cutting the grass in the recreation area and £758 for repairs to the recreation area fencing and work in the play area. Approval to pay these was approved (5 in favour).
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) forms
sent to external auditors and displayed on website. Bank mandate forms sent to
Barclays in order to add Registered Finance Officer (RFO) and Clerk to the
account. Have also ensured that if there are any problems, the bank will phone
for further verification. Awaiting response.
Councillor's reports. Steve Milner said the allotments had
problems of vandalism, wildlife, drainage. Vacant allotments have become
covered in weeds. Need to increase security, cover vacant allotments and
improve drainage. A meeting has been arranged with allotment holders to look at
list of options for improving it, in order to bring a list of requests to the Parish
Council. Phone transmitter update. There is a lack of connection between the
transmitter and electricity company and could take another four months to
become active. Letter received from County Broadband about wayleaves. In the
letter they were discussing wayleaves for Sudbury for some reason. A resident
has a good contact and has written to them for clarification.
The Parish Clerk said that thanks had been received from
groups in receipt of their Precept Grants. The Annual Parish Meeting is on Saturday
16 July at 10am. Village Hall has been asked to notify shows performing there
that the bus shelter is not a
noticeboard. Recreation Ground fencing has been repaired. The third defibrillator
has been passed to Clerk in order to install in box at Ox and Plough. Will get
this installed and registered ASAP. Will also produce a map of the locations
and information for the Newsletter.
Have been contacted about poor parking on Fen Street,
which is causing difficulties for residents to pass by cars parked on the
narrow road. A request to residents to ensure that there is always enough room
for vehicles, especially emergency vehicles, to pass your car. Letter written
to request large hedge opposite the new footpath on Hargham Road is maintained
up to the boundary of the property, in order to stop drivers mounting the
Adrian Joel mentioned that at previous meeting it was
decided to give Community Car drivers the option to claim an extra 10p a mile,
if they wanted, from start of June. As fuel prices are not coming down, he would
like to propose that this is extended until end of December. This was approved
(5 in favour).
Terry Cook asked Steve Askew about the reduction in hours at recycling centres and whether the County Council have made a decision. He felt that previous investigations into closing Recycling Centres was very short sighted as it would create fly tipping issues in the long term. Steve Askew informed the Parish Council that the decision for hours to be cut has already been made. It was felt that those that fly tip are those that will do it anyway, regardless of when the Recycling Centres are open. Could a request for volunteers for the Village Hall and the Parish Council be put on the Annual Parish Meeting agenda. Lay bys have become informally created by people parking on Crown Road, which are technically part of the Green. They look awful and it is illegal to park on the Green. Can we repair and look at options for stopping people and school buses from parking there.
Public Participation relating to agenda items only. A
resident queried if the rental agreements with the two pubs had been completed,
and if not, why not? This is causing a lack of funding towards the Green as
payments have not been made. Steve Milner explained that together with Doug Irons
and Terry Cook, they were in the process of creating a new formal system for
the application and agreement for renting the Green. Both public houses had
been contacted and the applications were in progress. The Manager of the
Gamekeeper is having to raise it with the Brewery. The application for a
regular event at the Ox and Plough has had to be re-submitted due to the lack
of detail and poor risk assessment. The Parish Council had recently entered in
to a new Insurance Policy which required the Parish Council show due diligence
that we ensure all businesses using the Green are insured, organised and run
according to the rules agreed. There are concerns amongst councillors that
issues discussed verbally are already not being followed. A lack of
communication between Parish Councillors has resulted in serious delays to the
process. A new application for an event at the Ox and Plough has just been
resubmitted by Steve Milner but Doug Irons and Terry Cook were not aware this
had been completed. A new risk assessment will still need to be completed to a
satisfactory standard. Additional applications are still required from the Ox
and Plough for each event they host. Councillors will be held personally
responsible for liability if there are any accidents until this is sorted. Steve
Milner, Doug Irons and Terry Cook to meet with a priority to review and ensure
the process is completed by the next PC meeting for both pubs.
To consider planning applications and to receive
Breckland District Council’s decisions made on any planning applications
received before the meeting. (All planning applications are available for
viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal –
www.breckland.gov.uk/article/2933/Search-Planning-Applications - Parish
Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in
advance of the meeting).
New planning applications. Sustainable Urban Extension Land South of Attleborough. Variation of Condition No's 3,4,5, 8 & 25 on 3PL/2017/0996/O for 4,000 houses and associated infrastructure (3PL/2021/1668/VAR). Councillors felt the Parish Council should support the residents that have issues with some of the conditions. 'There are also conditions still to be addressed as raised by Flood & Water Management Team, Community and Environmental Service. There are concerns primarily about surface water. Proposal to support the objections made by residents was approved (5 in favour).
Downmore Farm, Banham Road. Proposed change of use of an existing agricultural building to dwelling house together with the building operations reasonably necessary to facilitate the conversion (3PL/2022/0604/F). The Environmental Health Officer has reservations about it being too close to a chicken shed and concerns about noise and odour. The application lacked enough detail in order to fully assess and assurances that the treatment plant was solely for the property. Proposal to request assessments are complete before making a judgement was approved (5 in favour).
Hammonds Farm, Stacksford. Conversion and extension of
an existing barns to form Annexe (3PL/2022/0641/F). Councillors noted that it
is a narrow public access road and would be a difficult for construction
vehicles. The Highways planning statement advises that the accommodation is to
form an annexe to the main farmhouse and, subject to this being the case and
that it not be let or sold separately, it would be difficult to substantiate a
highway objection. Proposal to accept as long as Highways conditions are met was
approved (5 in favour).
The Kenyons, The Green. Detached Cart Shed Garage with
Mansard Roof (3PL/2022/0689/HOU). Councillors could see no problems with the
application and had no objections. Proposal to accept was approved (5 in
Clay Barn, Attleborough Road (Barn C complex). Proposed
Conversion of former agricultural buildings for residential use forming two
dwellings (3PL/2022/0736/F). Have planning permission for three dwellings but
want to reduce it to two. The Parish Council previously approved the
application. Mike Farringdon highlighted that there would be no pedestrian
access to any areas and will have to use car to go everywhere. Proposal to
accept was approved (5 in favour).
Land adjacent Snetterton Farm, Banham Road. Self build
three bedroomed dwelling, detached timber garage and ground mounted solar panel
array (3PL/2022/0750/F). Previous application was rejected by Breckland. Have
re submitted the application with more information. Access to property would
still be via existing driveway. Highways have suggested some conditions about
the joining of the road and cutting back hedges. The Parish Coucil previously
supported the application and a proposal to support was approved (5 in favour).
60 Fen Street. Proposed two storey rear extension to
form study and bedroom & proposed carport to side (3PL/2022/0427/HOU). Main
objections are windows overlooking neighbouring properties. Highways also have
some conditions. Proposal to approve as long as Highways conditions are met and
windows are changed was approved (4 in favour, 1 abstain).
Appeals. The following application has been appealed.
Rear of 41 Hargham Road. Erection single storey dwelling and two bay cart lodge
(self build) (3PL/2021/0830/O). Proposed two storey rear extension to form
study and bedroom & proposed carport to side. Appeal reference APP/F2605/W/22/3295975
and appeal start date Friday 24 June 2022.
The following appeal has been dismissed. Beckwood,
Stacksford, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PD. Appeal Reference APP/F2605/W/21/3283028.
Puddledock Corner, VAS sign. Steve Askew met with
Highways to discuss options after issues being raised at previous meeting. A
flashing “Slow Down” or “Bend Ahead” sign is a suggested option that would be
supported by Highways and would cost approximately £7000. This could be
purchased through the Parish Partnership Scheme (PPS) in which the PC would
only have to pay half (£3500) and the other half would be met by Norfolk County
Council. The verge on the corner does not all belong to Highways however they
will ensure that it will all be cut up to fence. The Landowner has been very
helpful and has cut back the long grass within the field. It was highlighted
that vegetation can only be cut back so far and while one of the trees over
hangs a little bit, it belongs to the landowner.
A resident suggested a special paint that would provide
better grip in all weather but this had not been suggested or approved by
Mike Fariington explained that there had been several
accidents recently which had destroyed a lot of a residents fencing. He felt
that while most are down to driver error, there is not enough done to try and
stop/reduce driver error. It was explained that the camber was changed on that
corner 4/5 years ago and, as a consequence, the areas of most accidents have changed.
This emphasises that the camber affects the location of accidents and that it
is still not right on this corner. He felt that the flashing VAS sign would be
a good help but it would be further helped if it was backed up with a speed
limit. Doug Irons felt that the majority of drivers take that corner at very
low speeds and so a speed limit would have little impact. He also felt there is
a danger of ‘sign blindness’ so questioned if the signs be rearranged to keep
them fresh in people’s minds. The issue will be raised at Annual Parish Meeting
for feedback from Old Buckenham residents before deciding if this is something
that the Parish Council wish to purchase.
Parking and driving on Sunnyside Farm. Steve Askew spoke
to Highways about the Sunnyside track and the possible idea of a trod (a footpath
with a loose surface) was put forward. This would provide a safe area for
walking but there were concerns that it might encourage drivers to increase
their speed as there would be no pedestrians on the track. Highways suggested
that while it looked feasible, it may be a bit difficult due to the proximity
of BT and power lines. There is no quote for the cost of a trod, but it would
be a significant cost. While the track is a public highway and so cars are in
their right to drive down it, it was questioned if there was a speed limit in
place on the track and why it has always been left as a track and not
tarmacked. Clerk to contact Highways to seek answers to questions raised.
There are also an increasing large numbers of cars
parking on the actual Green, as well as the footpaths. It is believed that many
of them belong to the High School staff. Clerk to email Headteacher to arrange
meeting to discuss the issue.
Holding OB 2000 Trust Funds. The Old Buckenham 2000 Trust
are wishing to deregister and close down the Trust due to a lack of volunteers
to continue it. There is just over £2000 still remaining and they would like to
provide an asset for the village with the residual funds. However, as they
haven’t made a final decision on what it should be, they have requested that
the funds be temporarily held by the Parish Council, while the Trust is
deregistered and closed. Clerk spoke to the Parish Council’s Registered
Finance Officer (RFO) who had said that this would cause no problems. Proposal
to support approved (5 in favour.)
Filming in Old Buckenham. The Parish Council have been
contacted by a Production Company who wish to film some of a TV series in and
around Old Buckenham. While discussions are taking place with individual
landowners, there has been a request to film on the Green and also to ensure
there is suitable parking for their 12 trucks. Filming will take place between Friday
5 and Monday 15 August. Locations for parking their vehicles have been
suggested to the Production Company who are looking in to the most suitable.
These do not include parking on the grass of the Green. The Green Working Party
contacted and general feedback was quite positive. Proposal to support was approved
(5 in favour).
New date for Street Party. Due to bad weather, the
village Jubilee Street party had to be cancelled. Steve Milner has spoken to the
Street Party organiser and suggestion of early September was put forward. Will
look in to the possibly combining with Jubilee Tree planting.
Tree Planning Organisation. Resident who suggested idea
of seven trees for each decade of the Queen’s reign is going to speak to a
local Tree Surgeon for advice about suitable species. Adrian Joel will liaise and
investigate possible suitable locations.
Children’s playground. After broken glass has been found
in the playground, the Parish Council would like to purchase a “No glass beyond
this point” sign for each gate. Propose to accept was approved (5 in favour). During
inspection, the ‘spring chicken’ was highlighted as being too close to the
fence (must be 1 metre away). Builder investigated removing it, only to
discover that the concrete base it is set in is approximately 1.5m square and
50cm deep. Some of the base also goes under the fencing between the two play
areas. Option 1 is to cut off the spring at the base and make it safe, which
would cost roughly £50 for labour. Option 2 would be using a digger to remove
and replace the original which would cost about £450. Proposal to go with
Option 1, with the idea of purchasing a new piece of play equipment in the
future, was approved (5 in favour).
Items for next agenda. These will include Neighbourhood
Plan, flashing sign at Puddledock (following feedback at Annual Parish Meeting),
Allotments and Pub rental agreements.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday
4 August at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.
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