Saturday 12 September 2020

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

Details of September minutes
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met via Zoom on Thursday 3 September. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair), Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Terry Cook, Andy Nicholls and Ben Devlin. Also present were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and two members of the public.
Mike Farrington had sent his apologies for not being able to attend.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 August were approved (6 in favour).The request mentioned in these minutes for the 30 mph zone extension on Harlingwood Lane had been refused by Highways.
Financial matters. The Community account balance was now £29,479.07. Payments of £787.49 were approved (6 in favour).
AGAR forms. Due to COVID and lockdown, the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) deadline was initially cancelled and the Parish Council were informed that they would be contacted with a new date. This did not happen and the council have been informed that the deadline has passed. Donna Oakley has worked incredibly hard to complete the AGAR forms as quickly as possible. The Parish Council could see no problems with the forms and they were approved (6 in favour).
Public participation relating to agenda items. When asked about the recent visit by the Met Office to the Airfield and the Anglian Water site the councillors explained that the email informing them was quite late and vague on times so no one attended. It wasn’t clear whether councillors were being invited to attend or was the email simply to inform them of the Met Office’s actions. Councillors decided to reply to the Met Office asking for any further information and asking to be invited to any proposed future site visits. They also queried whether neighbouring councils had been informed as well as George Freeman MP and the District and County councillor Steve Askew.
New planning applications. None.
Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following three applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved.
Land South of March Field Way. Residential development of 9 dwellings and associated external works (3PL/2019/1401/F).
Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. New shower block and a cabin to replace an existing static caravan (3PL/2020/0675/F).
Haresfield, The Old Yard, Hargham Road. Change of use of parcel of land to rear of existing residential unit to residential curtilage and erection of a rear extension, comprising of garage bays to the ground floor and 2 no bedrooms to the first floor and terrace at the rear (3PL/2020/0437/F).
The following application has now been considered and the application has been refused. Land west of Attleborough Road, north of the property East View. Outline application for 5 residential dwellings (3PL/2020/0578/0).
Communications. Steve Milner provided a document summarising communication by the Parish Council. Councillors are to provide feedback and a plan drawn up for the next meeting.
Public Rights of Way. Terry Cook explained that the recent increase in walkers, cyclists and horse riders has raised several queries about Public Rights of Way (PROW). Terry Cook and Steve Milner would like to utilise the village newsletter to highlight the laws and rights of both landowners and walkers, and also raise awareness of some of the public footpaths that exist in and around our Parish. Ben Devlin explained that they had started looking at making a map for their customers at the Country Park and so could work together and share resources. Councillors were supportive of this plan.
Policies. Several policies of the Parish Council are in need of updating. Jonn Hicks, Steve Milner and Terry Cook volunteered to meet up and draft new copies for approval at next meeting.
Chairman’s report. As most groups have been unable to meet up and use last year’s Precept grants, the chairman asked whether we need to do them this year? Many councillors felt that this would put other groups who would still need them at a disadvantage. Some groups might rely on these grants more due to lockdown restrictions. It was agreed to keep the present Grant policy (6 in favour) with a new deadline of Friday 20 November. Village Hall doors still need purchasing by the Parish Council (in lieu of Grant) as still awaiting three quotes.
Another defibrillator has been installed, this time on 39 Fen Street. Many thanks due to Mr and Mrs Evison for allowing it to be placed on their property. Registered with the NHS and ready for use. SAM speed equipment also installed at 39 Fen St to measure traffic speeds. Will be rotated to measure speeds of cars travelling in both directions.
Playdale are being chased up to complete repairs in Play Area. Grass will be cut in next couple of weeks.
Football posts in the Recreation Area have proved popular. Proposal to accept a quote of £80 to initially mark out the pitch with £25 to re-do once a month (can evaluate and change frequency as necessary) was approved (6 in favour). Large drop between the level of the village hall car park and the recreation ground by the entrance gate has been reported. Jonn Hicks and village handyman will fill and compact in attempt to minimise tripping hazard.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner said he was struggling to find a clear explanation of new website accessibility regulations. He will ask for feedback on the difficulty that users face. Adrian Joel reported that one ½ size allotment plot has been taken.
Items for next agenda. These will include allotment rents, the Action Plan, communications and update of Policies.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 1 October at 7.30pm. Location to be confirmed nearer the time, subject to Government guidelines at that time.

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