Sunday 27 October 2019

Play in Old Buckenham

Our village play area

Teaching assistant Gina Day at the village Junior School had asked the children to write an advertisement for the village playground (to show what they know about persuasive text). There were some fantastic bits of writing and Miss Day was so impressed she made contact with the village newsletter to ask about putting one on the village blog. 
This was written by Keira in Year 2 and has had a little grown-up ‘translation’ as her spelling is still developing:

Come to this fantastic park, it has swings that can go higher than you can imagine! The round about is so fast, when you are on the seesaw you feel (as) if you are flying, the slide flings you zooming down. At the park there is a children’s area so you don’t have to hold your child. When you climb on the climbing frame careful you don’t fall through the holes. Why wouldn’t you like to come?

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