Thursday, 12 April 2018

WI walk and lunch in Old Buckenham

Why not take part?
Most months of the year, the Old Buckenham Women's Institute  organise a local walk which is then followed by lunch in a nearby pub. April's WI walk, on Friday 27 April is slightly different as they are doing a fund raiser for ACWW - Associated Country Women of the World. This is a world-wide organisation to which the Norfolk Federation WI belongs and is dedicated to raising the health and standard of living of women and their families.
They are charging £2 for those taking part in the walk which will start from All Saints church in Old Buckenham at 10. 30am. There will also be a shorter walk, of not more than two miles, starting from the Village Hall carpark at 11.30am.

When the walks finish, around 12.30pm, lunch consisting of a choice of homemade soup and a roll followed by fruit pie and cream will be available in the Memorial Room at the village hall for £5.
These walks and lunch are open to anyone who wants to take part. It would be helpful to know how many will be having lunch to gauge roughly how many to cater for (please email Barbara ( or ring Doris on 01953 860845.
Why not come along, whether walking or just lunching, and help raise some money for a worthwhile charity and get to know some other villagers at the same time.
Hopefully there will be some better weather and less mud by the end of April.

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