Monday 21 November 2016

Old Buckenham Precept 2017

Parish Council Precept meeting
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Wednesday 16 November, primarily to agree the Precept for the next financial year. As part of the process the Parish Council considered the proposals put forward by the Precept Grants Working Party in relation to the grant applications that the Council has received.
The following grants were agreed for the next financial year starting on Saturday 1 April 2017:
Buckenham Pre-school - £120.60 (empathy dolls)
Old Buckenham Village Hall Fete Committee - £250 (fee for entertainer)
Monday Mardle Group - £100 (refreshments and outings)
Almshouses Charity - £200 (contribution to expenses)
Old Buckenham Village Hall - £250 (CCTV)
All Saints Church - £1,500 (roof alarm)
New Buckenham Football Club - £640 (mobile lighting)
Age Concern Norfolk - £120 (contribution to Advice Line)
Total £3,180.60
The Clerk will be contacting all these organisations to advise them about their awards and what arrangement will be made next year to distribute the grants.
The Parish Council also agreed to include a sum of £2,500 in the budget for the future purchase and siting of a defibrillator in the village.
At the meeting, the Council heard from John Fernihough and Sarah Dye about the position of the Green Rights Holders in relation to their request to the Parish Council to consider taking over the maintenance of the Green. The Parish Council agreed to enter into discussions with the Green Rights Proprietors to take over the maintenance of the Green; it was agreed that the Clerk and the Chair would start the negotiations as well as take legal advice from Norfolk ALC. The Council is setting aside £2,000 in the 2017/18 Budget for expenses incurred with those negotiations. When considering how to proceed in this matter the Parish Council will be considering many things including the results of the Village Survey, the costs and the legal implications before any firm arrangements are entered into.
The annual Contingency Fund of £2,000 was allocated as a fund for minor village maintenance expenses.
A further sum of £808.25 is being allocated in 2017/18 for the Neighbourhood Plan expenses to bring the reserve up to £1,000 again.
Taking the above changes into account the Parish Council agreed to request a Precept from Breckland Council of £21,400 which represents an increase of just under 7.5% compared to 2016/17. The effect of this increase is that the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax will increase by on average of about £3 per property for the next financial year.
Following a request from the New Buckenham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Working Party, Old Buckenham Parish Council agreed to allow the inclusion of a small area of land containing the castle (which is situated in Old Buckenham) in the New Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan.
The Road Safety Working Party wishes to have a professional road traffic survey carried out in the village in advance of a meeting with George Freeman MP. The Parish Council endorsed this suggestion and agreed to set aside a budget of £600 for the survey.

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