These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
All councillors (apart from Mike Farrington who had sent his apologies) attended along with four members of the public and Stephen Askew, Norfolk County Councillor.
Public recess for items on the agenda. Problems in Harlingwood Lane and Puddledock Corner along with lack of other footpaths in village. What was the role of Green Right Proprietors? The question of HGVs coming through the village and ignoring weight limits, Tom Johnson had already raised this matter with the police at a SNAT meeting earlier in the day.
Minutes of the July Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the suspension of standing orders at the last meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that it was done in a proper manner.
Parish Council website. The meeting was informed that the Parish Council would have a legal requirement to have its own website in the near future. Terry Cracknell had suggested involving the local high school in creating and maintaining the site through its pupils. NALC would act as server host and the Clerk to contact school to discuss the matter.
Neighbourhood Plan. Jonathan Kemp, Sarah Hornbrook and Adrian Joel gave a brief presentation to the meeting of possibly producing a neighbourhood plan, what would be required to bring it to fruition and the benefits accruing to village if it had such a plan. The chairman asked for councillors’ input and various councillors expressed their view on the matter. Following the discussions Steve Milner proposed that the Parish Council proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan. This was agreed and Jonathan Kemp would be chairperson of the project.
Use of Breckland Council Outdoor Sports funds. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that there were funds available for outdoor sports facilities and that the Parish Council should look to secure some of this for the Recreation and Play Areas He also thanked Mike Bartlett for obtaining grant funding of £250 from Six Villages newsletter.
Co-option of new councillor. Two candidates had put their names forward for consideration for the vacancy. Graham Hart, who was at the meeting, answered questions in support of his nomination. Unfortunately the other candidate was unable to attend the meeting. Following a vote a majority of the councillors present voted for Graham Hart who was duly co-opted to the Parish Council and, having signed the acceptance of office form, took his place. (Graham Hart’s contact details are given at the end of these notes on this parish council meeting.)
Four year ideas plan. Adrian Joel asked the other councillors for ideas to include in the plan. Subjects put forward included footpaths to be created in other parts of the village, encouragement of younger people to be involved with the Parish Council, better use of internet and social media by the Parish Council, closer ties between the Green Right Proprietors and the Parish Council, use of the BT telephone kiosk, more use of the Green as a recreation facility, new noticeboard, expansion of the recreation area, alternative travel methods within village, possible music festival on the Green, free wifi within the village boundary, welcoming signs be erected at entrances of village and that a bandstand be erected. It was suggested that a working party be set up to develop the plan. The item to be put on October agenda.
Breckland housing needs survey. Adrian Joel gave details of the survey of affordable housing needs in the village compiled by Breckland in August 2015. There followed a discussion by councillors and then Adrian Joel proposed that the Parish Council supports the building of ten to twelve houses in Marsh Field Way under the local selection scheme. This was agreed. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that Breckland Council had given a grant of £500 for local events to support the Tour of Britain.
Discussion of second public recess at Parish Council meetings. Steve Milner sought the views of parish councillors on the subject and following this discussion Steve Milner suggested a trial period of two or three meetings having a second recess and then to review the matter after this trial period.
Planning applications. Cherry Tree Cottage, Loss Wroo. Replacement of workshop, storage, garden machinery building by garage for mobile motor home, workshop, store and hobbies building plus construct new summer house. No objections from parish council subject to removal of upper windows and roof lights on east elevation. This was agreed with 7 for and 3 abstentions.
Former Builders’ Yard, Hargham Road. Proposed new dwelling. No objections from parish council but with recommendation that house is tied to business and some concerns over the siting of the new house. This was agreed with 9 for and 1 abstention.
The Chalet, Harlingwood Lane. Extensions and associated alterations. No objections from parish council, this was agreed with 8 for and 2 abstentions.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Redroof, Cake Street. Single storey extension to front of bungalow, changes to internal layout and provision of first floor attic bedrooms. Permission granted.
Public recess for items on the agenda. Problems in Harlingwood Lane and Puddledock Corner along with lack of other footpaths in village. What was the role of Green Right Proprietors? The question of HGVs coming through the village and ignoring weight limits, Tom Johnson had already raised this matter with the police at a SNAT meeting earlier in the day.
Minutes of the July Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the suspension of standing orders at the last meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that it was done in a proper manner.
Parish Council website. The meeting was informed that the Parish Council would have a legal requirement to have its own website in the near future. Terry Cracknell had suggested involving the local high school in creating and maintaining the site through its pupils. NALC would act as server host and the Clerk to contact school to discuss the matter.
Neighbourhood Plan. Jonathan Kemp, Sarah Hornbrook and Adrian Joel gave a brief presentation to the meeting of possibly producing a neighbourhood plan, what would be required to bring it to fruition and the benefits accruing to village if it had such a plan. The chairman asked for councillors’ input and various councillors expressed their view on the matter. Following the discussions Steve Milner proposed that the Parish Council proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan. This was agreed and Jonathan Kemp would be chairperson of the project.
Use of Breckland Council Outdoor Sports funds. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that there were funds available for outdoor sports facilities and that the Parish Council should look to secure some of this for the Recreation and Play Areas He also thanked Mike Bartlett for obtaining grant funding of £250 from Six Villages newsletter.
Co-option of new councillor. Two candidates had put their names forward for consideration for the vacancy. Graham Hart, who was at the meeting, answered questions in support of his nomination. Unfortunately the other candidate was unable to attend the meeting. Following a vote a majority of the councillors present voted for Graham Hart who was duly co-opted to the Parish Council and, having signed the acceptance of office form, took his place. (Graham Hart’s contact details are given at the end of these notes on this parish council meeting.)
Four year ideas plan. Adrian Joel asked the other councillors for ideas to include in the plan. Subjects put forward included footpaths to be created in other parts of the village, encouragement of younger people to be involved with the Parish Council, better use of internet and social media by the Parish Council, closer ties between the Green Right Proprietors and the Parish Council, use of the BT telephone kiosk, more use of the Green as a recreation facility, new noticeboard, expansion of the recreation area, alternative travel methods within village, possible music festival on the Green, free wifi within the village boundary, welcoming signs be erected at entrances of village and that a bandstand be erected. It was suggested that a working party be set up to develop the plan. The item to be put on October agenda.
Breckland housing needs survey. Adrian Joel gave details of the survey of affordable housing needs in the village compiled by Breckland in August 2015. There followed a discussion by councillors and then Adrian Joel proposed that the Parish Council supports the building of ten to twelve houses in Marsh Field Way under the local selection scheme. This was agreed. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that Breckland Council had given a grant of £500 for local events to support the Tour of Britain.
Discussion of second public recess at Parish Council meetings. Steve Milner sought the views of parish councillors on the subject and following this discussion Steve Milner suggested a trial period of two or three meetings having a second recess and then to review the matter after this trial period.
Planning applications. Cherry Tree Cottage, Loss Wroo. Replacement of workshop, storage, garden machinery building by garage for mobile motor home, workshop, store and hobbies building plus construct new summer house. No objections from parish council subject to removal of upper windows and roof lights on east elevation. This was agreed with 7 for and 3 abstentions.
Former Builders’ Yard, Hargham Road. Proposed new dwelling. No objections from parish council but with recommendation that house is tied to business and some concerns over the siting of the new house. This was agreed with 9 for and 1 abstention.
The Chalet, Harlingwood Lane. Extensions and associated alterations. No objections from parish council, this was agreed with 8 for and 2 abstentions.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Redroof, Cake Street. Single storey extension to front of bungalow, changes to internal layout and provision of first floor attic bedrooms. Permission granted.
Rustics, Mill Road. Alteration to rear extension. Permission granted.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner had recently attend a chairman training course run by NALC and found the course helpful and informative. Other villages seemed to have similar problems to Old Buckenham. He gave a brief overview of the course and what problems other villages faced. One Speedwatch team had recently recorded a vehicle travelling at 52mph in a 30mph zone and they had reported the facts to police. He also urged drivers to be more cautious now school has started again and said they should give way to people going to and from the school with children.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel read out changes to the NPPF regarding provision of affordable housing which had greatly reduced the level that developers had to provide. Following a legal challenge, the previous levels were re-instated. Details were given regarding the requirement by parish and town councils for the provision and upgrade of open space and play space. Details of any project need to be given to Breckland Council so that they can consider whether developers on housing schemes can be required to make payments for them. Breckland have compiled a timetable for completion of the Local Plan with draft publication in April 2016 and submission to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2016 with examination in October 2016. After approval Breckland will have a five year land supply which should stop developers buying up land outside settlement boundaries. Breckland will be asking parish councils for any land they would like included in the Preferred Options Document.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Terry Cracknell had attended the Village Hall management committee meeting as an observer. He requested that he no longer be the parish councillor representative for the organisation because of other commitments. He then raised the matter of keeping the village tidy and using volunteers and possibly paid people. Rona Boggia raised the matter of Harlingwood Lane and the overgrown hedge. Ben Devlin said he will donate a bench for the Green and asked if the recent grant given to Parish Council could be used for other purposes - Parish Clerk to arrange. Adrian Joel asked for a meeting of the Personnel Committee and suggested a substitute member if a quorum could not be arranged. Carol Marshall raised the question of a ROSPA inspection of the Play and Recreation areas. Also one Almshouse is unoccupied and available for a suitable applicant. The refurbishment of window and doors continues along with replacing the water mains to the properties. Tom Johnson attended the Village Hall management committee meeting and they hope to soon be able to resurface half of the car park. There will be a quiz night at the Village Hall on Saturday 24 October and film nights in December. On Saturday 21 November there will be a live show of the Mikado. He also attended the SNAT meeting earlier today and raised the matter of the 52mph speeding incident in the village. He was also horrified to find there was only one CSPO for a very large area. The subject of thefts from allotments was also raised along with the new diversion of traffic after closing part of the B1077 and problems relating to this. He raised the matter of the pond at Manor Corner which he felt was very unsafe, it is so close to the highway and someone could easily fall in and find it difficult to get out. The Parish Clerk will contact Highways on the matter.
Parish Clerk’s report. The clerk informed the meeting that the government auditors had signed the accounts for 2014/15 with no questions or amendments. He then read out an email from trustees of the Old Buckenham Charities asking for confirmation of continued serving of the trustees. He also gave details of an email from the of Highways’ district engineer covering local highway matters.
Highways. Adrian Joel reported unauthorised signs on the 30 mph repeater signs on the B1077. Reflector signs along Post Office Terrace need looking at and the Parish Clerk will contact Highways.
The next parish council meeting will be on Thursday 1 October in Old Buckenham Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Contact details for newly co-opted member of Old Buckenham Parish Council.
Graham Hart, Keele Cottage, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RG.
Telephone 07909 844885. Email
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner had recently attend a chairman training course run by NALC and found the course helpful and informative. Other villages seemed to have similar problems to Old Buckenham. He gave a brief overview of the course and what problems other villages faced. One Speedwatch team had recently recorded a vehicle travelling at 52mph in a 30mph zone and they had reported the facts to police. He also urged drivers to be more cautious now school has started again and said they should give way to people going to and from the school with children.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel read out changes to the NPPF regarding provision of affordable housing which had greatly reduced the level that developers had to provide. Following a legal challenge, the previous levels were re-instated. Details were given regarding the requirement by parish and town councils for the provision and upgrade of open space and play space. Details of any project need to be given to Breckland Council so that they can consider whether developers on housing schemes can be required to make payments for them. Breckland have compiled a timetable for completion of the Local Plan with draft publication in April 2016 and submission to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2016 with examination in October 2016. After approval Breckland will have a five year land supply which should stop developers buying up land outside settlement boundaries. Breckland will be asking parish councils for any land they would like included in the Preferred Options Document.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Terry Cracknell had attended the Village Hall management committee meeting as an observer. He requested that he no longer be the parish councillor representative for the organisation because of other commitments. He then raised the matter of keeping the village tidy and using volunteers and possibly paid people. Rona Boggia raised the matter of Harlingwood Lane and the overgrown hedge. Ben Devlin said he will donate a bench for the Green and asked if the recent grant given to Parish Council could be used for other purposes - Parish Clerk to arrange. Adrian Joel asked for a meeting of the Personnel Committee and suggested a substitute member if a quorum could not be arranged. Carol Marshall raised the question of a ROSPA inspection of the Play and Recreation areas. Also one Almshouse is unoccupied and available for a suitable applicant. The refurbishment of window and doors continues along with replacing the water mains to the properties. Tom Johnson attended the Village Hall management committee meeting and they hope to soon be able to resurface half of the car park. There will be a quiz night at the Village Hall on Saturday 24 October and film nights in December. On Saturday 21 November there will be a live show of the Mikado. He also attended the SNAT meeting earlier today and raised the matter of the 52mph speeding incident in the village. He was also horrified to find there was only one CSPO for a very large area. The subject of thefts from allotments was also raised along with the new diversion of traffic after closing part of the B1077 and problems relating to this. He raised the matter of the pond at Manor Corner which he felt was very unsafe, it is so close to the highway and someone could easily fall in and find it difficult to get out. The Parish Clerk will contact Highways on the matter.
Parish Clerk’s report. The clerk informed the meeting that the government auditors had signed the accounts for 2014/15 with no questions or amendments. He then read out an email from trustees of the Old Buckenham Charities asking for confirmation of continued serving of the trustees. He also gave details of an email from the of Highways’ district engineer covering local highway matters.
Highways. Adrian Joel reported unauthorised signs on the 30 mph repeater signs on the B1077. Reflector signs along Post Office Terrace need looking at and the Parish Clerk will contact Highways.
The next parish council meeting will be on Thursday 1 October in Old Buckenham Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Contact details for newly co-opted member of Old Buckenham Parish Council.
Graham Hart, Keele Cottage, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RG.
Telephone 07909 844885. Email
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