Sunday 21 December 2014

Future plans for Old Buckenham

Neighbourhood Plan or not?
All are invited to an informal gathering at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Saturday 3 January commencing at 10am. It will be to discuss if Old Buckenham should, or should not, have a Neighbourhood Plan (NP). At present Attleborough are into a plan, Kenninghall have just commenced and Besthorpe are expected to follow suit. Tim Bornett has carried out considerable research on the matter while Sarah Hornbrook in her working capacity has much to offer in the way of guidance. Both will be at the meeting on Saturday 3 January.
Recently a member of the Attleborough team has stated that he feels that Old Buckenham must have a NP as Breckland Council are struggling to find space in the towns of the district to fulfil all the new homes required by the government. They are possibly going to have to consider moves into rural areas to comply with the requirement. Does this warrant consideration for a NP and would this improve Old Buckenham’s chances of influencing any decisions?
Perhaps at the informal gathering, consideration can be given to various points. Should a person with experience and existing involvement of NPs come and address our community? Should Old Buckenham Parish Council examine in depth the benefits, costs, etc, of having a NP and call a public meeting as a way forward?
Everyone is invited to this “kick off “. Hopefully a drink and biscuits will be an added incentive. No formal minutes will be taken but a volunteer to take notes would be helpful (contact Mike on 01953 860462).

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