Wednesday 7 May 2014

Latest Old Buckenham Parish Council minutes

Parish Council meeting in May
The following notes are written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Ten members of the public were present as well as all the parish councillors apart from Paul Boggia who had sent his apologies. There was a public recess to allow members of the public to ask questions before the meeting resumed.
Minutes of the April Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Steve Milner said that he had spoken to Gerald Norton to try to establish who owned the war memorial. The Parish Council have agreed to pay for future cleaning and maintenance. Adrian Joel asked if Mr Norton had paid over any money that they had in reserve and the Parish Clerk advised the meeting that he had received a cheque from Mr Norton for £518. It was reported that there are problems getting the circulation folder around in time for all councillors to see. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would scan all letters and send them to parish councillors one week before each meeting. Hard copies of the letters would still go into the circulation folder.
Adoption of accounts. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by Sarah Dye that the annual draft accounts be adopted and sent to the government auditors. This was agreed unanimously.
Annual Governance Statement. The Parish Clerk read out what exactly the governance statement meant in relation to the Annual Return required by auditors. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by John Frost that the Chairman sign the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return and this was agreed unanimously.
Grant to Recreation Area. The Parish Clerk said there was approx £4,000 surplus in Parish Council’s funds which could be used to fund projects within the village possibly including the recreation area or, if grants were not available, the flashing speed signs for the school area. Steve Milner asked councillors to think how best the money could be spent for the benefit of the village and come to June meeting with ideas.
Planning applications. Roughlands, Grove Road. Erection of livestock building and associated feed silo (building 1). Alterations to access and provision of passing bay. Derek Smalley said the Parish Council had already rejected these applications but having now received further information the Parish Council should still oppose them for several reasons. Pollution of the river, access and traffic issues as all access roads too narrow for HGVs, insect infestation and smells too near centre of population, noise of animals and site traffic causing disturbance to residents of village. It was proposed by Derek Smalley and seconded by Tim Ing that these comments be made known to Breckland Council, this was agreed with 8 for and 1 abstention (Sarah Dye abstained as she had declared an interest).
47 Fen Street. Two storey extension to rear including demolition of existing conservatory, infill carport to provide additional garage. Proposed by Derek Smalley and seconded by Tim Ing that there were no objections from the parish council, this was agreed with 8 for and 1 abstention.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Orchard House, Mill Road. Proposed loft conversion with dormers to front and rear. Permission granted.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner said the Village Hall management had set up a small working party to find a solution to parking in the car park during school term. One possible suggestion was the introduction of a permit system with any revenues generated being put in a car park repair fund. He also reported the road safety campaign would be restarting soon.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that Breckland Council are to continue their Community Grants and Pride in Breckland Awards for the new financial year 2014/15. People looking for a grant should please telephone him on 01953 860663 or email him at Breckland are again funding “Festival on the Farm” at Gressenhall Museum on Saturday 26 July from 10am. Last year the event attracted over 2,000 people and it is possible to save 15% on early bird tickets until Sunday 1 June by booking at
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson raised the matter of the village pond by the Gamekeeper pub where it had been reported that a child nearly fell in. He said the Green Right Proprietors needed to look at possibly installing a guard rail as it could be a safety issue. Sarah Dye reminded everyone that the play area would be closed on Sunday 18 May for maintenance work and volunteers would be welcome to help carry out the work. Tim Ing said a bees’ nest had been reported in a tap on the allotments but he had inspected it and found it was only a small nest. Adrian Joel said plot 15 on the allotments had been surrendered and was now available for rent, the previous owner was taking over the half plot previously owned by the High School. Three plots were not cultivated and are in breach of their tenancy agreements. It had been confirmed that one of the plots would be cultivated soon and the Parish Clerk is to write to the other two allotment holders on the matter. John Frost said work on the church tower would start in early June. On Sunday 8 June they would be holding a concert by Chanter’s Jigge in All Saints Church and on Saturday 14 June there will be a garden party for which tickets are still available. Carol Marshall reported that quotes are being obtained for major building work at the Almshouses. Also the whole village garage sales are now scheduled for Sunday 21 September. The fence at the Recreation Area has seven rails down and they will be replaced soon. Derek Smalley reported there is a meeting of Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan in early May which he will attend.
Highways. Areas around the edges of the Green need cutting back to improve the visibility at the junctions of the roads. The question of a 20mph speed limit on the B1077 was also raised. The big gulley in Cake Street, thirty yards on the left past the entrance to Old Buckenham Stud, had still not been dealt with.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 5 June in Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

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