Sunday 24 February 2013

Benefit of being old in Old Buckenham

Senior Citizens' Lunch
Over eighty people who have reached 'retirement' age and live in Old Buckenham were treated to a slap-up lunch in the village hall yesterday. Money had been raised at various events in the village over the last twelve months and so, with the help of many volunteers on the day, the diners had nothing to do but sit down and enjoy themselves.
Work had started by setting out and decorating the tables on the evening before. Then food had been prepared and cooked during the morning ready for the guests to arrive just before 1pm.
Looking around on arrival you could collect your glass of sherry, see a table full of raffle prizes, another table loaded with lots of homemade sweets and, hidden away in the kitchen, plates of various cheeses being assembled for later consumption.
There was the opportunity to have your photo taken and to attempt  to work out some answers to the quiz sheet that had been left on each table. Then it was time for grace to be said and everyone got down to eating and drinking.

More photographs will be posted tomorrow.
You can click on these ones if you would like to enlarge them.

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