Friday, 11 January 2013

Breckland Flower and Garden Club

Floral arrangements
Lois Gill treated members to a wonderful presentation at the club's January meeting. Her arrangements were interspersed with information about the unusual shrubs which can be used at this time of the year. These included ceanothus 'zanzibar' (a variagated variety with a central dark streak on each lime-green leaf) and a bergenia 'purple edge' whose leaves were dark burgundy with a crinkly edge. Her arrangements included an all-foliage design, another one with tulips and cornus, and concluded with a summer container with roses, stocks and carnations in shades of pink.
Included in the raffle prizes were baskets of pale blue muscari, crocus and hyacinth hinting that spring will shortly be here.
The competition was won by Alison Walker in the New Hands class and Chistine Hewson in the Old Hands. Christine’s vase of winter shrubs also won the table show.
The February meeting will take place on Thursday 14 February at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 2pm when Christine Hewson will demonstrate her title 'Cupid's Arrow'. The competition title is 'Romance in the Air' and the table show is for a vase of snowdrops.
Visitors are always welcome - further details from Sally on 788712.

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