Saturday 25 February 2012

Christmas came late this year

Senior Citizens at lunch

Being a long way through February it was obviously the time for the Old Buckenham Senior Citizens Christmas lunch to be held. So on Saturday 25 February it was time to gather in Old Buckenham Village Hall and to sit down for a full roast dinner, the choice of several sweets and a mouth-watering cheeseboard.
The preparation work had started much earlier in the day with the hall kitchen being used to its limit and all the tables being set out and decorated. The sherry glasses were positioned ready for the first guests to arrive and the wine to go with the meal stacked out on the counter.
There was even a quiz to keep each table busy before the meal was served.
Once the eating was over the guests could sit back and enjoy the entertainment. This year it was provided by a group from Watton going under the name of ‘The West End Waiters’. They sang their way through a wide repertoire of tunes which were interspersed by comic sketches.

(More details and photos of the group in action will be posted tomorrow.)

The afternoon continued with tea, coffee and mince pies as well as the now obligatory short session of bingo with cash prizes.
Highlighting the bingo caller provided a reason to make the first use of the simple part of the new lighting system just installed in the hall (which probably explains his rather surprised expression in the photo).
The quiz sheets were marked and the ‘workers’ were persuaded out of the kitchen to take a well-earned round of applause with a special boquet of flowers for the cook.
So ended another most pleasant afternoon made possible by the volunteer effort put in by many people over the last twelve months. Long may it continue.

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