Thursday 27 October 2011

Where the money will go

How the precept was set
At a meeting on Wednesday 19 October, the Parish Council met at the Village Hall to determine the precept (that is the money that the Parish Council needs to have to cover its commitments over the coming year).
The precept was set at £14,525 with the budget expenses given as follows:
Salaries, £5845. Increase on last year due to upgrading of Parish Clerk and increase of 1 hour per week extra.  Community Car Scheme, £1200. Increase on last year due to greater use of the facility.  Room hire,£245. Slight reduction from last year.Insurance, £1400. Increased from last year because of Recreation Area being added.  Audit fees, £400. Same as last year. 
Administration expenses, £300. Increase from last year due to outsourcing of PAYE.
Training, £75. Reduced from last year.  Newsletter paper, £350. Slight increase from last year.
Inspection of play area, £200.
Inspection of recreation area, £200.
Maintenance of recreation area, £400.
Printing, postage and stationery, £225. No increase.
Rent of recreation area, £385.
Miscellaneous, £400. Reduced from last year.
Contingency fund, £1250. Increased from last year because of potential Diamond Jubilee celebrations.  Travel expenses, £200. Reduced from last year.
Grit bins, £400.
Subscriptions, £300.
Grants awarded. £671to Old Buckenham PreSchool Group and Nursery, £40 to Norfolk Age UK and £39 to MacMillan Cancer Care.

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