Tuesday 14 April 2009

Village Hall matters

Report of the Village Hall AGM
The AGM of the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) was held in the Memorial Room at the beginning of April. The following notes are taken from the minutes of that meeting.
The committee members present were Dennis Packham (Chairman), Michael Bartlett, Bridget Burton, Jill Emms, Pat Shearing, Beryl Watts and Gerald Norton. Five members of the general public also attended. Apologies were received from Carol Marshall and Pauline Cattermole. Tony Freake has been unwell and the meeting wished to register its concern and to send good wishes for his speedy recovery.
Before the formal start of the meeting Colin Phillips asked to speak to those attending to say that the Green Rights Proprietors’ committee would like to join with the VHMC in organising a joint fete on Saturday 29 August. Any profits would be shared, particularly with regards to the bar. There was unanimous agreement from those present and this subject will be on the agenda at the next VHMC meeting.
Minutes of the AGM were circulated, agreed as correct and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from the minutes included a report from Michael Bartlett that the initial application to Breckland for a grant had been turned down. It appears that the applicant must apply on behalf of their own organisation so he had re-applied on behalf of the Village Hall and should hear later in April. There had also been an application to Norwich Foundation for £5000. He also reported that at a recent Breckland Council meeting matched funding of up to a third of the cost had been suggested and this seemed a favourable outcome.
The chairman’s report was also circulated. In spite of having a relatively small committee, the finances are in good shape because of good housekeeping by the treasurer and the income from local hirers. Thanks go to Alison Frank for organising the annual garden event and to Michael Bartlett for organising the draw and selling raffle tickets to coincide with the fete.
The agreement lease for the recreational area had been completed on Monday 23 March.
Michael Bartlett continued to work hard for the kitchen refurbishment project. The car park continues to be in need of repair. The parents bringing and collecting their children from school are daily users but pay nothing towards the upkeep.
The need for more committee members is urgent. Some long standing members are due for retirement.
The report ended with thanks to the committee, to Peter Rhodes (caretaker), Sue Cottee (who unlocks and locks the hall) and to the minute secretaries.
The treasurer presented the accounts and supporting figures. She explained the various amounts already committed leaving £10,000 cash available. The meeting discussed fund raising events and how to make them more popular; suggestions included film shows and quizzes run on a different format. Julian will supply a contact for the film shows but he also mentioned that all village halls were having the same problems. Ron Brewer will publicise events in the newsletter if he can have the dates as early as possible.
The treasurer’s report was accepted and signed by the Chairman who thanked Jill for her work on behalf of the VHMC.
There were vacancies for three members to be elected to the VHMC. Michael Bartlett accepted nomination and was re-elected to the committee. Beryl Watts also accepted nomination and was elected to the committee.
Representatives from organisations were agreed to be as follows: Women’s Institute - Pat Shearing, Parish Council - Gerald Norton, Old Buckenham Players - Lesley Evison, Luncheon Club - Bridget Burton, Carpet Bowls Club - Jill Emms, Methodist Chapel - Dennis Packham, All Saints PCC - Tony Freake. The Scouts’ representative is still to be confirmed and the Breckland Flower Club is not at present represented.
Amongst the other points raised, Julian Goodey reported that all Village Halls throughout the County are losing committee members. Dennis Packham will definitely be retiring at the end of this year. Bridget Burton thanked him for all his concern and commitment and for all his hard work over many years. All agreed.
The provisional date for next Village Hall AGM is Wednesday 7 April 2010.

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