Monday 8 December 2008

Squares mean prizes

The Big Square Draw
Over the last month, visitors to the village shop in Old Buckenham have been able to ‘buy squares’ to take part in a big pre-Christmas Draw. Masterminded by Janet Moore, it was more successful than even she had hoped and 1075 squares had been taken by the time the draw took place.
All the money collected (£1075) was spent on prizes and these were supplied through the village shop. The aim was to provide a community event and not to make a financial profit of any kind.
Over fifty people gathered in the Church Rooms to see the ‘Big Square Draw’ take place.
Father Christmas was on hand to draw the first three prizes of hampers to the value of £100, £70 and £45 that were won by Eric Sopp, Jeffery Jones and Stan Burton respectively. There were another 86 prizes that were then drawn by the other villagers that had attended, items such as cases of wine, boxes of chocolates, bottles of spirits, tins of biscuits, even a cuddly toy or two.
All the children present were able to collect a small gift from Father Christmas before he had to leave for commitments elsewhere.
Refreshments were freely available to all those at the draw and donations towards the cost of these resulted in £40 being raised to go to the East Anglian Children's Hospice (EACH).

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