Latest discussions
These notes by the blog editor have been written from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 9 January 2025 at Old
Buckenham Methodist Church. Present were councillors Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley
Evison, Steve Gowers, David Taylor and P Twissell. Apologies for non-attendance
had been received from Naomi Bailey and
Donna Oakley. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and five members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 December 2024 were approved
(4 in favour, 2 abstain).Financial matters. Payments for a total of £2776.47 were approved (6 in
favour). These included £250 to Donna Oakley (RFO), £153.82 to Rachel Noyes as
reimbursement for dog bin costs, £148.80 to Online Playgrounds, £264 to Biltons
Limited and Stan Burton as reimbursement for digger hire. Payments to the
community car drivers totalled £119.10.
VAT reclaim received for 2023/24 financial year was £1474.33.
An invoice had recently been received from Breckland that had not been
paid last year. This is for the cutting of grass around St Andrews Close and
emptying of dog bin on Harlingwood Lane. A proposal to pay from the remaining
balance held by Breckland was approved (6 in favour).
Green Budget. This has been kept the same at £2000 on the draft
Precept. Lesley Evison enquired whether we would need more for the maintenance
for Prince Harry’s Wood in addition to the Green. Doug Irons explained that
once Terms of Reference are completed, then full budget can be planned for the
Green. If there is no evidence to need to increase the budget, then we can’t
really change it for now. Will review spending at the end of the year.
Precept. The key points included the suggestion as whether the Training
budget suggested to be halved to £500. Councillors felt it should stay at £1000
as new Clerk will need training and several councillors need to update their training.
There was a query over what the Footpath allocation is for. Would mean a
reduction in Precept by £1,067. Proposals to agree the spending breakdown and the draft Precept were approved (6 in favour).
Councillors’ reports. Lesley Evison hasn’t managed to get to the
allotment or look at feasibility. Some allotment holders are not happy as there
is poor quality land, break-ins and wildlife damaging crops. She will liaise
with Donna Oakley to analyse spending and whether they are economically viable.
Rachel Noyes to investigate original agreement with landowner. There will be a Green
Working Committee meeting on Monday 13 January.
Stan Burton reported that the Christmas tree was down and he will
collect the lights. Hasn’t had a chance to trim hedging from around 40mph sign
but will do so as soon as possible, weather permitting and when safe to do so
on the road.
Steve Gowers had had a meeting with Highways Engineer about speeding on
Cake Street. Very positive and looking at possible solutions. It could be very
expensive to change speed limits. Engineer will come back with some options in the
Spring. Meanwhile he will look at funding and gather opinions from Cake Street
residents opinions. Looking at new locations to place the mobile SAM sign.
Currently have three so this would allow a collection of data to then argue the
need for Speedwatch to be able to use those locations. Would require purchasing
new bracket to attach SAM sign to poles, which would be approximately £50 and
he will collect quotes for purchase. Steve Gowers has got repair kit for hole
by playground. Waiting for dry weather to complete repair. He has consulted
with the company that provided the repair kit for advice about playground
surfaces and they are going to suggest improvements and quotations. There may
also be funding available. Will complete research and keep the Council updated.
Rachel Noyes had received thanks from all the village groups that
applied for Precept grants. The dog bin for the Recreation Ground purchased and
she will arrange installation this month. Has spoken to the Bank about new account. The mandate that was signed
after last meeting and posted has not been received. They believe it has been
lost in the post. They will resend us another mandate. She will collect
signatures s soon as possible and can take to branch to avoid same issue again.
This will be the third copy they have sent out as first copy was never received
as also lost in the post. The advertisement for a new Clerk was put up in
December. Have completed interviews and looking at possible option of Rachel Noyes
staying for a short while as a mentor to help in transition of workload and
Doug Irons had been approached by parishioner about the area of land
off Sunnyside Track that has an area of parking for two cars, which some residents
believe they own. However the Parish Council believe it is still part of the
Green. Stan Burton explained that the Government website says that a claim of
ownership for parking cannot be made on town and village Greens. Posts have
currently been placed around it by residents. However they would need to be
removed from around it and placed adjacent to the track.
Thanks to Steve Gowers, Steve Askew and Highways for the installation
of handrails on steps opposite Stud. However the Parish Council were led to
believe that the steps themselves need changing due to differing heights so Steve
Gowers is to contact Highways for clarification.
Planning applications received before the meeting. (All planning
applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council
planning portal –
Parish Councillors have been asked by
the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting)
New planning applications. Three Ways, Cake Street. A proposal for single
storey front, side and rear extensions, increase in roof height to create a
first floor and new double garage to the front of the dwelling (PL/2024/0776/HOU).
Cannot identify any areas to object to. A resident raised the issue of whether
a car can turn around and exit the property on a dangerous bend. No objections
from Highways. A proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).
Caldcleugh, Cake Street. Proposed two storey side extension (PL/2024/0781/HOU).
No areas for objection and proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).
Posts on the Green. Residents on the top of Sunnyside Track have paid
for posts to be installed to prevent parking on the Green. Reg’s Way (track
from Abbey Road that is perpendicular to Sunnyside track) has become very busy
with parking and is causing severe erosion of the Green. Resident has collected
quotes for placing posts along both sides of Reg’s Way and bottom of Sunnyside
Track in one order, but would be paid separately. Permission has been received
from Highways and consulted about requirements and specifications. The Parish Council
would pay for those for Reg’s Way, residents for those at bottom of Sunnyside
Track. Resident explained that they would still need to allow a certain amount
of traffic to pass through, otherwise it will push the problem elsewhere. Best
quote is for £1,920.96. Doug Irons highlighted that all posts will need to have
two reflectors per post. The quotes received for posts are 100mm instead of
150mm (size of those already installed). Current posts are also taller than the
ones proposed (due to ground conditions). Current ones can be shortened if
needs be. A proposal to agree the potential purchase, provided the Green
Working Committee approve the installation and location, was approved (6 in favour).
The traffic and parking has been monitored in depth. Teachers parking
out on Abbey Road and the Green has reduced as they have given an area of land.
This is now boggy with wet weather but it will be tarmacked in the summer This still
might not be enough space. Councillors felt that the High School need extra
pressure to provide enough spaces for all the staff. Steve Gowers highlighted
that it is the school that needs to make more effort to manage the
parking/turning of cars.
Documents for approval. (i) OBPC complaints procedure Rev A, (ii) OBPC
Grievance Policy rev A, (iii) OBPC Disciplinary Policy rev A, (iv) OBPC
Antibullying & Harassment-policy-rev A and (v) OBPC Antibullying &
Harassment-Practical Guide notes-rev A. Proposal to approve all above documents
was approved (6 in favour). Doug Irons had also sent out an answer to the
Freedom of Information Request for councillors to read. All Councillors were
happy for the reply to be sent with no changes suggested.
Annual Parish Meeting date. The proposed date was Saturday 7 June starting
at 10:30am.
CPR and defibrillator training. Approximately 30 people have shown
interest so far. The charity that runs the sessions can do a maximum of 20
people per session so would require two separate sessions. Steve Gowers to
organise a date and arrange bookings. Anyone still wanting to express interest
to contact him.
Lease Agreement for the Green. Documents for revised versions of the
Lease Agreements were sent out. No changes suggested by Councillors. A proposal
to agree the revised Lease Agreements for the Green was approved (6 in favour).
Doug Irons to liaise with David Tranmer to complete applications for Two Wheel
Tuesday and benches. Concern was raised about the fact that repairs have not
been made to the Green, despite reminders and attempted help from Pete Twissell.
Invoices for TWT events, benches and additional events in 2024 were sent out at
the end of November and should have been paid within 14 days but have still not
been paid. The Clerk to contact David Tranmer to remind about overdue payments
and repairing of the Green.
Electricity payment for Christmas Tree lights. Cost for electricity
measured and calculated at £38.49. Proposal to approve payment was approved (6
in favour) and an additional cheque approved for payment of £38.49. Thanks to Harrow and Ferne for providing the electricity for the tree
and helping with the organisation of the switch on.
Pipe for West View Farm. At the last meeting, Doug Irons and Stan Burton
agreed to investigate where the pipe goes from concrete slab outside West View
Farm. Have now got a working endoscope so will complete investigation this
month. Resident explained that an engineer from lead Local Flood Authority has
stated that if there is proof that the pipe goes in to a (now filled in) ditch
outside West View Farm, then it may need to have ditch reinstated.
Public participation. A resident questioned the rules around taking a
picture of a lorry and its driver, as there are frequently lorries on Hargham Road
that exceed weight limit. Clerk to research the rules. Thanks were also give to
Stan Burton for all his work on the Ottomer pond and the overflow pipe.
Items for next agenda. These would include the site of a possible
future graveyard.
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 February at Old
Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.