Sunday, 22 December 2024

Busy Old Buckenham Parish Council

 Parish Council in December

The following report has been written by the village blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 5 December 2024 at Old Buckenham Methodist Church. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley Evison, David Taylor (would be late) and Pete Twissell. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Donna Oakley (RFO) and three members of the public. Apologies received from Steve Gowers. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 November were approved after an amendment was made to a Stan Burton report which should read “£110 plus VAT”

Financial matters. Cheques totalling £2081.96 were approved which included Information Commissioners Office £40, West Norfolk Web Design £217.80, Wave Water £15.76, Donna Oakley (3 months pay) £750 and Rachel Noyes (3 months pay) £1058.40. Community car drivers were paid a total of £53.75. These payments were approved (5 in favour).

A £500 donation had been received from County Broadband towards the playground. Also a VAT reclaim submitted. The annual website maintenance cost for the next 12 months is £217.80. This has been paid upfront for the next year as a gesture of good will because of previous late payments. There is no difference in total cost if it is paid monthly or yearly.

External Auditors have issued a Public Interest Report as the Parish Council failed to submit the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) on time this year. Donna Oakley has now prepared accounts and AGAR for 2023/24. She is concerned whether we can get an internal auditor to review it, so will ask external auditor for advice. Accounts, AGAR and Public Interest Report all need to be displayed on our website. The Minutes reference required for the public interest report and the AGAR.

(David Taylor arrived)

Donna Oakley has prepared the AGAR and sent to councillors to review. The Parish Council shouldn’t have gone overdrawn but it did and this means that our Precept Agreement was broken. As this is now sorted, it will be put in the letter for clarification. A proposal to approve the AGAR was approved (6 in favour). Similarly the 2023/24 Accounts were approved (6 in favour) and a proposal to agree the receipt of the Public Interest Report and to publish it online was also agreed(6 in favour).

Councillors’ reports. County and District Councillor Steve Askew said he has been chasing several issues around Old Buckenham with limited success. This includes the drains on the corner near Fearne and Harrow and the steps opposite the Stud. At recent Saturday Surgery, Stan Burton explained that two residents raised concerns about flooding/ditches on Cake Street as water is running down all of Harlingwood Lane into Cake Street. Steve Askew offered to come and join upcoming meeting with Highways Officer and Naomi Bailey.

On entering village from the New Buckenham direction, the 40mph signs are overgrown and not clearly visible. Stan Burton offered to trim back vegetation. Lesley Evison highlighted that the village has developed since speed limits were initially introduced and so are no longer suitable for the number of cars now using the roads. Steve Askew explained that the change of speed limits is an expensive process and so is difficult to get. A member of the public enquired who manages the hedges on Abbey Road as branches are getting broken by lorries which are then causing issues for drivers. Steve Askew thinks it may be Chapel Green School so will make contact and enquire.

Naomi Bailey reported that a meeting was scheduled for after Christmas regarding the youth club. An item had been posted online about defibrillator training. Appears to have a lot of interest and may team up with New Buckenham Parish Council. The village Christmas tree has been installed and lights are on. Switch on is at 4pm onwards on Sunday 8 December. Highways are aware of the flashing speed sign by memorial needing repairing.

She would like to thank Donna Oakley and Rachel Noyes for returning to the Parish Council and their work over the last few months to rectify issues. As Chair, would also like to thank all councillors for all their work over the last year which has been challenging and when they could have easily stepped down. The councillors all gave their thanks to Naomi Bailey for everything she has done and leading the Parish Council through a difficult year.

Steve Gowers had submitted a report that was read out. They now have another volunteer for Community Speed Watch Team and another volunteer has stepped up to complete much of the administration, moving the SAM sign and downloading data. Enquired about setting up a Speed Watch email address to help with continuity in the future. Have had residents raise concerns about lorries over the weight limit (7.5 ton) using Hargham Road. Could the Parish Council write to the companies involved? We also need to have control over future developments, such as the Solar Farm on Attleborough Road. Naomi Bailey highlighted that the traffic plan for developments will often provide alternative routes and that the Parish Council stipulated this fact in their response to the application. Lesley Evison explained that Old Buckenham is sometimes a diversion when there is an accident on A11 and that there are strict rules about photographing vehicles as evidence. Meeting arranged with Highways on about speeding vehicles on Cake Street. Both Naomi Bailey and Steve Askew will be attending.

Stan Burton apologised for the technical issues for the lack of last post at Remembrance Sunday service. He has collected the wreaths and will keep them for next year. Some groups struggle with this yearly cost but will still make a donation. Last year, wreaths from the Old Buckenham memorial were collected by people outside the village for this reason. A risk assessment has been completed for the sound system for the Christmas Tree Switch-on. Also have some posts to help direct people. Will need contingency in case of bad weather. Naomi Bailey to make a call about weather by 1.30pm.

A drainage company had jetted out the Ottomer Pond drainage pipe. They traced the jet washer down the pipe and found it came to edge of wall by West View Farm but could not go any further. Dug down next to wall and found two concrete slabs. Company believe that it may go in to ditch by West View Farm and there may be a drain that comes down from Sunnyside. Need to dig down with a digger to the concrete slab and find what is below. Don’t know if it goes under the road, pipe must lead somewhere as water level in the pipe decreased. Naomi Bailey will speak to Highways and Lead local flood authority (LLFA) and see what can be done. Doug Irons suggested drilling down and putting an endoscope down to investigate what is under the concrete slab. The drainage company were there about two hours.

Pete Twissell had planted hedge down side of recreation ground with support from High School and Chapel Green School. Did not have any response from the Primary School. Lesley Evison has received contacts and plan for the allotments. One user is still unhappy about the security at the allotments. She raised concerns about whether the allotments are financially viable. Lesley Evison, Doug Irons and Donna Oakley to compile review of allotments.

Doug Irons said the Green Working Committee have identified a suitable seed for the repair of the Green by the Ox and Plough but wanted to highlight the need for soil too. Lesley Evison and Stan Burton (as Green Rights Holders) confirmed that any good quality top soil would be suitable. He had attempted to create a central sharepoint with the Clerk’s laptop but discovered it could not be done for free. Will liaise with David Taylor to try and find a solution. Has a reply prepared to Freedom of Information request. Tried to get NALC to proof read who recommended the ICO who were unable to help as they must remain impartial. Councillors can look at and review his draft reply. He enquired about an update on the Barclays bank account. Donna Oakley explained that they were just waiting for the card reader still. Rachel Noyes said the Lloyds bank account paperwork was delayed. Have chased and now received. Will get councillors to sign forms and send off as soon as possible. Donna Oakley also required to provide ID in branch.

New planning applications. Shardalows Farm, Fen Street. Erection of a new agricultural building for the secure storage of agricultural machinery, hay, straw and haylage (3PL/2024/0503/F). This application was previously highlighted to the Parish Council and due to a lack of information meant it was not discussed. A resident has sent a detailed report as to why they objected to the application. Proposal by Naomi Bailey to object due to volume of traffic and issues with the application and this was approved (6 in favour).

There were no Amended Applications or Planning Decisions by Breckland Council. Breckland Council are changing the system used for planning applications and this is causing issues with communication. Clerk has confirmed new email address with Breckland Planning.

Precept Grant applications. Councillors were reminded that they previously voted to limit the amount given out in Precept Grants this year to £3500. This is to prevent any significant increase in the council tax paid by residents.

Robert Cocks Almshouses: Request £5000 for roofing project that is still ongoing. Last year, they didn’t cash cheque until reminded by a councillor. However due to changes with our bank, the cheque did not cash in. This will have to be re-issued and they will be reminded that the money needs to be spent on the project stated by the end of the financial year. Proposal to give £600 was approved (6 in favour).

Primary School Families Association: Request for £750 towards a school trip to Norfolk Show. Naomi Bailey to abstain from vote due to conflict of interest. Parents will be asked to donate and Families Association will be contributing (through fundraising). Coach costs have increased significantly in recent years but felt it was important to support and educate about our local community. Doug Irons highlighted that this is good value for the number of children that would be attending. Proposal to give £750 was approvd (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Fawns: Request for £624 for the cost of hiring the hall to enable the group to be free. Member of the public explained that attendees make voluntary donations if they can and that they also hold fundraising events themselves to minimise costs to the families. Councillors felt that with no nursery in the village, it provides good support for young children and new parents. Proposal to give £624 was approved (6 in favour).

Monday Mardle: Request £150 towards running costs and hiring premises. Proposal to give the full £150 was approved (6 in favour).

Old Buckenham Youth Group: Request for £1000 towards set up costs. Naomi Bailey to abstain from vote due to conflict in interest. Group is looking to get running at Easter and will be fundraising some money too. While it is being held at a Methodist Church, it is not anything to do with the Church so the Parish Council is able to accept applications. Councillors felt it was important to support and give it a chance. Proposal to give £500 was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Village Hall: Requesting £1200 to replace the stage curtains and the curtains in the Memorial Room. PT to abstain from vote due to conflict in interest. They need to be fire retardant and are now out of date. Cost of re-treating them is similar to having new ones. Curtains also offer thermal insulation to the hall. Propose to give £700 (5 in favour, 1 abstain). 

Cricket Club: They had requested £1500 towards furniture and work on their new pavilion. Councillors felt that the Parish Council has given a lot of money in previous years and the Cricket Club has good revenue. Proposal to give £200 was approved (6 in favour).

Precept Grants approved totalled £3,524.

Green Working Party report. The Green Working Committee met in November. A new resident has joined to replace Adrian Joel. Ryegrass seed is needed for the repair of Green by David Tranmer. There are some trees on the Green with silver discs on. This was after every tree was surveyed and all the trees were identified and logged to aid with maintenance. The Clerk to send report to Lesley Evison. Going to look for volunteers to help tidy the Green by clearing branches, etc. Litter picks to also be organised. Possible meeting in June for residents about the Green. Rachel Noyes suggested combining it with Annual Parish Meeting.

Lesley Evison would like a clear list of workers and their contacts. She struggles with IT so would like a paper document. Naomi Bailey highlighted that the Terms of Reference has to be discussed and approved before they can proceed. Doug Irons has drafted a copy on their behalf which can quickly be amended/approved at next meeting. Stan Burton volunteered to keep the footpaths on the Green clear. Next meeting will be on Monday 13 January with plan for grass cutting for 2025 to be discussed.

Dog bin on Recreation Ground. Breckland Council have now confirmed they would collect and dispose of the waste from a dog bin on the Recreation Ground. However as it is not public land, the Parish Council would need to pay for this. Cost of new bin installed would total £253.82. Would also cost £239.78 a year to have this bin emptied. Councillors felt this was a good solution to the problem of dog waste being repeatedly put in the litter bin which is emptied by the Village Hall cleaner. Proposal to go ahead was approved (6 in favour).

Disclosure and Barring Service. It was felt that employees should have DBS checks as an extra level of security for the Parish Council. It costs £53 for an enhanced DBS check. Current Clerk already has one and will provide evidence to Chair.

Register for filming locations. Clerk has been contacted about being added to a list of filming locations by a Norfolk-based filming company who are partially funded by Norfolk County Council. A proposal to agree to be added to this list was approved (6 in favour).

Allotment rent. Discussion on this will be delayed until report about financial viability of allotments is collated.

Community Car Scheme. The village Community Car Scheme is run by volunteers and many appointments are being given at hospitals far afield and at some private hospitals. The Community Car drivers have discussed and have amended the wording of the definition of Old Buckenham community car use to “Only NHS appointments, in a radius of 50 miles of Old Buckenham, including Hospitals, visits to Doctors Surgeries, Physiotherapy Clinics, Opticians and Dental Surgeries”. Councillors felt that if this is what the drivers are happy to do, then the Parish Council should support them. Doug Irons suggested adding the words “at the drivers discretion”. Proposal was approved (6 in favour).

To consider the document: OBPC Financial Risk Assessment Rev AProposal to approve and adopt was carried (6 in favour).

Public participation. None.

Items for next agenda. These will include the precept, the allotments and the date for the Annual Parish Meeting in 2025.

The next Parish Council meeting on will be on Thursday 9 January 2025 at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Changes over Christmas period in Old Buckenham

 Either open or shut

In the run-up to Christmas the village shop has its revised opening hours posted on the front door. On New Year's Day it will be open from 9am to 12 noon.

The Old School Bookshop is opening from 10am to 4pm on both Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 December so that you can buy those last minute books, cards, wrapping paper and other little presents you may suddenly decide that you need. Lucie will then be having a well-earned rest and working on getting the second room open. The bookshop opens again on Friday 10 January when normal service will resume.

The Pop Up Pantry at the Village Hall will start again in 2025 on Wednesday 8 January and its opening hours have changed and will now be 9.30am to 11am. New times to pick up your bargains...

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Carols in Old Buckenham

Go along to the Methodist Church 

Plenty of chances to sing. The Carol Service is at 10.45am, tomorrow Sunday 15 December (mince pies after the service).

Then there is a Christmas Singalong – 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 December – a mix of carols and other well-known Christmas songs. Organ to be played by Sarah Dye. Followed by mince pies, coffee and mulled wine (non-alcoholic).


Friday, 6 December 2024

Festive refreshments in Old Buckenham

Visit the Village Hall on Saturday

Come along and see all the stalls on Saturday 7 December as well as partaking in festive refreshments between 2pm and 4pm. Enjoy yourself and help to raise funds for All Saints Church.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

History of Old Buckenham blog

 When it all started

This blog began on 1st December 2008 which is 16 years ago. According to some not particularly accurate software, it has had 157,460 visits since then and is now getting about 600 visits each month. It may be looked at by people from all over the world but is a pretty small fish in a very large ocean.

Since it started the readership has been around 85% UK, 6% USA, 1% Germany, Norway, France and India with no other country reaching one percent. Recently these figures have changed and over the last three months the UK has dropped to 81%, USA risen to 9% and Germany has reached 6%. There has only been one visit in 16 years from about twenty countries including Gambia, Aruba and Guam.

Long may it continue...