Wednesday 11 September 2024

Old Buckenham Garage Sale

 Taking part?

This year's Garage Sale is on Saturday 21 September from 9am until 1pm. Not long to go so reserve your entry on the official map now. Deadline to guarantee entry on the official map is 1pm on Sunday 15 September. Reservations cost £5 and can be made via Ticketsource. All money raised goes to the Friends of Old Buckenham Windmill charity, to support restoration and maintenance of the mill.

The windmill will also be open 9am to 1pm on the same Saturday for tours of the mill. The tea hut will be open serving hot and cold drinks and refreshments. Pop in for a brew and something tasty as you're walking around the village.
Maps will be available free of charge from the windmill on the day and will be available in advance from village locations or to download online. Make your reservations, mark your calendar and keep your fingers crossed for good weather.

Monday 9 September 2024

Ownership of Old Buckenhan Green

 An often asked question

This answer to an important question is written by Parish Councillor Stan Burton. Old Buckenham Green is common land. Common land is an area over which certain people have Rights. That does not make Old Buckenham Green a common. It is registered as a Green.

It all goes back to the Enclosure Act and Apportionment Act where rights were granted. These can be Green Rights, Grazing Rights, Planting Rights, Estovers, Rights of Common and Sporting Rights (shooting and fishing).

Originally there were forty Rights for Old Buckenham green but one was given up by the then Lord of the Manor for the War Memorial.

In 1965 all Common land, including Greens, and any Rights had to be registered with the County Council. If they were not registered, they were lost.

In a court case a few years ago, a Judge ruled that as ownership of Old Buckenham Green had not been registered, ownership passed on to the Public Trustee, a Government body, and any person with registered Rights could set up a management committee to look after the Green. This responsibility has since been passed over to the Parish Council Green Working Party.


Commons Registration Act 1965

Definition of Town or Village Green.

Town or Village Green means land which has been allotted by or under any act for the exercise or recreation of the inhabitants of any locality or on which the inhabitants of any locality have a customary right to indulge in lawful sports and pastimes or on which the inhabitants of any locality have indulged in such sports and pastimes as of right for not less than twenty years.

Friday 6 September 2024

Clearing Old Buckenham churchyard

 It's that time of year again

Churchyard Tidy Up is on Saturday 14 September from 9am until midday. 
Could you possibly spare some time to help tidy up the Churchyard, even if just for an hour or two? As well as helping it's also a great way to make new friends. 

It would be great to see you. If you can, please bring tools, ie strimmer, rake, shears, loppers, wheelbarrow. Some spare tools will be available. Cups of tea and coffee will be supplied. Please let David Hannah know if you are able to come. Thank you.

Monday 2 September 2024

Old Buckenham residents ask questions

Useful surgery

Two members of the Parish Council held the Saturday surgery at the Village Hall Memorial Room on Saturday 31 August. They were kept occupied for the whole period of the surgery. Four members of the public and District and County councillor Steve Askew came along. 

A resident pointed out to us that brambles are starting to take over some areas of the woodland at the south west side of the green and enquired about general upkeep of the trees around the Green. It was suggested that the council should investigate grant funding for upkeep of the woodland areas. The same resident offered some further information regarding drainage pointing out that there is a pipe running from the small pond (Green Pond) opposite the shop, passing under the main road and emerging between the road and Ottomer pond. Foliage around Green Pond is at risk of blocking that drain.

The current village newsletter editor pointed out that he will not be able to run the newsletter for ever and that there is a need for someone to take over in the future. He also supplied the Council with a details of the paper which will be needed for the magazine in 2025.

A resident from Chattergate noted that double yellow lines on Abbey Road potentially preclude delivery vehicles unloading to their back gate. While the council cannot advise on highway matters, it was pointed out that the HMG published guidelines indicate that brief stops for loading and unloading are permitted. 

Another resident enquired about progress with applications for sections of Raggs Lane and Barkers Lane to be designated as public footpaths. Steve Askew will ask for a progress report from Norfolk County Council and report back to the Parish Council.