Saturday, 25 April 2015

Future of Old Buckenham Green

Looking after our heritage
Over forty people gathered at Old Buckenham village hall this morning to discuss ideas on the future management of Old Buckenham Green.

The meeting was ably led by the chair of the Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors, Sarah Dye, who went through the history of the area going back to 1791. She got the audience to list the good things about the Green, the need for improvement, the jobs that needed doing, who might do them and who would finance any necessary work. 

The main suggestion put forward was that a new independent body needs to be formed that would contain representatives from all those interested in the Green and that could aim to have charity status thus allowing it to obtain grants and other forms of income. This idea will be investigated further and another meeting arranged in the near future to consider a suitable name, a constitution and membership of such a body.

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