Thursday, 30 April 2015

Old Buckenham's May newsletter

With a special four-page supplement
It's got an angel on the front and four pages about the Women's Institute in the middle. If you don't get a copy delivered to your house then copies are available to pick up now in all the usual places.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Duck house back in Old Buckenham

Afloat in Rod Alley Pond
The sunken old duck house has been removed and a brand new building is now proudly floating in the pond for the ducks to inhabit. It is thanks to Ray Bayfield and friends that this has happened, a perfect example of the sort of cooperation between villagers that was discussed at the meeting last Saturday morning (see blog post on Saturday 25 April).

Trust the blog editor to notice that the sponsor's message on one side of the roof has not turned out quite rigth.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Old Buckenham Women's Institute presents...

Recent history on show in village hall
What connects the radio-controlled clock in the village hall, the tables in Old Buckenham mill, a seat on the Green and the village sign? If you had come along to the event in the village hall yesterday evening, you would have realised that they were all provided by courtesy of Old Buckenham Women's Institute.
The first WI in the UK met in September 1915 at Llanfair PG, Anglesey, North Wales. The movement was founded in 1897 by Adelaide Hoodless from Stoney Creek, Ontario.
The formation of WIs in villages in the UK went from strength to strength and at the first conference in October 1917 60 delegates came from 127 institutes. A constitution was adopted by the newly formed National Federation and from that time there have existed three main aspects of the organisation; the village WI, on which the whole movement rest; the County Federations, who foster their own WIs; and the National Federation, whose duty it is to provide guidance and a united structure, to which all WIs and County Federations would become affiliated.
The Norfolk Federation was formed in March 1918 and there are several WIs in this county who will also celebrate their centenary within the next 2 to 3 years.
The present Old Buckenham WI was formed in 1967, although there had been a much earlier WI in this village which probably closed in the 1950s. Reading the minutes of the monthly meetings make interesting reading – they are certainly a social history of our time. All their meetings were held in the old village hall (situated on Attleborough Road) until the new hall was built in 1979.
In November 1977 Jean Wade was elected as President and two months later the decision was taken to raise money for a village sign and a ballot was taken in June 1978 on the final choice of design. The new village hall was opened on 31st May 1979 followed one month later by the unveiling of the village sign.  Always trying to maintain their involvement with the village they have provided story sacks for the Primary School, tables for the windmill and have always been in evidence at the village fetes and organise the Open Produce and Handicraft Show each September.

Last night's event was organised to celebrate the national Women's Institute centenary and to also showcase much of what the Old Buckenham members have done for the village and for the wider community.

After everyone had taken the chance to look around the displays and reminisce, Susan Hunter gave a short explanation of what the evening was all about and then introduced Rachael Duffield who described the 'Seven Ages of Woman' in both song and verse. Rachel soon had everyone enthralled with her performance and had the audience of some seventy people singing along with her.
Finally it was time to cut the celebratory cake and wash it down with a glass of wine as well as enjoying those refreshments that the WI do so well.
Lots of effort went into producing this evening and it probably opened many people's eyes to the contribution Old Buckenham WI makes to life in Old Buckenham.


Saturday, 25 April 2015

Future of Old Buckenham Green

Looking after our heritage
Over forty people gathered at Old Buckenham village hall this morning to discuss ideas on the future management of Old Buckenham Green.

The meeting was ably led by the chair of the Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors, Sarah Dye, who went through the history of the area going back to 1791. She got the audience to list the good things about the Green, the need for improvement, the jobs that needed doing, who might do them and who would finance any necessary work. 

The main suggestion put forward was that a new independent body needs to be formed that would contain representatives from all those interested in the Green and that could aim to have charity status thus allowing it to obtain grants and other forms of income. This idea will be investigated further and another meeting arranged in the near future to consider a suitable name, a constitution and membership of such a body.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Spring in the air in Old Buckenham

Breckland Flower and Garden Club

Fifty members met for the April meeting and enjoyed a presentation by Lois Gills's entitled 'Spring is in the Air'. With spring flowers in abundance Lois also gave tips on seasonal planting for pots and troughs with her top tip - if you want to keep your hostas slug free don't plant them anywhere near bergenias! She also told about a 'Blossom and Yarn Festival' to be staged in the six churches of the Wayland Parish - each with a different theme – between Friday 10 and Monday 13 July. Not only will there be fresh flower arrangements but others made from knitted squares, together with life-size 'people' and animals, also knitted.
The new president for the coming year, Mrs Jan Orbell, was presented with her badge of office by outgoing president Mrs Marjorie Greenwood.
The Club's fundraising for the year for Scotty's Little Soldiers culminated in the presentation of a cheque for over £600 to one of their representatives. The money will go towards giving holidays and bursaries to children who have lost a parent during military service.
There was a wonderful display for the monthly competition table, title 'Blossom included', and it was won by Heather Doig.
Next month's meeting will be held on Thursday 11 May at 2pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Graham Watts has been invited to talk on the making of his garden at Dereham. Although his garden is opened under the National Garden Scheme, the club will be making a private visit for their July meeting.
The competition title will be ‘Garden Delights’ and a trophy will be awarded for the best use of garden plant material. The table show will be for ‘Blossom from the garden’.
Visitors are always welcome. Further details from Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Old Buckenham's next film show

Old Buckenham Village Hall Cinema
Friday 24 April sees the third blockbuster in this spring season of films. Come along and see Benedict Cumberbatch and Kiera Knightly in The Imitation Game on Friday 24 April starting at 8pm.
Tickets cost £4 each. To book by email go to or call 01953 860866.
To watch a trailer go to
See you there.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Old Buckenham Scouts move forward

Uniform changes
Monday 20 April has been a special day for the 1st Old Buckenham Scout Group.
For some time they have been struggling to get the material for their harlequin neckers (older readers may remember them being called neckerchiefs) but with no success. Following a vote by the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders a new necker design was chosen and it has now been approved by both the District and County Scout Commissioners. To mark this change to the Group, parents and friends were invited to a presentation evening in Old Buckenham Village Hall when the new neckers were given to each member of the Group and some of the newest members were invested.
Both the County and District commissioners were there for this event and the opportunity was taken to photograph all the members of the Group before many enjoyed the drinks and homemade cakes.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Latest Old Buckenham quiz result

More questions answered
There may only have been six teams at the quiz in the Village Hall on Saturday 18 April but there was keen rivalry as usual. The questions had been set by 'Maggie's Mob', the winners of the last village quiz in the autumn of 2014. After the eight rounds on a wide range of subjects the winners were the Old Buckenham Women's Institute A team with a total of 77 points. So they collected the large cup and have the honour of setting the questions for the next quiz this coming autumn.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Old Buckenham Village Hall AGM

Report of the meeting
The following notes have been written by the blog editor from the minutes of the meeting.
Eleven members of the public were present at the meeting on Wednesday 1 April as well as committee members. Richard Crawley and Chris Dalton had sent apologies for not being able to attend.
In her chairperson’s report, Lynn Milner started by thanking all who have worked tirelessly over the year to make sure Old Buckenham has a healthy, thriving village hail.
Pledges made last year have been completed including an on-line booking system, building of financial reserves for future building improvements, an improvement in car park usage with an income stream to maintain and repair it, completion of the audio visual project, installation and general use of broadband for all hall users, the continued programme of entertainments such as cinema, bingo, quizzes, village fête and concerts, etc.
There is a database for forthcoming events and activities, information for future events can now be emailed and placed on Facebook.
The hall is in receipt of a grant of money from the Parish Council to help improve the hall fabric by providing thermal insulation thus reducing running costs. Further grant success from the local Council will allow the purchasing of computers for the use of residents, further details will be announced later. There is also a grant for the provision of seating on the front terrace and some landscaping which will provide an additional area for people to meet and relax.
For the future the hall is faced with two key projects; finance for a prompt car park re-surfacing plus further improvements to the fabric of the buildings such as thermal efficiency, decoration and repair.
Thanks are due to the friends, hall users and residents of Old Buckenham, without whom, the hall not be in the position as is in today.
The treasurer's report was presented by Graham Dye. The balance in the general fund at the end of 2014 was £8,645 with a further £11,185 in the major works reserve fund. In the public discussion the car park income was questioned. Steve Milner explained the permit scheme the parents are buying (at 40p per day) for using the village hall car park. Sixty permits have been issued and the money is ring-fenced for car park repairs. The Pre-school leader said the pre-school have difficulties in paying for parking as they themselves are a charity. A member of the public stated that in the archives of Village Hall minutes it allegedly states that the Pre-school was granted free parking in the village hall. Linda Foulger will investigate and report back to committee.
A member of the public commented that the fete takings were disappointing. The committee said there had been positive feedback but another member of the public thought that the increased price of tables, etc, did not encourage participation. This year's fete is on Saturday 4 July and will have an American theme.
In reply to the question of whether the recycling revenue will decrease in future, Graham Dye said he thought this was to be expected. Asked if the bottles from the local pubs can be recycled for Village Hall funds - bottles can still be collected from the pubs, despite new arrangements where glass and paper can be placed in black bins. Collections from the container in the village hall car park continue to raise revenue for hall.
Secretary Linda Foulger told the meeting she had contacted all local schools and user groups asking for representation on the Village Hall Management Committee. In response to an advertisement in the Old Buckenham newsletter, Roisin Howard volunteered to join the committee.
Details were given of the WI Centenary celebrations to be held in the hall on Saturday 25 April with archive material and entertainment. A live screening from the Royal Albert Hall of the national WI AGM is being organised for Thursday 4 June, all are invited. Steve Milner told the meeting of the cinema evenings shown at the Village Hail. The Italian evening was particularly enjoyable. The new electronic equipment that has been installed has been very successful. The possibility of showing classic films, children films and matinees performances would be investigated.
Alison Frank asked the meeting if they had any other fund-raising ideas. Antiques and collectors fairs, craft fairs and farmer's markets were discussed. Lynn Milner told the meeting that future events will include the ‘Chicory Tip’ pop group, Gilbert and Sullivan opera and a magic show.
The Old Buckenham Players representative had spoken about dates clashing with school events. It was pointed out that the Old Buckenham newsletter has lists of future dates as well as the village website so future planning should be easier.
Lynn Milner, Mike Craven-Romain and Roisin Howard were elected unopposed as committee members. Lesley Coates and Claire Hancy representing Buckenham Pre-school volunteered to join the committee. Ron Brewer asked if the Village Hall Management Committee would allow their contact details to be published in the newsletter. Members agreed to have their email addresses included. Jill Emms asked if the minutes of Management Committee monthly meetings could be published in the village newsletter.
Eileen Oliver asked about hire fees for the Senior Citizens annual lunch. This, and general hall hire fees, will be discussed fully at the committee meeting on Wednesday 8 April and Eileen Oliver advised of the outcome. Jill Emms asked for the website to be updated and Steve Milner will correct this.
It was asked if the heating could be turned on more than 15 minutes before hall use to allow the hall to heat up. Mike Craven-Romain does this 30 minutes before a hall booking. The timings of hall use was questioned and the meeting was informed that all users should leave hall at their allotted times as stated in hire terms.
The availability of basic cleaning materials for hall users was queried and Jill Emms told the meeting that there was a cupboard in the foyer which could be used to store small amounts of cleaning/toilet supplies. This will implemented.
The date of the next village hall AGM will be Wednesday 6 April 2016.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Afternoon tea in Old Buckenham

Teapots and cafetieres on Friday

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Curtain up on Old Buckenham Players

Come and find out who did it
Following the success of their pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk' earlier in the year, Old Buckenham Players are back with their May production 'Curtain up on Murder' by Bettine Manktelow. With twists and turns through every scene, this thriller should keep the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. Set in a theatre at the end of a pier, it concerns an amateur dramatics society rehearsing for their latest production. All is well until an untimely death starts the wheels of doubt, paranoia and accusation turning. This only grows when subsequent strange and tragic happenings add to the panic of the group, throwing them deeper and deeper in to disarray.
But who or what is to blame for the dark events? Will the truth ever be found out? Join the Players for a night of intrigue, suspense and of course above all, enjoyment.
Performances start at 7.30pm on Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 May at Old Buckenham Village Hall. There'll be a raffle and a reasonably priced bar serving a range of soft and alcoholic drinks. Tickets are on sale now, cost just £8 and can be purchased by calling 01953 861336 or in person from Old Buckenham Stores or Nuts 'n' Bolts in Attleborough.
Would you like to learn more about Old Buckenham Players? To find out what they do, how they do it and to make sure you are up-to-date on their forthcoming shows you can use
their website:

Monday, 13 April 2015

Old Buckenham Women's Institute

Centenary celebrations start soon
At their March meeting Old Buckenham WI had an interesting talk on the work of a magistrate. The talk was cleverly presented, each member first being asked to try to answer 16 questions about magistrates. The answers to this quiz revealed some interesting facts. The use of magistrates in this country dates back to 1316 and the age limit is 18 to 70. Members also learnt that there are about 25,000 magistrates in England and Wales and that a magistrate does not have to have any formal qualifications. They undergo continuous training and they are not paid a salary, only travel expenses. There are three magistrates at each court sitting and there is always a legal adviser present at each hearing. The gender of magistrates is 50/50 so that at each hearing there is always at least one of each gender on the bench. Magistrates have to commit to do a minimum of 26 sittings each year and that you become a magistrate by applying yourself, not being put forward by another person or by answering an advertisement.
Old Buckenham WI is looking forward to the many events that are planned in the WI Centenary Year. Firstly there will be a special Open Evening at the Village Hall on Saturday 25 April at 7.30pm and all are welcome.
June is a busy month with a Garden Party, by kind permission of Barbara and John Frost, on Saturday 20 June. Two Old Buckenham members are attending the Buckingham Palace Garden Party on Tuesday 2 June – this to be hosted by the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex. Two days later, on Thursday 4 June, the village hall management committee have kindly arranged for the national WI Annual General Meeting at the Albert Hall to be beamed directly to the big screen in the village hall. It is hoped that Old Buckenham members will be joined during the day by other WI members from the local area.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

All sorts of music in Old Buckenham

Performed by the Liquorice Allsorts Clarinet Quartet
All Saints Church in Old Buckenham is a wonderful place to go to musical performances, even though the wooden pews do feel rather hard if the music goes on for too long. Last night the music was performed by a quartet of female clarinet players, a combination you won't come across that often.

The four ladies, Biddy Vogel, Sally Wallace-Jones, Pauline Dixon and Sue Wensley play together in the Bridgham and Harling Concert Band and are proud to wear smart, suitably patterned, waistcoats for these other concerts.The compere for the evening was John Wallace-Jones who gave a short description of each item to be played to allow the ladies to get they breath back between pieces.
The music varied across a wide range of composers. There was Handel, Schumann, Mozart, Greig, Bizet and Brahms mixed up with Scott Joblin and Ringo Starr. Three Blind Mice found their way into concert as well as the Tedd Bears' Picnic.
A very pleasant evening which also raised some useful money for the church.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

New parish councillors for Old Buckenham

Result of elections
There were not more nominations than available places for the election of parish councillors for the parish of Old Buckenham that was due to take place on Thursday 7 May. The following have therefore been duly elected for Old Buckenham and will formally become parish councillors once the polls have closed at 10pm on Thursday 7 May.
Members of the existing parish council will meet at 7.30pm on Thursday 7 May in the Church Rooms.
The new council is now expected to meet on Wednesday 13 May in the Church Rooms for their AGM and to elect a chairman and vice chairman with their first 'ordinary' meeting taking place on Thursday 4 June.

Rona Boggia, The Joules, Crown Rd, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SD

Tim Bornett, 4A Hargham Close, Old Buckenham, Norfolk, NR17 1SJ

Terry Cracknell, The Coach House, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SW

Ben Devlin, Ox and Plough, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RN

Mike Farrington, Puddled Cottage, Puddledock, Old Buckenham, NR17 1NL

Sarah Hornbrook, 2 Chapel Loke, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PY

Adrian Joel, 9 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SL

Tom Johnson, Little Goblyns, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PQ

Jonathan Kemp, 44 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SN

Carol Marshall, 5 Barbers Yard, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RW

Stephen Milner, Fig Tree Cottage, Stacksford, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PD

Friday, 10 April 2015

Old Buckenham's medieval windows

Visit to see repair work
Members of Old Buckenham's Social and Wine Circle last night went on a visit to the workshops of Devlin Plumber Stained Glass to hear about the techniques of the renovating of stained glass. Of particular interest was the work being done on a set of medieval glass panels that had been removed from All Saints Church in April 2014.
They saw examples of work being done on large windows from Ely cathedral as well as the smaller items from Old Buckenham which were found in need of considerable rebuilding.
It is expected that the windows will be reinstalled in the church during autumn this year.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Look inside Old Buckenham windmill

Monthly openings start soon
Every month from now until September, Old Buckenham mill is open from 2pm until 5pm on the second Sunday of the month. There are other fund-raising events planned and you will be able to abseil down the outside of the mill on Saturday 12 September as well as enjoy a barbecue and live music.
Perhaps more importantly for the younger members of the village it is understood that Father Christmas is expected to be in attendance on Sunday 13 December.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Residents' comments at Old Buckenham parish council meeting

Public recess discussions in April
This item has been written by the blog editor from notes supplied by the parish clerk.
A resident raised the matter of Chapel Road School and had met with a representative of NCC who said he had some sympathy for residents of Old Buckenham regarding the construction of the new school. Also a representative from Norfolk County Council (NCC) was willing to come to an Old Buckenham Parish Council meeting. It was reported than, when schools restart in September, an audit of people crossing road at school times will be carried out. The matter was raised of the new 20mph flashing speed signs and the parish council having to pay 50% of the cost rather than NCC paying in full for them. He also said that NCC had indicated that in the financial year 2016/17 NCC would pay 50% of cost of resurfacing the Village Hall car park. There was also a possibility of a crossing lady. He would also look into the matter of the private access to the school. It was suggested that when the new Parish Council is known, a working party be formed to monitor events relating to the school. Another resident thanked the Parish Council for all their work over the last four years.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Old Buckenham parish council in April

April parish council meeting
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.
Six members of the public attended the April meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council. Three councillors (John Frost, Derek Smalley and Akis Chrisoviledes) were unable to attend and sent their apologies.
The meeting was suspended for a short while to allow members of the public to ask questions. A note on these discussions will appear on the blog tomorrow.
Minutes of February Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising.
Chapel Road School update. Steve Milner said John Alston’s death was sad and he had asked Norfolk County Council (NCC) what effect this would have on construction. He was informed that all documents had not yet been signed and no changes to access. There is an application for discharge of certain conditions in the original application relating to traffic management during construction. Construction is now expected to commence in August 2015. Steve Milner then said the archaeological dig on the site was now complete and the ground returned to normal. There had been no construction work undertaken whilst the archaeological digging was being done. Adrian Joel said Mr Hayes of NCC is holding back on car parking and the parish council should take the matter forward with him. Steve Milner informed the meeting that Mr Hayes was not prepared to discuss the matter anymore. It was agreed that a resident and Adrian Joel would meet with Mr Bygraves to raise matter of access to drop off children at school times.
Neighbourhood Plan update. Jonathan Kemp reported that Adrian Joel and himself had attended a one day Norfolk Council's neighbourhood planning workshop held at Breckland council offices. This workshop covered the mechanism for producing a plan, the content of a plan, the costs and available funding to produce a plan, the support and advice available to parish/town councils and the opportunities for drawing on the community infrastructure levy (CIL). During the day there were presentations from the Department for Communities and Local Government, consultants ABZAG, Breckland Council, Broadland Council, The Broads Authority, North Norfolk Council, South Norfolk Council, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Council. There were also presentations from a representative from the Great and Little Plumsted/Thorpe End Neighbourhood Plan and the Cringleford Neighbourhood Plan. It was said that Breckland is about to appoint a neighbourhood planning advisor.
Road safety. Steve Milner said a number of near misses had been recorded at the school and a log was being kept of such incidents by the schools and that the parish council should monitor this. The 20mph speed signs were now installed. Tom Johnson suggested that extra 30mph speed signs be installed to show the end of the 20mph zone. The clerk will speak to Highways on the matter. The Parish Council now have 50% funding for a SAM2 mobile speed sign. The children at the primary school have completed their poster campaign for road safety and Steve Milner would like some parish councillors to come with him to the school to judge winners. He is also looking also for sponsorship as four of the winners will have their entry printed for display in the village.
Car parking. Steve Milner said that the whole matter was moving forward and the village hall parking had raised £1,900 for the maintenance fund. Quotes have been received for resurfacing just the beginning of the car park and the cost was approximately £4,000. The working party was still meeting regarding a planning application for 50 extra parking spaces and, if it went ahead, the Parish Council would submit the planning application on behalf of the Village Hall. Ongoing consultations with residents are still taking place in regard to parking at the village hall. A letter will go in the next newsletter to obtain residents’ views before proceeding to see if grant funding was available.
Planning applications. Redroof, Cake Street. Single storey extension to front of bungalow, changes to internal layout and provision of first floor attic bedroom. There were no objections from the parish council.
Chapel Road School. Remove condition 7 on the Traffic Management System. The traffic plan would now allow vehicles to go through the village, possibly along Hargham Road. Steve Milner is to speak to Neil Campbell on the matter.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Roughlands, Grove Road. Amendment to previous application in respect of the removal of first floor element and revision of footprint. Permission granted.
Rodwells, Attleborough Road. Demolish existing garage building and replace with single storey side extension to dwelling. Permission granted.

Airbase at Old Buckenham Airfield. New museum and separate sanitary block. Each housed in separate new Nissen huts. Permission granted.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner reported that Tim Ing and himself had made good the previous parking area by the play area/Ox & Plough and so it is now no longer a parking area.
District Councillor’s report. Breckland has agreed not to increase council tax. Several villages have submitted their proposals to Breckland to carry out neighbourhood plans with other villages showing an interest. Breckland are going to employ an officer to be a single point of contact to assist parishes that are starting or considering a neighbourhood plan. Grants of up to £4,000 will be available. Breckland will be setting up a joint venture company with the Land Group LLP to drive long term regeneration within the district. The new company will be called Breckland Bridge Ltd. Initially the company will focus on delivery of Thetford’s Riverside regeneration together with housing developments in Mileham and Attleborough. It is anticipated this will create jobs and provide new housing for communities across Breckland and boost the district economy.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson raised the question of the verges at St Andrews Close and asked when they were going to be widened. Adrian Joel said it is being worked through Breckland and Norfolk County Council and it should be done soon. Tim Ing raised the matter of speeding in Grove Road and asked if speed restrictions could be introduced. The Parish Clerk is to speak to Highways on the matter. Tim Ing then thanked the parish councillors for all their hard work over the last eight years including his time as chairman and wished good luck to those standing again. Carol Marshall said work was continuing on the Almshouses and hopefully it would be completed in May with new roofs and windows. The next phase will be subject to obtaining funding to complete more modifications and improvements. Steve Milner said that he had given the wrong information regarding submission of nomination papers for the forthcoming parish council election. He originally said they had to be submitted by Saturday 25 April but the correct date was Thursday 9 April. He then thanked Tim Ing for all his years of service on the Parish Council. Adrian Joel had attended a meeting on play area legislation and said the parish council should be responsible for fulfilling its legal obligations. The Parish Clerk is to contact Norfolk Rural Community Council to obtain details of the presentation given at the meeting.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Parish Clerk said he had sent out two new policy documents which should be read as they will be coming up at May meeting for adoption. He then thanked all those councillors who are not standing at the next election for their service to the parish council and the support that they had given him.
Highways. The sign on the bend in Cake Street near Old Buckenham Stud shows two junctions but the junction runs up to the Stud which is not a road. In Cake Street, opposite Harlingwood Lane, the triangular sign shows a junction and that junction leads into someone’s drive. A resident thanked Breckland Council for the quick removal of rubbish in Doe Lane within 48 hours of it being reported.
The Green. A meeting will be held on Saturday 25 April at the Village Hall starting at 10am to discuss a way forward to maintain the Green in the future and to create a new charitable body so they can hopefully obtain grant funding. Tim Ing raised the matter of an insurance claim outside the Gamekeeper and Sarah Dye said the Green right Proprietors’ insurers were dealing with matter.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 7 May at 7.30pm at the Church Rooms.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

See the lily display in Old Buckenham

Drop in and see the arrangements
If you didn't manage to come and see the display of lilies in All Saints, Old Buckenham, this afternoon then remember the church is open every day so just pop in when it is convenient.
These photos of the arrangements and the Easter candle were taken earlier today.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Next Old Buckenham quiz

Do you need a jacket?
(just click on the image to enlarge it)

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Strange monthly start in Old Buckenham

Happenings on the first of April
Could it be that someone is trying to fool us?
Go to: