Parish Council in March
These notes are written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and may contain information that is amended at a later date.
There were five members of the public present at the Parish Council meeting in March and two councillors, Jonathan Kemp and Carol Marshall, sent apologies as they were unable to attend.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting in February were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Tom Johnson raised the matter of a grant to the Village Hall of £1500 for solar panels and asked when the money would be paid. Tim Ing said that the money would be paid after April 2013 if the grant was approved at the next precept meeting. Tom Johnson asked if the Parish Council could make a loan for the amount before April 2013 and Tim Ing said the matter could be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. Adrian Joel said that the 2011 census information might be available shortly. Tim Ing raised the matter of parking in the Village Hall car park when people are dropping off and collecting children from the school. Councillors Tim Ing, Adrian Joel and JohnFrost had met with the headmaster of the school to discuss the matter. The school wanted to do a project with the children on the subject. It was agreed that a ‘horseshoe’ system of using the car park would be introduced after the Easter holidays. Leaflets would be given to the parents explaining the system and councillors would monitor the situation. Derek Smalley asked if speeding in Hargham Road could be put in the letter to parents. The Parish Clerk to write to police on the matter and ask if they could look at the problem. Adrian Joel thanked Kerry Talbot for doing an excellent job with the minutes of the February meeting during the sickness absence of the Parish Clerk. John Frost said some minor anti-social behaviour had occurred at the church but the police were very good and were regular visitors to the church. Sarah Dye said vandalism at and near the play area had increased and Derek Smalley agreed to raise the matter at the next police SNAT meeting.
Planning applications. 4 Chattergate. Bay window and porch, two additional windows and replacing existing conservatory with ground floor extension. The Parish Clerk is to seek an extension to the respond period.
High Bank Farm, Fen Street. Erection of single storey conservatory. No objections, agreed unanimously.
Park Farm, Abbey Road. Installation of two small turbines and ancillary work. No objections, agreed with 7 for, 1 against and 1 abstention.
Snetterton Farm, Banham Road. Single storey lean-to on front elevation. No objections, agreed unanimously.
Land at St Andrews Close. Change of use to amenity land and the installation of soakways for the adjacent residential development. No objections, agreed unanimously.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Eel Farm, Fen Road. Removal of condition 8 on previous planning application and new garage and alterations. Refused by Breckland Council.
East View, Attleborough Road. Decking Area (retrospective) Refused by Breckland Council.
2 Chapel Loke. Replacement of glassed roof conservatory at rear of building with facing brick and pantile kitchen/dining area. Permission granted.
18 Oaklands. Garage conversion to bedroom with side porch extension. Permission granted.
Land adjacent to 12 Hargham Road. Erection of 3-bedroom dwelling and garage (resubmission). Permission granted.
Approval of accounts payable. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the payroll being done by outside contractors and the cost involved. The Parish Clerk said the system was good value as they produced all PAYE records and end of year returns including issuing P60s to any employee and ensured all payments of tax to HRMC on time. Tim Ing asked the two qualified accountants who were members of the Parish Council for their views. They both agreed the present system was good as it offered counter checks that all tax was being deducted and correct amounts were paid and that prompt payments of all tax was made to ensure no penalties to the Parish Council. It was proposed that the present system of doing payroll continue, this was agreed by 6 for and 3 against.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing raised the matter of the proposed new incinerator at Kings Lynn, details of which had been circulated. The Parish Council had not responded but councillors were free to respond as individuals. He then said he contacted the owner of the land at the junction of Mill Road and Grove Road where there are clear visibility problems for motorists. Discussion would take place about cutting back the hedge at the next farmers’ meeting. Tim Ing said that the dog bin situated in Raggs Lane had been vandalised. A replacement had been purchased and he hoped to install it soon. He also said that the Highways Rangers would not pick up litter on their visits to the village, they only dealt with matters relating to highways and if anyone had any issues to raise for the next visit would they let the Parish Clerk know. The Jubilee celebration mugs have arrived. There had been an email from a resident regarding the state of the footpath on the Green along the B1077 saying it needs work done on it. John Frost agreed to inspect the path and report back to the Parish Council.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that the Breckland Council’s share of the council tax for the year 2012/13 will be held at the same level as last year. Breckland has to look towards finding savings of nearly £3million over the next five years and will be reviewing all discretionary services. He then said that Breckland have “Breckland Direct” on the web and this will allow residents to select from a wide range of services.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said he had attended a meeting of the Attleborough Task Force which had discussed the possible new road for the Attleborough development. Various options were discussed, one option could increase traffic through Old Buckenham. It was said at the meeting that 15% of traffic through Old Buckenham was HGVs. Concerns were also expressed at the meeting that the library in Attleborough had reached saturation point with over 8,000 people a week using the facility. The next meeting was being held in approximately two month’s time. Paul Boggia said the next meeting of the Jubilee celebrations working party was on Saturday 3 March. Tom Johnson asked who is funding the celebration activities. He was informed by Tim Ing that the Parish Council had allocated £1,000 for the event. Tom Johnson said that if there was a surplus on any of the activities could it be given to charity like the village hall. John Frost said there was a lot of litter in the hedges near the school and that brambles were also growing in the hedges. Sarah Dye said she attended a meeting on the Localism Act and she found the meeting very useful. The Parish Council needed to have a plan for this and the Parish Council should consider the matter seriously. This item will be put on the April meeting agenda. Derek Smalley said that he had delivered two new welcome packs with one further yet to be delivered. He then said the oil buying scheme was getting oil at 61.7p per litre and there were variable prices with other suppliers. Steve Milner said survey forms had been distributed about participation in the Jubilee celebrations and the response was excellent. Adrian Joel said that an Allotment Liaison Group meeting had been arranged and the allotment holders wanted to apply for grants for an eco toilet and extra fencing. They would like the Parish Council to apply on their behalf but that the allotment holders would need to do the work to put together a grant application. Akis Chrisovelides said he was trying to engage the youth of the village and would continue to pursue the matter with those young people that are interested.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk said that he had sought legal advice from the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) regarding any future funding for the Green by the Parish Council. The NALC had said that the Parish Council had no legal powers to fund work on the Green as it is privately owned. The Localism Act may bring powers which could be used for this but this would need secondary legislation to be brought forward by the government. They also suggested that the Parish Council should register the Green on the community assets register which will be compiled by the local district council under the Localism Act 2011. This would mean that the community would have the opportunity to bid for the land first should it ever come up for sale.
Highways. Adrian Joel said the flashing speed sign on the B1077 opposite the Gamekeeper pub was not working. The Parish Clerk is to contact Highways on the matter. Tim Ing said that in the Barkers Lane rear entrance to Poplar Farm there were a number of potholes. Again the Parish Clerk will contact Highways to rectify.
The Green. Sarah Dye said she is the new chairman of Green Right Proprietors following the recent AGM and ordinary meeting of the Proprietors. Alison Franks was elected to continue as vice-chair and Rosemary West was elected to continue as secretary/treasurer. She said there would be no new maintenance agreement of the Green before next year. Rope and posts will be put up near the play area to assist with the parking problems being encountered there at the present time. Tim Ing said he would be contacting Sally Bishop to see if she would assist in the funding for this. Following questions from Akis Chrisovelides, Sarah Dye gave a brief overview of the matters discussed at the last meeting of the Green Right Proprietors. She also gave some details of the income they generate and looked at ways that they may be able to generate extra sources of income. They are looking to do a full survey of all the trees on the Green but this may prove too expensive.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 21 March and the next monthly Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 5 April. Both meeting will be held at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.
Monday 5 March 2012
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