Sunday 8 November 2015

Old Buckenham Parish Council's November meeting

Parish Council in November
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
There were seven members of the public at the November meeting and Stephen Askew (Norfolk County Councillor) along with all the members of the Parish Council apart from Jonathan Kemp who had sent his apologies. Terry Cracknell and Graham Hart both declared an interest in individual planning applications.
There were no items raised in the public recess.
Minutes of the October Parish Council Meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting, this was agreed unanimously.
Matters arising from minutes. Carol Marshall said SNAT are now known as SNT. The phone box in the village has a broken pane of glass, the Parish Clerk to report this to BT. Adrian Joel raised the matter of pointing out voting intent of the Parish Council on planning applications. Terry Cracknell raised the matter of issues raised, but not voted on, being forgotten and they should be followed up. Steve Milner agreed to do a ‘to do’ list on such matters. The Remembrance Day Parade was raised and the meeting informed that the police would not be available to close the road alongside the memorial. Volunteers were sought from the Parish Council to control traffic whilst the service in progress.
Minutes of Personnel Committee meeting. It was proposed and seconded that they be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting and this was agreed unanimously by the three councillors who attended the meeting.
Approval of staff appraisal. Steve Milner gave an overview of how the appraisal was carried out in terms of performance standards and objectives of the Parish Clerk. He also said that a new objective had been set in regard to maintaining a new Parish Council website. It was agreed unanimously that the appraisal of the Parish Clerk be approved. 

Planning applications. Keele Cottage, The Green. Erection of two semi-detached dwellings and partial demolition of existing cottage. Graham Hart gave a brief explanation of modifications to the planning application and then left the room. After a discussion it was proposed and seconded to continue to oppose the application due to over-development. Although the application had been modified, the original concerns had not been overcome. This was agreed with eight for and two abstentions.
Asparagus Field, Cake Street. Erection of four dwellings and garages. This application has been withdrawn.
The Clinic, The Green. Change of use from dwelling/residential to consultation rooms. No objections from the parish council, this was agreed with nine for and one abstention. 

64 Fen Street. Change of use of curtilage land to residential and erection of garage with office over. No objections from the parish council but with stipulation that change of use of land is restricted to proposed garage which is for storage and office use only and that it is kept within ownership of the dwelling. This was agreed with eight for and two abstentions.
The Granary, Cake Street. Proposed installation of set of French windows and roof light to rear elevation. No objections from the parish council, this was agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Cherry Tree Cottage, Loss Wroo. Construction of summer house. No objections from the parish council, this was agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Poplar Pigs, Doe Lane. Change of use to D2 Leisure and erection of five holiday cabins. Terry Cracknell answered questions on this and then left the room. Discussion by councillors followed. This application was then agreed with eight for and two abstentions.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Stone Cottage, 56 Fen Street. Erection of garage block and bedroom over. Application approved with Parish Council’s conditions included.
Adrian Joel informed the meeting that the Shrublands development is coming up again in the next two months and Parish Council should be aware.
Grant to Primary School. No discussion, item to be put on the December agenda.
Four year plan. Adrian Joel circulated a list of suggestions and asked councillors to look at them and then prioritise them for discussion at the December meeting.
Play Area fencing. Adrian Joel gave details of cost of the repairs to the play area equipment (£2,143.13 plus vat) following an inspection report from Playdale Ltd. This will be funded from grants from the Six Villages magazine, Breckland Council and the Play Area reserve. Adrian Joel thanked Graham Hart for carrying out repairs to the gate. It was proposed and seconded that the repairs to the equipment be carried out and this was agreed unanimously. Regarding the play area fence, Adrian Joel had obtained three quotes for repairs and a full discussion took place. It was agreed that further investigations be carried out and to get three quotes for double sided fencing with bolts and the matter to be put on the December agenda.
Parish Council website. Steve Milner said the cost of having a website hosted to a ‘gold standard’ would be approximately £30 per year. It was agreed unanimously to proceed with this.
Business Directory. Terry Cracknell suggested that the Parish Council should have a business directory at an approximate cost of £1 per copy. The Parish Council should invite other local Parish Councils to take part in producing such a directory.
Footpath safety. Steve Milner reported that he had contacted an organisation who advised on the possibility of putting in advisory cycle lanes in the village. NCC Highways had advised it would not be possible to have them on the B1077. Adrian Joel gave information of a possible new footpath across the Green at a total cost of £8000 which would be 50% funded by NCC under the Town and Parish Partnership Scheme. Other councillors expressed views on the subject and it was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council make an application for grant funding under the scheme for the new footpath, this was agreed unanimously.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner reported that the Play Area has been plagued with vandalism and he had written to the school on the subject. He recently attended a Speedwatch meeting and that the scheme is having an effect of speeding through villages. The number of incidents is reducing. Old Buckenham are to get the use of SAM2 signs on a regular basis. Broadband in the village is still a problem and he has written to the County Council, Breckland Council and our MP to try to get improvements in the village. All Saints Church is looking at the WiSpire scheme for a possible solution to broadband issues. The Parish Council has been approached by architects for possible development in village and they have suggested attending a Parish Council meeting to put forward their ideas. The Parish Clerk to invite them to the December meeting. Steve Milner had received comments regarding the chairmanship of meetings and sought the views of other councillors on the matter. It was agreed that the Chairman continue to filter issues but would seek councillors’ views before responding. It was reported that Joan Jenkins, who was a past clerk to the Parish Council and was also active in other village organisations, had recently died. The Parish Clerk is to send a letter of condolence to the family.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that the public consultation on the Local Development Plan had been pushed forward to a six week period during January/February 2016 with anticipated adoption in December 2016. The local Council Tax Support Scheme to Breckland Council from central government is being reduced every year and Breckland will be reducing the Local Council Tax Support Grant in line with the reduced funding from central government. There will be a Parish and Town Meeting on 2 December at the Green Britain Centre in Swaffham starting at 6.15pm. It is hoped that Old Buckenham will be represented.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson had recently attended a meeting of the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and it was revealed their Neighbourhood Plan would cost around £55,000 and he wondered how much the Old Buckenham Plan would cost. Four thousand houses are being planned and are likely to acquire land south of the A11. He had also attended a meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee. They have resurfaced half of the village hall car park. The cost was £10,440 and one third of the cost was met from revenue of the parking permits scheme and the balance from Village Hall reserves. On Saturday 21 November they are having a live show of the Mikado and on Saturday 5 December there will be a film night showing ‘Cinderella’ with an afternoon showing at 3pm and an evening showing at 7.30pm. Tickets were still available. He also raised the matter of the outstanding road works at St Andrews Close. Terry Cracknell said the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan needed a wider level of consultation and 1,500 of the 4,000 new homes have already been built and feels the development could impact on Old Buckenham. Graham Hart reported that the CCTV suggestion is awaiting a report from the police. Adrian Joel said grants for a Neighbourhood Plan are available and up to £16,000 was available from central government and Breckland Council. Mike Farrington asked that those living on the outer limits of Old Buckenham are not forgotten when developing the Neighbourhood Plan in terms of road safety. Carol Marshall said that there has been no recent incidents of damage in the play area but the recreation area has been subjected to some vandalism. The RoSPA report on the Recreation Area is due in November. Sarah Hornbrook said the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party will have another meeting on Monday 9 November and will be looking to create a village survey for consultation with villagers. Ben Devlin reported that the Green Right Proprietors had recently had a meeting and various issues were discussed. Another meeting was due in November and they could pull out of DEFRA but will consult with others before a decision is made. There is a blocked drain at Manor Corner opposite Manor Pond. Reflector posts are required at Rod Alley Pond and Manor Pond. The Parish Clerk is to contact NCC Highways on the matter. The Green Right Proprietors will allow parking outside pub and along the path once shingle has been laid, this work will hopefully be carried out in the next few weeks. He asked about some of the grant from the Hockey Club being used once a new seat has been provided.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk read out an email from Highways on the matter of a hedge causing problems and they will be writing to the owner of property. He also gave details of the cost of a proposed new path across the Green.

The next meetings of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be the Precept meeting on Wednesday 18 November and the normal monthly Parish Council meeting on Thursday 3 December. Both meetings will be held at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

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