Sunday, 16 October 2011

Even more questions

Success in big quiz
Five members of Old Buckenham WI (with the editor of the village blog to make up the numbers) entered a team in a county-wide quiz held in Dereham on Friday 14 October. This annual quiz, arranged by the Norfolk WI Advisors, attracted 27 teams each with six members.
There were eight rounds with twelve questions in each and ranging from money matters, pop music of the 1960s and TV sit coms. And there were two other quiz sheets on UK geography and songs from the musicals to be completed before the half-time break.
It was the sort of evening that really had you thinking and the break for a fish and chip supper was most welcome.
The Old Buckenham team, performing under the title of ‘Buckenham Brains’, did not let the village down. When the results of the main quiz were added up the team was in second place with 180 points to the leaders 182. Then came the agonising wait while the points from the other two quiz sheets were added on. The team in front, the ‘South Walsham Broads’, had done just as well as the Old Buckenham team on these sheets so the ‘Buckenham Brains’ had to be content with being runners-up scoring 208 points overall to the winners 210.
Well done Susan, the two Barbaras, Sheila and Doris.

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