More to read
The printed version of the Old Buckenham newsletter for November is now available. You should be able to find a copy (it's free) in the village shop, All Saints Church, the two pubs, the Clinic on the Green and at the airfield. There is also a copy in Attleborough library and at the Attleborough Heritage Group's office (open on Thursdays).
Monday, 31 October 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
November activities
Diary dates for November
Tuesday 1 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 2 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 3 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 4 Crib drive, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 6 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 7 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 8 Debating Society, Church Rooms, 7.15pm
Wednesday 9 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 10 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 10 Social and Wine Circle AGM, Church Rooms, 7.15pm
Friday 11 'One Stop Bus' outside Village Shop, 10am to 12 noon
Saturday 12 Renewable energy event, Village Hall, 10.30am
Sunday 13 Remembrance service and flypast at Airfield, 11am
Sunday 13 Wreath laying at Old Buckenham war memorial, 2.15pm
Monday 14 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 16 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Saturday 19 November Market, Church Rooms, 11am to 2pm
Saturday 19 Ivor Novello concert, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 20 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 21 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 23 Luncheon Club outing
Thursday 24 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Tuesday 1 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 2 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 3 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 4 Crib drive, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 6 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 7 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 8 Debating Society, Church Rooms, 7.15pm
Wednesday 9 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 10 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 10 Social and Wine Circle AGM, Church Rooms, 7.15pm
Friday 11 'One Stop Bus' outside Village Shop, 10am to 12 noon
Saturday 12 Renewable energy event, Village Hall, 10.30am
Sunday 13 Remembrance service and flypast at Airfield, 11am
Sunday 13 Wreath laying at Old Buckenham war memorial, 2.15pm
Monday 14 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 16 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Saturday 19 November Market, Church Rooms, 11am to 2pm
Saturday 19 Ivor Novello concert, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 20 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 21 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 23 Luncheon Club outing
Thursday 24 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Renewable energy event
Community and domestic energy schemes
With electricity, oil and gas prices continuing to climb and talk circulating of much less favourable terms for installing renewable energy schemes in the new financial year, the Old Buckenham Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) has arranged a Saturday morning session to look at possible domestic schemes but also investigate the feasibility of a community scheme centred on one of the community buildings in the village - the village hall, or one of the schools. Damien Baker of RenEnergy Ltd will explain what needs to be considered, how to design, plan, finance and maintain renewable energy schemes using whatever technology suits the site. For a community scheme the community can invest and divide up the proceeds, or it can use third party investment. He will also explain how it all works and how it could help the village reduce its carbon footprint.
With electricity, oil and gas prices continuing to climb and talk circulating of much less favourable terms for installing renewable energy schemes in the new financial year, the Old Buckenham Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) has arranged a Saturday morning session to look at possible domestic schemes but also investigate the feasibility of a community scheme centred on one of the community buildings in the village - the village hall, or one of the schools. Damien Baker of RenEnergy Ltd will explain what needs to be considered, how to design, plan, finance and maintain renewable energy schemes using whatever technology suits the site. For a community scheme the community can invest and divide up the proceeds, or it can use third party investment. He will also explain how it all works and how it could help the village reduce its carbon footprint.
Everyone is welcome to this meeting, whether their interest is purely with their own property, or in a community solution. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions. Representatives of other companies are being invited to attend and offer information also.
The event will be on Saturday 12 November in the main hall at the village hall. There will be free entry, coffee and tea (donations to costs if desired). It will open at 10.30am with the RenEnergy presentation at 11am. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the whole range of alternative technology solutions, explained in simple, understandable terms and should provide an opportunity to see if you could save yourself money by installing some appropriate equipment.Thursday, 27 October 2011
Where the money will go
How the precept was set
At a meeting on Wednesday 19 October, the Parish Council met at the Village Hall to determine the precept (that is the money that the Parish Council needs to have to cover its commitments over the coming year).
The precept was set at £14,525 with the budget expenses given as follows:
Salaries, £5845. Increase on last year due to upgrading of Parish Clerk and increase of 1 hour per week extra. Community Car Scheme, £1200. Increase on last year due to greater use of the facility. Room hire,£245. Slight reduction from last year.Insurance, £1400. Increased from last year because of Recreation Area being added. Audit fees, £400. Same as last year.
Administration expenses, £300. Increase from last year due to outsourcing of PAYE.
Training, £75. Reduced from last year. Newsletter paper, £350. Slight increase from last year.
Inspection of play area, £200.
Inspection of recreation area, £200.
Maintenance of recreation area, £400.
Printing, postage and stationery, £225. No increase.
Rent of recreation area, £385.
Miscellaneous, £400. Reduced from last year.
Contingency fund, £1250. Increased from last year because of potential Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Travel expenses, £200. Reduced from last year.
Grit bins, £400.
Subscriptions, £300.
Grants awarded. £671to Old Buckenham PreSchool Group and Nursery, £40 to Norfolk Age UK and £39 to MacMillan Cancer Care.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Wind power
The old and the new
Wind power has been used in Old Buckenham for many years and now more modern pieces of equipment are coming into operation.
Wind power has been used in Old Buckenham for many years and now more modern pieces of equipment are coming into operation.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Sound memories
Motorcycle traders
So far this blog has brought you words and pictures - now we bring you sound. Here is a short recording made at the Village Fete. You can hear one of the villagers remembering traders who came to the village during her youth. We hope you enjoy listening and, if you have any problems, let the editor know in the comments.
Motorcycle traders by Old Buckenham
So far this blog has brought you words and pictures - now we bring you sound. Here is a short recording made at the Village Fete. You can hear one of the villagers remembering traders who came to the village during her youth. We hope you enjoy listening and, if you have any problems, let the editor know in the comments.
Motorcycle traders by Old Buckenham
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Council minutes
Parish Council in October
Two members of the public were present and apologies received from two councillors, Sarah Windle and Sarah Dye.
The minutes of the September Parish Council Meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Adrian Joel said Breckland Council were holding a meeting regarding funding of the Diamond celebrations. John Frost said the church had been asked to hold some form of celebration. It was said that the meeting at the Village Hall had suggested the date of Tuesday 5 June as a day for holding the celebrations in Old Buckenham. Derek Smalley said an item should be put in the newsletter asking for suggestions to how best celebrate the occasion. The Parish Clerk is to contact local organisations to seek their views and see if they wish to join a working party being set up by the Parish Clerk.
Norfolk Village Games. It was agreed that the village would offer the use of the Recreation Area for this event. Jonathan Kemp to liaise with Breckland Council on the matter and report back to the Parish Council.
‘Funeral’ notice board. Derek Smalley showed the Parish Council the recently purchased notice board for the children’s play area which will enable details of funerals to be posted on appropriate days. The Parish Council thanked Derek Smalley for sourcing the board.
Attleborough development. Derek Smalley, Tim Ing and Adrian Joel attended a recent meeting of Attleborough Town Council. At the meeting it appeared there was a conflict of ideas between different parties Derek Smalley said that Attleborough Town Council has finally realised that a lot of houses are going to be built without proper infrastructure. Tim Ing said the Parish Council needs to consider the feelings of residents of the village and how these new houses will impact on the village. Derek Smalley said concerns were raised about the traffic levels on the B1077, schools, medical facilities,etc. The Parish Clerk is to write to the Town Clerk of Attleborough Town Council on the concerns of Old Buckenham.
Planning applications. Ox & Plough, outside signs. No objections from Parish Council.
59 Fen Street, Change of use for land from agriculture to garden. No objections from Parish Council but with a proviso that land not be used for future development.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. New Barn Farm. Installation of two small wind generators. Passed.
Abacus House, The Green. New rear sunroom extensions. Passed.
The Coal Yard. Erection of fuel storage building. Passed.
Crown Lane Cottage. Variation of conditions to earlier planning application. Passed.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported on the Jubilee Wood scheme being organised by Breckland Council. They are inviting community groups to come forward with proposed locations for the woods. He had also attended a new planning guidelines meeting and the effect on Breckland. They will now have to produce a local plan and Town and Parish Councils will be able to produce a neighbourhood plan which will be needed to be voted on by residents as more consideration will be given to residents’ views.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said he had attended a meeting of the Village Hall management committee on in September and one of their main concerns was the lighting project which will have a shortfall in funding of some £2,000 and would Parish Council underwrite this. He also attended another meeting in October and the major concern was parking. They wondered if the Parish Council was going to build their car parking spaces at the Recreation Area. Tim Ing said the parking area was to be the grass verge facing the Recreation Area. John Frost said that residents stop at the edge of the normal car park and do not use the verge. Mats similar to those on the allotments were suggested but Tim Ing informed the meeting they would cost approximately £500 and a better solution was for signs to be erected on fence. Derek Smalley would look into the costs. Derek Smalley informed the meeting that one more welcome pack has been delivered. He then said there was a planning application in for 17 properties on the edge of Attleborough which he felt impacted on Old Buckenham. The Parish Clerk to write to Attleborough on the matter. Jonathan Kemp said the Recreation Area working party had looked at equipment and now had a preferred supplier and they would bring quotes to November meeting for approval. Akis Chrisovelides is looking at the Bribery Act 2012 and the impact it would have on the Parish Council. He is currently undertaking a risk assessment and is hoping to complete it ready for next meeting. He then went on to say there are two youth councils set up but setting up a village one is very complicated and could be very expensive. Akis Chrisovelides will be setting up an open forum meeting in December for young people to come to and express their views and suggestions. Adrian Joel raised the question of vehicles ignoring the weight limits in Hargham Road. The Parish Clerk explained it was very difficult to get them enforced by police. He then raised the matter of an allotment holder who had requested to erect a poly tunnel on their allotment. Tim Ing and Adrian Joel had visited the site and said they thought it should be allowed. A meeting of the Allotment Liaison Group had taken place and various items were discussed. Adrian Joel then distributed copies of the draft tenancy agreements for the year 2011/12 and asked for the views of other councillors before they are sent out. He then handed out copies of an email from Old Buckenham Allotment Society covering some points in the new tenancy agreement. Tim Ing is to read the water meter on the allotments and costs to be sent out to allotment holders. Tim Ing then raised the matter of maintenance equipment for the play area. It was explained that for the play area to acquire the grant, the Parish Council would have to purchase the equipment then have it refunded as a grant. He also informed the meeting that reflector posts had been placed alongside the footway close to the war memorial.
Highways. Road marking which had been promised by Norfolk CC Highways had not yet been done. The Parish Clerk to speak to the Highways Engineer on the matter. There is a water leak at Shrublands Farm entrance on the B1077 going towards Attleborough near Puddledock Corner. The Parish Clerk to inform Anglian Water.
The Green. Tim Ing said the latest meeting of Green Rights Proprietors had been cancelled and they hope to have one in December. Tom Johnson said a couple of trees had fallen down on the Green, Tim Ing said this was the responsibility of the Green Rights Proprietors and the Parish Clerk is to contact them on the matter.
The next parish council meeting will be on Thursday 3 November at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
Two members of the public were present and apologies received from two councillors, Sarah Windle and Sarah Dye.
The minutes of the September Parish Council Meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Adrian Joel said Breckland Council were holding a meeting regarding funding of the Diamond celebrations. John Frost said the church had been asked to hold some form of celebration. It was said that the meeting at the Village Hall had suggested the date of Tuesday 5 June as a day for holding the celebrations in Old Buckenham. Derek Smalley said an item should be put in the newsletter asking for suggestions to how best celebrate the occasion. The Parish Clerk is to contact local organisations to seek their views and see if they wish to join a working party being set up by the Parish Clerk.
Norfolk Village Games. It was agreed that the village would offer the use of the Recreation Area for this event. Jonathan Kemp to liaise with Breckland Council on the matter and report back to the Parish Council.
‘Funeral’ notice board. Derek Smalley showed the Parish Council the recently purchased notice board for the children’s play area which will enable details of funerals to be posted on appropriate days. The Parish Council thanked Derek Smalley for sourcing the board.
Attleborough development. Derek Smalley, Tim Ing and Adrian Joel attended a recent meeting of Attleborough Town Council. At the meeting it appeared there was a conflict of ideas between different parties Derek Smalley said that Attleborough Town Council has finally realised that a lot of houses are going to be built without proper infrastructure. Tim Ing said the Parish Council needs to consider the feelings of residents of the village and how these new houses will impact on the village. Derek Smalley said concerns were raised about the traffic levels on the B1077, schools, medical facilities,etc. The Parish Clerk is to write to the Town Clerk of Attleborough Town Council on the concerns of Old Buckenham.
Planning applications. Ox & Plough, outside signs. No objections from Parish Council.
59 Fen Street, Change of use for land from agriculture to garden. No objections from Parish Council but with a proviso that land not be used for future development.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. New Barn Farm. Installation of two small wind generators. Passed.
Abacus House, The Green. New rear sunroom extensions. Passed.
The Coal Yard. Erection of fuel storage building. Passed.
Crown Lane Cottage. Variation of conditions to earlier planning application. Passed.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported on the Jubilee Wood scheme being organised by Breckland Council. They are inviting community groups to come forward with proposed locations for the woods. He had also attended a new planning guidelines meeting and the effect on Breckland. They will now have to produce a local plan and Town and Parish Councils will be able to produce a neighbourhood plan which will be needed to be voted on by residents as more consideration will be given to residents’ views.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said he had attended a meeting of the Village Hall management committee on in September and one of their main concerns was the lighting project which will have a shortfall in funding of some £2,000 and would Parish Council underwrite this. He also attended another meeting in October and the major concern was parking. They wondered if the Parish Council was going to build their car parking spaces at the Recreation Area. Tim Ing said the parking area was to be the grass verge facing the Recreation Area. John Frost said that residents stop at the edge of the normal car park and do not use the verge. Mats similar to those on the allotments were suggested but Tim Ing informed the meeting they would cost approximately £500 and a better solution was for signs to be erected on fence. Derek Smalley would look into the costs. Derek Smalley informed the meeting that one more welcome pack has been delivered. He then said there was a planning application in for 17 properties on the edge of Attleborough which he felt impacted on Old Buckenham. The Parish Clerk to write to Attleborough on the matter. Jonathan Kemp said the Recreation Area working party had looked at equipment and now had a preferred supplier and they would bring quotes to November meeting for approval. Akis Chrisovelides is looking at the Bribery Act 2012 and the impact it would have on the Parish Council. He is currently undertaking a risk assessment and is hoping to complete it ready for next meeting. He then went on to say there are two youth councils set up but setting up a village one is very complicated and could be very expensive. Akis Chrisovelides will be setting up an open forum meeting in December for young people to come to and express their views and suggestions. Adrian Joel raised the question of vehicles ignoring the weight limits in Hargham Road. The Parish Clerk explained it was very difficult to get them enforced by police. He then raised the matter of an allotment holder who had requested to erect a poly tunnel on their allotment. Tim Ing and Adrian Joel had visited the site and said they thought it should be allowed. A meeting of the Allotment Liaison Group had taken place and various items were discussed. Adrian Joel then distributed copies of the draft tenancy agreements for the year 2011/12 and asked for the views of other councillors before they are sent out. He then handed out copies of an email from Old Buckenham Allotment Society covering some points in the new tenancy agreement. Tim Ing is to read the water meter on the allotments and costs to be sent out to allotment holders. Tim Ing then raised the matter of maintenance equipment for the play area. It was explained that for the play area to acquire the grant, the Parish Council would have to purchase the equipment then have it refunded as a grant. He also informed the meeting that reflector posts had been placed alongside the footway close to the war memorial.
Highways. Road marking which had been promised by Norfolk CC Highways had not yet been done. The Parish Clerk to speak to the Highways Engineer on the matter. There is a water leak at Shrublands Farm entrance on the B1077 going towards Attleborough near Puddledock Corner. The Parish Clerk to inform Anglian Water.
The Green. Tim Ing said the latest meeting of Green Rights Proprietors had been cancelled and they hope to have one in December. Tom Johnson said a couple of trees had fallen down on the Green, Tim Ing said this was the responsibility of the Green Rights Proprietors and the Parish Clerk is to contact them on the matter.
The next parish council meeting will be on Thursday 3 November at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Information to help you remember
Remembrance Day service
The Old and New Buckenham & District Branch of the Royal British Legion has provided details of the local Remembrance Day service on Sunday 13 November.
At 2.15pm there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the Old Buckenham war memorial on the Green. This will be followed by a full service of Remembrance starting at 3pm in St Martin’s Church, New Buckenham.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Behind the tv quiz scene
Mastermind in the Church Rooms
The inside story of television quiz shows was uncovered when Roger Canwell came to talk to the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle at their October meeting. Roger didn’t go to university after her left grammar school but when he retired from a job in accountancy he decided to go to UEA and do a history degree after all.
His first attempt at quiz shows saw him eventually get on ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ after many phone calls. He described the time spent at the recording studio and how his first appearance was short-lived as he had not got the ‘fasted finger’. But having enjoyed the experience he managed to get on the programme again winning £1000 as he panicked and used up all his lifelines when he should have trusted his own memory.
Next he tried his luck on ‘Mastermind’. A first round win with a specialist subject of the late Stuart age led to the semi-finals where he was able to use his favourite subject of Norwich City Football Club. Here again he was successful and so appeared in the final. He found his chosen specialist subject of Britain between two World Wars was perhaps too wide-ranging and he eventually finished fifth out of the six finalists.
Many questions were then put to Roger and he explained how it was not easy to keep quiet after the programmes had been recorded but before they were shown on television. He also admitted thinking about what subject he would choose if he were to enter again.
The next meeting will be in the Church Rooms on Thursday 10 November beginning with a short AGM at 7.15pm followed by a talk on our local heritage by Cliff Amos.
The inside story of television quiz shows was uncovered when Roger Canwell came to talk to the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle at their October meeting. Roger didn’t go to university after her left grammar school but when he retired from a job in accountancy he decided to go to UEA and do a history degree after all.
His first attempt at quiz shows saw him eventually get on ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ after many phone calls. He described the time spent at the recording studio and how his first appearance was short-lived as he had not got the ‘fasted finger’. But having enjoyed the experience he managed to get on the programme again winning £1000 as he panicked and used up all his lifelines when he should have trusted his own memory.
Next he tried his luck on ‘Mastermind’. A first round win with a specialist subject of the late Stuart age led to the semi-finals where he was able to use his favourite subject of Norwich City Football Club. Here again he was successful and so appeared in the final. He found his chosen specialist subject of Britain between two World Wars was perhaps too wide-ranging and he eventually finished fifth out of the six finalists.
Many questions were then put to Roger and he explained how it was not easy to keep quiet after the programmes had been recorded but before they were shown on television. He also admitted thinking about what subject he would choose if he were to enter again.
The next meeting will be in the Church Rooms on Thursday 10 November beginning with a short AGM at 7.15pm followed by a talk on our local heritage by Cliff Amos.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Even more questions
Success in big quiz
Five members of Old Buckenham WI (with the editor of the village blog to make up the numbers) entered a team in a county-wide quiz held in Dereham on Friday 14 October. This annual quiz, arranged by the Norfolk WI Advisors, attracted 27 teams each with six members.There were eight rounds with twelve questions in each and ranging from money matters, pop music of the 1960s and TV sit coms. And there were two other quiz sheets on UK geography and songs from the musicals to be completed before the half-time break.
It was the sort of evening that really had you thinking and the break for a fish and chip supper was most welcome.
The Old Buckenham team, performing under the title of ‘Buckenham Brains’, did not let the village down. When the results of the main quiz were added up the team was in second place with 180 points to the leaders 182. Then came the agonising wait while the points from the other two quiz sheets were added on. The team in front, the ‘South Walsham Broads’, had done just as well as the Old Buckenham team on these sheets so the ‘Buckenham Brains’ had to be content with being runners-up scoring 208 points overall to the winners 210.
Well done Susan, the two Barbaras, Sheila and Doris.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
A day to remember
Old Buckenham Airfield remembers
A Remembrance Sunday service will be held at Old Buckenham Airfield starting at 11am on Sunday 13 November at their war memorial. It will be led by Pat Ramm and several volunteers from the High School and Wymondham College will be sounding the Last Post and Reveille. There may also be representatives from RAF Lakenheath and the service will conclude with a flypast of WWII US aircraft.
After the service there will be a wings and wheels celebration where all manner of aircraft can fly in. There will also be a classic car display.
The cafe/bar will be open all day with its new menu and serving beers and wines.
The airfield is open to all and is a wonderful venue to enjoy great scenery and aviation. The new management are very eager to make the Airfield an active part of the community and are looking forward to welcoming everyone there soon.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Trip to the sunshine
Was this the south of France?
No, this was the Old Buckenham Luncheon Club on an outing to the north Norfolk coast (Walcott rather than St Tropez).
Friday, 7 October 2011
Music for your ears
Another concert is coming along in aid of Old Buckenham Village Hall’s lighting improvements.
The Village Hall Committee and Old Buckenham Players present:
A celebration of his music and his life with
music performed by Annette Jude and Suzie Turner
and commentary presented by John and June Garratt.
In a life-time that spanned little more than a half century, Ivor Novello’s talent lit up every career he touched. He started as a composer of songs, became a Hollywood film star, then a stage actor, later a playwright and finally a creator of spectacular musical plays. He was the matinee idol of his day, once described as the handsomest man in England. Underlying the good looks was his personal charm that won him the admiration of his friends and colleagues and the adoration of his audiences. The evening’s programme hopes to capture the charm of Ivor Novello in both words and song.
So make sure you come along to the Old Buckenham Village Hall on Saturday 19 November ready for the start at 7.30 pm.
Tickets £7 each (to include coffee/tea and cakes) from Old Buckenham Stores or by phoning 01603 810373.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
What the residents think
Open forum meeting
On Saturday 24 September the Parish Council held an informal forum to report back on their activities and achievements to the villagers of Old Buckenham. The councillors present at the village hall were the chairman Tim Ing, Adrian Joel, Derek Smalley, Jonathan Kemp, Sandra Dye, Akis Chrisovelides, Carol Marshall and the parish clerk James Watling.Only ten members of the public came along.
Tim Ing welcomed members of the public and said he was disappointed with the turn out. He then went on to introduce the parish councillors and explained their particular areas of responsibility (all parish councillors sit on one of the working parties or have special tasks allocated to them).
Sandra Dye said the play area is up and running and a tremendous success. It is a project the village should be proud of. On-going maintenance is being carried out to keep it up to a high standard. Some issues have arisen with the play area and these include car parking, dog fouling and funerals at All Saints but these are being addressed.
Derek Smalley said the discounted oil scheme is up and running. There had been some issues on the price savings being achieved but he was talking to both Norfolk RCC and AF Affinity to improve the prices being charged. There was still the opportunity for more people to join the scheme which could generate better pricing rates and anyone interested in joining the scheme should contact him. Derek Smalley has also arranged Welcome Packs for new residents to the village which contain lots of useful information. So far five have gone out and he asked if anyone knew of any new residents to let him know. He welcomed any suggestions for new additions to the packs. He then went on to discuss the Community Car Scheme which over the past twelve months had completed nearly 1,000 trips to doctors, dentists, hospitals, opticians or to visit sick relatives at care homes. The scheme has around twelve volunteer drivers who work very hard. There has been a small increase in the cost of the journeys with the Parish Council paying a total of 10p per mile as their contribution of the total 45p per mile new rate.
Akis Chrisovelides said he was responsible for the Youth Council which the Parish Council said should be set up to allow young people in the village to have some representation and to provide a platform to put forward their views. He gave details of the issues facing the scheme which make it very difficult to set up. There were currently two Youth Councils already set up, one with Breckland District Council (BDC). He is in contact with BDC on setting up the Youth Council. He gave an over view of the different types of Youth Councils that could be set up and he will be continuing his work on the matter.
Adrian Joel gave an overview of the allotments that are up and running. He gave a brief history of the project which from the start took only a matter of months to completion because of the efforts of the Parish Council. Water has been installed with three stand pipes so all allotments have access to the facility and fencing has been completed. The school has a plot and will be using it for a school project. The Parish Council were grateful for the grants received from Breckland District Council and Old Buckenham 2000 Trust. The first year has been a learning curve and amendments to the tenancy agreement will be made in 2012.
Jonathan Kemp gave details of the Recreation Area. The work has been split into three phases following consultation with the residents. Phase 1 has now been completed with the obtaining of a 25 year lease from the Village Hall. The ground has been prepared and picnic tables installed, along with a football pitch. The cost of this phase was approximately £5,000. Phase 2 will be the installation of a multi-games area which will cost around £42,500 and it is hoped this will be completed in 2012. Phase 3, which will be for a BMX track is expected to cost about £30,000 and it is hoped this will be completed in 2013. Grant applications and funding activities will continue to take place throughout the year.
Finally Tim Ing introduced James Watling, the Parish Clerk, and said he was the person responsible for keeping the Parish Council informed of what they needed to do and what they could not do. He thanked the Parish Clerk for his work.
There was then an open forum for residents.
One resident raised the matter of toilets on the Recreation area. Carol Marshall said that following advice from the police no toilets would be provided as they could cause problems. A representative of Village Hall added that allowing the village hall toilets to be used would cause them considerable problems too. They had to consider the security of the hall, who would be responsible for opening and closing the hall and there was also the question of the cost of cleaning the toilets after use.
The secretary of the Old Buckenham Allotment Society said they fully support the Parish Council through the Allotment Liaison Committee and that there were a couple of issues that remained unresolved at this time. A resident raised the matter of verges being damaged by vehicles, especially large agricultural equipment and HGVs. Tim Ing said the matter would be raised with NCC Highways.
One resident raised the question of who is responsible for the maintenance of Prince Harry Wood. Adrian Joel said Breckland Council was trying to establish new woods under the Jubilee Wood Scheme and were looking for suitable land for the project.
A further resident said that he was impressed with the Parish Council and its professionalism in the running of the meeting and he also was disappointed by the attendance and said that residents should be more involved. He then raised the matter of the Attleborough expansion plan and the traffic problems it would cause. He then went on to say that a lot of expenditure was being made on the younger children of the village and more consideration should be given to older children. He also raised the matter of the Green. He commented on the level of the Parish Council precept which had been reduced from a previously higher level and which had not increased over the past couple of years. He felt this was wrong and the precept should be raised. He also mentioned the matter of the stage lighting for the Old Buckenham Players which it said was in need of replacement.
Tim Ing said the Parish Council was moving forward in a positive way and engaging with the High School and that the headteacher, Peter Whear, would be attending the November meeting of the Parish Council. He said the Parish Council have £500 to contribute towards any Diamond Jubilee celebrations being arranged for next year. He said the amenity area on the Green opposite the village shop would not be going ahead as it would only create six more parking spaces and would not increase trade at the shop. Tim Ing also said that as the Green Right proprietors were a private organisation, the Parish Council could not give them any funding. He then read out a letter from a resident regarding the present siting of the children’s play area. The letter then went on to express views regarding the recreational area where he felt that the response received in consultations with all residents was not high enough to move the project forward. He suggested further consultation with the village on the subject. Tim Ing responded on the location of the play area. The Parish Clerk explained to the meeting that the Parish Council (and he as Responsible Financial Officer) had strict guidelines as to how the financial affairs of the Parish Council were recorded and reported. He said the Parish Council would not deviate from them and would always fully comply with guidelines and legislation.
Tim Ing said he wanted to engage the community on the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the best way to spend the £500 allocated for this. A Village Hall representative said they would be having a meeting soon to discuss what celebrations they felt would be appropriate. A resident then raised the matter of funding for the war memorial. The Parish Clerk explained that funding had been provided for future cleaning and maintenance on the memorial and that further funding would be available. The Old Buckenham Allotment Society secretary raised the point that, under new legislation, Common’s Councils could be created to manage village Greens and he said that the Parish Council should look at this in the near future.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Quiz time
And the answer is...
The evening of Friday 30 September was a chance for those in and around Old Buckenham to see just what unusual facts they could remember. It was time for a quiz in the Village Hall and, although there were fewer entries than usual, the seven teams had an enjoyable time.
There were eight rounds of ten questions each, covering a wide range of subjects such as sport, nature, cooking, films, geography, medical maters and maritime facts. There was also a separate quiz to complete in any spare moments that involved identifying various sweets and chocolates from some devious clues.
This sweet quiz was eventually won by the ‘Oscars’ from Oaklands who had to win a tie break question against two other teams. The team taking away the trophy in the main quiz was the ‘Harling Bucks’ (two people from East Harling and two from Old Buckenham shown above) who were clear winners thanks to a judicious choice of when to play their’ joker’ to double their points in that particular round.
With the help of a well-stocked raffle table, the event helped raise some funds for the Village hall as well as providing an entertaining evening.
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