Sunday 6 December 2015

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

Parish Council meeting in December
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
There were seven members of the public at the December parish council meeting which was also attended by Sarah Roberts of Roberts Molloy Associates.

Apologies had been received from three councillors, Sarah Hornbrook, Terry Cracknell and Mike Farrington.
Public Recess. A resident raised the matter of only being able to raise matters on the agenda under public recess. Steve Milner said that was what Standing Orders dictated. The new proposed path across the Green was raised with a resident saying it was a waste of money. Steve Milner responded with the road safety measures it would have, especially for children crossing the road to get to school. A resident raised the matter of HGVs on Hargham Road. The Clerk said Highways could not enforce it, only the police can and they have said they do not have the resources either. Residents were encouraged to take pictures of the offending lorries and send them to Steve Milner. A resident raised the blocked drain opposite The Grange on the Green, the Parish Clerk to speak to Highways on it. A resident raised the question of a wire across Crown Road and the NCC investigating the possibility of a path across the Green. Chapel Road School was raised and a resident asked what the current situation was. Steve Milner responded and an item is to be put on January agenda. One resident presented a cheque for £312 raised by Bucks Just Play for the play area and asked if it would be OK for them to continue raising funds, this item too would be put on the January agenda.
Minutes of the November Parish Council meeting. It was proposed and seconded that they be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting, this was agreed unanimously.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel said the Parish Council must get permission of the Green Right Proprietors to put a footpath across the Green. Steve Milner said he would speak to them about this.
Minutes of the Precept Meeting in November. It was proposed and seconded that they be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. This was agreed with six for and one abstention.
Matters arising from the Precept minutes. Adrian Joel raised the question of having a form to be completed by organisations requesting Parish Council grants. Also regarding national organisations requesting grants, should there be a maximum amount allocated to them?
Proposed developments in Old Buckenham. Mrs Sarah Roberts explained she represented two landowners in Old Buckenham who wished to submit planning applications for houses in the village. There would be 15 houses in total with nine for market sale, four shared equity houses and two affordable rental houses. The properties would be situated in Hargham Road and Fen Street. She explained the history of past applications in Fen Street and why such applications had failed. She explained in detail what the schemes would offer and also that section 106 monies due on the developments could be used by the Parish Council to pay for projects in Old Buckenham. Steve Milner raised the question of poor broadband in the village and that they were looking at alternative wifi schemes like WiSpire. Mrs Roberts indicated the developer may pay for the scheme to be installed in the village. The question of drainage and water pressure levels in Fen Street were also raised. Sarah Roberts responded by saying she would seek expert guidance from Anglian Water on the matter. Another councillor raised the question of parking spaces and the meeting was informed that parking spaces would be provided for the affordable rental properties and the shared equity properties. The market sale houses would have garages provided. The developers hope to submit an outline planning application in January 2016. Steve Milner thanked Mrs Roberts for her presentation.
Play Area fencing. The meeting was informed that a quote had been received to replace the perimeter fence at the play area with bowtop fencing at a total cost of £7,583.25 and for the middle fence £1,053. It was then reported that another supplier could do all the fence for £5,515. Adrian Joel suggested using Parish Council fund money to pay for the scheme. The Parish Clerk said he would have a better understanding of what Parish Council funds available for the project would be known in April 2016 when the financial year ends. Graham Hart said he would be willing to undertake the repairs to existing fence and also raise funds to contribute towards the repairs. The item will be put on May agenda for further discussion. Ben Devlin asked about the funds given to Parish Council and the Parish Clerk informed the meeting that he had spoken to the Hockey Club who donated £731.29 for a bench with a plaque for the Green. They were happy to let the Parish Council spend any surplus funds on any other project. Ben Devlin then left the meeting to attend to other matters. Adrian Joel thanked Ben Devlin for all his work on the play area and fence.
Four year plan. Adrian Joel circulated a form listing all the possible projects that the Parish Council may carry out and asked councillors to prioritise projects so they could be discussed at the January meeting.
Transfer of reserves. It was proposed, seconded and agreed (with six for and one abstention) that the £1000 in Road Safety Reserve be transferred to the Neighbourhood Plan Reserve. The Parish Clerk to arrange.
Grant Application Working Party. Steve Milner said that comments from the public after the Precept meeting suggested that the Parish Council should have a formal approach to awarding grants. He proposed that a working party be set up. It was agreed that Terry Cracknell, Rona Boggia and Steve Milner serve on the working party. Jonathan Kemp suggested having a member of the public on the working party and Steve Milner said he would speak to a possible candidate.
Planning application. Tudors, Cake Street. Extension and alterations. No objections from the parish council, agreed with six for and one abstention.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. The Granary. Cake Street. Installation of a set of French windows and roof light to rear elevation. Permission granted.
The Clinic on the Green. Change of use from class C3 (dwelling) to class D1 (osteopathy). Permission granted.
Vine Cottage, 64 Fen Street. Change of use of land to residential and erection of garage and ancillary office. Permission granted.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner said he had received correspondence from County Councillor Stephen Askew that NCC were proposing to shut three local recycling sites and replace them with one new larger site along the A11 corridor. Steve Milner had responded with his concerns by email. Stephen Askew had sent a letter regarding the new access road to Chapel Road School which would be for the new school only. An item will be put on the January agenda.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that Breckland Council had a report on empty homes in the district covering the period 2014/2015 which showed a reduction of 128 empty homes. Thirty-four had been empty for over six months and they had been returned to normal use. Currently there are 1150 registered as empty, many of which will be for a short time only and Breckland’s focus will be on bringing back into use those that are long term empty. The Breckland Local Plan: Preferred Directions Development Plan and Emerging Sites Options Consultation will be subject to full approval by Breckland Council in December and will be available for public consultation from Monday 11 January to Monday 22 February 2016. The Parish Council need to decide how they are going to respond to this lengthy document and the best way to consult residents. The consultation document will be on the Breckland website and in hard copy. The recent Breckland Town and Parish Forum meeting included consideration of Breckland’s budget for the coming year. Breckland have introduced a voluntary no smoking scheme at all public play areas, parks, entrances to schools and children’s nurseries throughout the district.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel raised the matter of general correspondence and letters sent to the Parish Council. The Parish Clerk said that any important letters would be scanned and sent out to all parish council members but at present most correspondence received is via email and any of these which concerns the Parish Council are always forwarded to parish councillors. Rona Boggia asked about the problem hedge in Harlingwood Lane, the clerk said he would deal with it later in his report. Tom Johnson said the village hall management meeting had agreed that children attending the matinee performance of the film Cinderella and accompanied by an adult would be free for the child. The Old Buckenham Players are putting on a show of Peter Pan from Thursday 21 to Saturday 23 January. He recently attended SNAP meeting at which he again raised about HGVs using Hargham Road and damage to the play area and said not all concerns are being met by the police due to reduced resources. Police had asked residents to take photos of offending vehicles and send them to Steve Milner with information regarding the date and time of offence who will then forward it on to police.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk read out an email from the NCC Highway Engineer for our district on various matters including the problem hedge at Harlingwood Lane and he has sent a letter to the owner. He has had jetting contractors in to deal with various drainage problems. Hazard markers will be installed at Rod Alley Pond between the give way sign on Hargham Road and the end of the path. He raised concerns about vehicle damage to grassed areas close to play area. He suggested repair of the damaged areas or the installation of another soil bund to the left of the last parking bay or installation of wooden posts.
Highways. Potholes on the footpath from The Clinic on the Green to the High School, the Parish Clerk to speak to Highways on the matter.
The Green. Potholes on Post Office Terrace were reported. A letter had been received from Terry Cracknell in which he wished to offer the Church Green to the Parish Council as a gift. Steve Milner said the legal ownership of the Green was in dispute and he will raise matter with Terry Cracknell at the January meeting.
Public Recess. Resident who is on the Play Area working party suggested he would stand down and Kerry Talbot, who was responsible for the original working party that created the play area, take his place and she had agreed to this. Adrian Joel would contact her direct. A resident raised the matter of a time limit on someone addressing the Parish Council at meetings.

The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 7 January at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

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