Monday 8 June 2015

What the Old Buckenham public are asking

Public recess notes for June
This report of what was said by the public at the June meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council has been written by the blog editor from notes supplied by the parish clerk.

A resident informed the meeting that the Village Fete sales team had sold most of the draw tickets but some tickets are still available. The resident then said he was prepared to look into funding for play area maintenance. He was unable to put in a grant application in May and the next application process is in September which needs to be completed by the parish clerk for the Norfolk Community Foundation. He was also hoping to get funding from the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust and the Six Villages Newsletter Trust. Adrian Joel suggested that they also contact Breckland Council for a grant. A resident then asked if there could be a public recess at the end of the meeting as well as the start, this suggestion was supported by Terry Cracknell. A resident then raised the matter of a local football league which has five teams and most of the youngsters were from Old Buckenham. He asked if land behind the Village Hall could be used to play football. At present time they pay a lot of money to rent playing and training facilities. The question of flashing signs was raised and it was asked how much the Parish Council had paid for them and what the Parish Council was committed to paying for them in the future. A resident who is involved with the local football teams said he was disappointed that the Parish Council was considering using part of the Recreation Area for additional parking and thought it could be put to better use. Reference was also made to the state of the area, Carol Marshall responded that they now have a contractor in place to carry out maintenance of the recreation area and hopefully this will lead to improvements of the area. Jonathan Kemp and Carol Marshall are to liaise with the resident on the use of the recreation area. Another resident raised the matter of extra flashing signs and asked if the Parish Council really needed more flashing signs. Steve Milner responded by explaining the need for additional road safety measures. A resident then suggested that there should be a football pitch on the Green. Steve Milner said the Green Right Proprietors are currently looking at the future of the Green and how it can be better used. A resident raised the matter of HGVs ignoring vehicle weight restriction signs on Hargham Road and Steve Milner said the matter would be raised with police through the SNAP meetings. The resident then went on to say he had concerns on the effectiveness of flashing signs. Steve Milner responded by saying there was well-documented evidence that they are effective in controlling speeding vehicles. He said they could be deployed at critical points in the village and they could supply data for the police to enable them to target specific constant speeders.

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