Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Busy month in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for July

Wednesday 1   Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 2       Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 4     Village Fete, Village Hall, 1pm to 4pm

Monday 6         Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Tuesday 7         Litter pick on Green, from High School reception, 10am

Tuesday 7         Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon

Wednesday 8    Luncheon Club outing

Thursday 9       Breckland Flower Club, Dereham garden visit, 2pm

Thursday 9        Social and Wine Circle al fresco evening at the Frosts

Sunday 12          Windmill open, 2pm to 5pm

Sunday 12          Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm

Monday 13         Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Wednesday 15  Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Friday 17           Hugh's Cafe, Church Rooms, 2pm to 4pm

Saturday 18       Meeting for 365 participants, Village Hall, 1pm

Saturday 18       Garden Party for All Saints, Mill Road, 6pm

Monday 20         Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 22   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 23      Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

 Saturday 25       Family Fun Day, outside Ox and Plough from 12 noon

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Upper Octave and Summer Party return to Old Buckenham

Back by popular request
Last night was an evening when you had to decide which event you attended.  
The blog editor, being of somewhat mature age, went along to All Saints Church to listen to a concert performed by Upper Octave. This group of six singers were back for a fourth time and entertained with an eclectic mixture of music, some classical and some some from a wide range of musicals. There was Phantom of the Opera to start with and Oklahoma some two hours later. In between there was a song from Spamalot, the Cats Chorus and other operatic delights.
Glasses of wine and lots of homemade refreshments were available at the half-way interval.
The inside of the church was specially lit for the occasion which was very effective (but made taking photographs a bit hit or miss).

Meanwhile just half a mile north there was a second Summer Party going on at the Village Hall. This had been organised by the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust following on from a similar event a couple of years ago. The average age of those attending appeared to be several years younger than those being entertained in the church.
The village hall was decorated up for the occasion and the near perfect weather meant that everyone could all sit outside for their 'gourmet street food' (as shown in the photograph that has been 'stolen' from the Old Buckenham 365 project site as the blog editor could not manage to be in two places at once).

It is understood that the partying went on late into the night but many were back at the hall this morning doing all the necessary clearing up.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

July issue of Old Buckenham village newsletter

Another six thousand words to read
The July edition of our village newsletter is now being distributed around. Lots more news and reports for you to enjoy...
Also contains the schedule for the village produce show in September.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Afternoon tea party in Old Buckenham

Outdoor eating

Today Old Buckenham Women's Institute held an afternoon tea party in the garden of Barbara and John Frost in Mill Road. Despite the weather forecasts for the area predicting rain for much of the afternoon, it remained virtually dry throughout despite the overcast sky.

There were over fifty visitors who were able to look around the colourful garden before sitting down to a wonderful selection of homemade sandwiches and cakes, served to them by the WI 'waitresses'. There was also a chance to win items on the tombola and raffle or spend more money on buying plants to take home.
Eventually, after a couple of hours, the 'workers' had a chance to sit down, rest and have their own refreshments while discussing how well the afternoon had been appreciated by those attending.

Facts about Old Buckenham Parish Council

Who deals with what
Certain parish council information is required to be published under the Transparency Policy Document adopted by the Parish Council in February this year.
Here is a list of councillors and their responsibilities and membership of working parties:
Steve Milner. Chairman of Parish Council. Personnel Working Party. Play Area Working Party. Chapel Road School Working Party.
Jonathan Kemp. Vice Chairman of Parish Council. Neighbourhood Plan. Recreation Area Working Party.
Adrian Joel. Allotments. Personnel Working Party.
Sarah Hornbrook. Planning Working Party. Neighbourhood Plan.
Tom Johnson. Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Village Hall representative. SNAP Representative.
Terry Cracknell. Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Village Hall representative.
Mike Farringdon. Personnel. Tour of Britain working Party.
Ben Devlin. Tour of Britain Working Party. Play Area Working Party. Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors.
Carol Marshall. Almshouses. Recreation Working Party.
Rona Boggia. Traffic development Plan for Chapel Road School.
Other information to be published includes items in the accounts that cost over £100 but are not shown separately in accounts.
Paid to Clerk for telephone and internet cost over the year, £120
Payroll administration cost, £171.28
Postage and stationery, £199.39
Leaflets for advertising the Neighbourhood Plan meeting, £120
Water for allotments, £162.36.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Workshop in Old Buckenham

An arrangement in a pot

Members who attended June's meeting thoroughly enjoyed a workshop, led by Joy Tunmore, and all took home an arrangement in a pot containing roses and foliage.
The competitions were won by: Old Hands - Alison Vivian (who was also awarded the monthly cup) and Alison Walker. New Hands by Maureen Ashfield and Sheila Gill. The winners of the table show were Alison Vivian, Alison Walker and Sylvia Briggs.
July's meeting will be a garden visit to Dale Farm Garden, Dereham.
Please contact Christine on 01953 454528 if you need a lift or directions. Meet at the garden 2 pm. No cost to members for entry (visitors will need to pay) but £2 for tea and cake.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Medieval man comes to Old Buckenham

Living history
The speaker at the June meeting of the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle was Mike Wabe and his subject was Life in Medieval England. He brought the subject to life by dressing in the appropriate clothing and playing the part of an inhabitant of that period of English history. As well as the clothing he demonstrated with a selection of eating and drinking utensils as well as various weapons of war such as shields, swords and helmets.

Members also took the opportunity to get together for a group photograph which could possibly appear in the Old Buckenham village calendar for 2016 (which will list many of the organisations that are based in the village).

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Old Buckenham WI and the national resolution

Mid-year resolution
These are exciting times for the WI with many events to celebrate the organisation’s centenary year. Three members from Old Buckenham attended the special Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and two were at the Royal Albert Hall for the national Annual General Meeting two days later.
At the May meeting in the village hall, discussion took place on the Resolution which was to be presented at the AGM. This resolution sought to remove the distinction between nursing care and personal care in the assessment of the needs of individuals, in order to advance health and wellbeing. It became clear that Old Buckenham members felt that this resolution had been poorly thought out and it was not a viable proposition to link nursing and personal care. The members’ voting was largely against the Resolution with only one for and three abstentions. To lighten the evening’s proceedings, members then had a most enjoyable game of ‘Call My Bluff’.
Those members who attended the live screening of the national AGM in the village hall found that these views of Old Buckenham members were those of the membership in general who decided to ‘pass’ on the resolution rather than vote on something that they thought was not viable.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Medieval life in Old Buckenham

History brought to life
Come along to hear what life was like during the years 1066 to to 1200AD. This Social and Wine Circle meeting is open to all so why not come along to the Church Rooms in Old Buckenham at 7.30pm. It will only cost you £1 (and perhaps another £1 on some raffle tickets) for an entertaining and informative evening in pleasant company.

Monday, 8 June 2015

What the Old Buckenham public are asking

Public recess notes for June
This report of what was said by the public at the June meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council has been written by the blog editor from notes supplied by the parish clerk.

A resident informed the meeting that the Village Fete sales team had sold most of the draw tickets but some tickets are still available. The resident then said he was prepared to look into funding for play area maintenance. He was unable to put in a grant application in May and the next application process is in September which needs to be completed by the parish clerk for the Norfolk Community Foundation. He was also hoping to get funding from the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust and the Six Villages Newsletter Trust. Adrian Joel suggested that they also contact Breckland Council for a grant. A resident then asked if there could be a public recess at the end of the meeting as well as the start, this suggestion was supported by Terry Cracknell. A resident then raised the matter of a local football league which has five teams and most of the youngsters were from Old Buckenham. He asked if land behind the Village Hall could be used to play football. At present time they pay a lot of money to rent playing and training facilities. The question of flashing signs was raised and it was asked how much the Parish Council had paid for them and what the Parish Council was committed to paying for them in the future. A resident who is involved with the local football teams said he was disappointed that the Parish Council was considering using part of the Recreation Area for additional parking and thought it could be put to better use. Reference was also made to the state of the area, Carol Marshall responded that they now have a contractor in place to carry out maintenance of the recreation area and hopefully this will lead to improvements of the area. Jonathan Kemp and Carol Marshall are to liaise with the resident on the use of the recreation area. Another resident raised the matter of extra flashing signs and asked if the Parish Council really needed more flashing signs. Steve Milner responded by explaining the need for additional road safety measures. A resident then suggested that there should be a football pitch on the Green. Steve Milner said the Green Right Proprietors are currently looking at the future of the Green and how it can be better used. A resident raised the matter of HGVs ignoring vehicle weight restriction signs on Hargham Road and Steve Milner said the matter would be raised with police through the SNAP meetings. The resident then went on to say he had concerns on the effectiveness of flashing signs. Steve Milner responded by saying there was well-documented evidence that they are effective in controlling speeding vehicles. He said they could be deployed at critical points in the village and they could supply data for the police to enable them to target specific constant speeders.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Latest Old Buckenham Parish Council minutes

Parish Council in June
The following report has been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Those present at the meeting on Thursday 4 June were Steve Milner (chairman), Jonathan Kemp (vice-chairman), Carol Marshall, Adrian Joel, Sarah Hornbrook, Tom Johnson, Mike Farrington, Ben Devlin and Terry Cracknell as well as James Watling (parish clerk). Five members of the public also attended.
Apologies for not being able to attend had been received from Rona Boggia and the chairman informed meeting that Tim Bornett had now resigned from the parish council..
There were various declarations of interest on items on the agenda - the parish council as a shareholder of the Green Right Proprietors, Steve Milner on an item on the Village Hall and Terry Cracknell on an item on the Green.
The meeting was suspended for a short while to allow members of the public to ask questions. (A summary of the points raised will be posted on this blog in the next couple of days.)
Minutes of the May Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in May. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the AGM minutes. Terry Cracknell said there was no mention of having a second public recess at future meetings. Steve Milner said that this had been discussed after the meeting closed.
Adoption of Complaints Procedure. The policy was adopted, agreed unanimously.
Adoption of Risk Assessment of Financial and Non-Financial Internal Audit Controls. The policy was adopted, agreed unanimously.
Adoption of new standing order. Steve Milner explained that last year a vote was taken at a parish council meeting that, because of special circumstances, was attended by only four councillors. A vote was taken on an item and the vote was split two for and two against. He had used his casting vote for the proposal and it was considered at a later parish council meeting that it was not right for a minority of the parish council to pass a motion. Adrian Joel proposed there should be no change to the quorum levels that currently exist and this was seconded by Terry Cracknell. Jonathan Kemp then proposed an amendment to the first proposal that the quorum level be increased to a majority of the current serving members of the Parish Council which at present time would be 6, this was seconded by Carol Marshall and agreed with six for and three against.
Road safety measures. Steve Milner said the proposal to purchase a SAM2 flashing speed sign was raised at May meeting where it was asked to be deferred to the June meeting. Councillors had asked for further information on their effectiveness and Derek Smalley had researched this and found wide evidence of their effectiveness. Steve Milner had circulated councillors with details of performance and guarantees of the system at £3050 plus vat. Various councillors then expressed their views on the issue. Steve Milner then proposed that the Parish Council purchase the SAM2 system, this was seconded by Mike Farrington and voted as two for, five against and two abstentions.
New dog bin. Tom Johnson proposed the installation of a dog bin opposite St Andrews Close and this was agreed unanimously.
Review of policy documents. Health and safety policy – Tom Johnson, 

Village emergency plan – Steve Milner, 
Council financial risk assessment – Jonathan Kemp 
and the Freedom of Information publication scheme – Steve Milner.
Allocation of working parties. The following responsibilities were agreed:
Planning - Sarah Hornbrook.
SNAP - TomJohnson.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - Terry Cracknell and Tom Johnson.
Village Hall representatives - Tom Johnson and Terry Cracknell.
Personnel - Steve Milner, Adrian Joel and Mike Farringdon.
Neighbourhood Plan - Jonathan Kemp, Sarah Hornbrook and Adrian Joel.
Tour of Britain - Mike Farringdon and Ben Devlin.
Almshouses - Carol Marshall.
Play Area- Ben Devlin, Steve Milner and Mike Bartlett.
Recreation Area - Carol Marshall and Jonathan Kemp.
Allotments- Adrian Joel.
Chapel Road School - Steve Milner.
Green Right Proprietors - Ben Devlin.
Traffic Development Plan- Rona Boggia.
Neighbourhood Plan. Steve Milner said Jonathan Kemp and others had looked into the benefits of a Neighbourhood Plan and gave an excellent presentation at the Annual Parish meeting. He suggested that another presentation be made at the July meeting for the benefit of the new councillors.
Village Hall grant. Steve Milner informed the meeting that the Village Hall has been awarded a grant of £3,500 by the Parish Council to insulate the village hall roof. They had obtained three quotes and were proposing to go with one of them which was affordable. Subsequently the builder had withdrawn that quote and submitted one for a larger amount which village hall could not afford. He was asking for the Parish Council’s permission to use the grant for other heat saving measures. Jonathan Kemp proposed that the Village Hall continue with the insulation of the roof and hold on to the grant into the next financial year when they could apply for another grant. This was seconded by Terry Cracknell and agreed unanimously.
Planning applications. None.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Redroof, Cake Street. Single storey extension to front of bungalow, changes to internal layout and provision of first floor bedroom. Application refused.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner reported that the shopkeeper had suffered a heart attack and he had sent a card on behalf of the Parish Council. He is trying to get an update on the Chapel Road School as Norfolk County Council have had to delay the project due to the recent death of John Alston.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said he was elected again as Breckland Councillor for the new ward of “The Buckenhams and Banham”. The make up of Breckland District Council is now 42 Conservatives, four UKIP, two Labour and one Independent. He has been appointed to Scrutiny Commission, General Purposes and Planning Committee (substitute). Following the Issues and Options Consultations Document earlier this year, the Local Plan-Preferred Options Consultation Document will be published in November/December, this will include site specifics. There will be a new supplier (Cookstown Textile Recycling) for textiles collections from mid July. Breckland have sent out an update saying that government policy has changed with regard to developers paying towards Open Space and Play. Previously developers paid a contribution of £1,400 per property built but now this payment will only be payable on a minimum of 120 properties per development. Breckland are asking if any parish has any plans for open space or play areas in the near future. The housing needs survey was sent out to all residents in Old Buckenham in May, the response has been very good and the detailed report will be sent to the Parish Council in August/September. There will be a litter pick on the Green on Wednesday 17 June and another one in July carried out by Old Buckenham High School.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said that the Village Fete is on Saturday 4 July. He then raised the matter of proposed road widening at St Andrews Close which has not yet been done. Adrian Joel replied on the matter and promised to keep Tom Johnson informed of developments. Terry Cracknell mentioned again the need for a public recess at the end of parish council meetings. He also raised the matter of the now defunct parking area at the pub and play area and said it needed to be sorted out quickly. He then thanked Ray Bayfield who had provided the new duckhouse on the pond. He then said both he and Ray Bayfield are hoping to have the two ponds cleaned and tidied in the near future and asked if anyone wished to contribute towards the costs. Adrian Joel said there are a number of bales of hay on the allotments and they are going to be used in a new trial for them to be used to grown food on. He also suggested that Parish Council construct a four-year plan and asked if councillors could come up with ideas for the plan and bring them to next meeting. He also suggested items for the next agenda including that of a second public recess. Carol Marshall said that the parking area outside pub and play area has become dangerous. Three people have recently tripped over the matting and it needs to be rectified urgently. Ben Devlin said he would deal with the matter. Carol Marshall said they now have a new contractor to look after the maintenance of the Recreation Area.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk read out a letter from Mrs Day of Old Buckenham Ladies Hockey Club who have given some surplus funds of £731.29 to go towards either repairing any damaged benches on the Green or buying a new one with a small plaque and site it on the Green. Steve Milner will raise this matter with the Green Right Proprietors.
Highways. Large vehicles over 7.5 tonnes are ignoring the weight restriction signs near the Almshouses indicating there is no access to the A11. A new sign adjacent to the telephone box will be requested. St Andrews Close has a lot of potholes with white paint around them and it was asked when they were likely to be fixed. The Parish Clerk will to speak to Highways on the matter.
The Green. Nothing to report.

The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 2 July at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Helping hand from Old Buckenham High

Collecting household equipment
Earlier this year the General Manager of St Martins Housing Trust Charity, whose aim is to eradicate sleeping on the streets of Norfolk, visited Old Buckenham High School, to address the students. He concentrated his talk on their new venture of fundraising to equip Lakenfields, a building to accommodate more senior personnel (over 50 years old) who have experienced homelessness.
The property at Lakenfields comprises of 33 units, which will be made suitable to accommodate single older persons, with eight designed to wheelchair standard, and will incorporate a warden. To date eight units have been transformed and accommodated. Norwich City Council have signed a long lease with the charity, who will work with Norfolk County Council to provide good quality care, with housing for local older persons with history of homelessness. The charity aims to ensure homeless persons found sleeping on the streets of Norwich and Norfolk, following a period under their care, do not return to this situation.
Resulting from the visit to Old Buckenham High School, staff and pupils responded by collecting household utensils and equipment needed to furnish these units. Under the leadership of Debbie Cawley, the result was far beyond any expectations and the charity are delighted in both the response and the opportunity to move forward in the operation. All the collected utensils and equipment, a good van load, has now been delivered to Norwich.

Over many years the School have supported the charity, mainly with contributions of food each December.
More information relating to the work of St Martins available on

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Old Buckenham WI goes to the Palace

Local ladies at Garden Party
These three little maids from Old Buckenham WI were at a special Buckingham Palace Garden Party yesterday as part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Women's Institute. They are, from the left, Patricia Shearing, Susan Hunter and Bev Ball.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Befriend the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust

Become a friend of the Trust
The Old Buckenham 2000 Trust are looking for people to become  “Friends of the Trust”. The Trust is a registered charity that gives financial support to community organisations within our village. In the last few years the charity has given funds of over £28,000 with £3000 in the last twelve months.
If you or if you know of anyone that would like to help out with any of their events but doesn’t want to commit to meetings or becoming a trustee, then why not become a friend? The Trust are looking to create a network of people that they can ask to help out at different events, when you would be willing to help but with no upfront commitment. Maybe helping to set up/clear up after an event, helping to sell tickets, being a marshal at the annual firework event, or helping to provide equipment such as lighting, cooking equipment, marquees, etc.
Please email Terri at terri@hammond-online.co.uk if you or anyone you know would like to become a friend of the Trust.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Old Buckenham Airfield starts buildings

New airfield construction
This structure is the start of a new building, based on the shape of wartime Nissen huts, which will become a museum to hold many artefacts relating to the airfield and its history.
It is expected to be open in time for the remembrance service in November.
A further building, of a similar design, is also under construction and will become a fully-furnished toilet block for use at events such as the annual airshow.