Wednesday 12 March 2014

Old Buckenham Parish Council meeting in March

Minutes of this month's meeting
The following notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

There were five members of the public present at the meeting. Three councillors (Adrian Joel, Steve Milner and Paul Boggia) were unable to attend and had sent their apologies.
The meeting was suspended for a short time to allow the members of the public to ask questions.
Minutes of the February Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising.
Village Hall broadband. Tom Johnson reported that the Village Hall would be going ahead with a year’s trial but a recent report by the Village Hall suggested a hub and satellite system. This item to be put on the April agenda.
Planning applications. Orchard House, Mill Road. Proposed loft conversion with dormers to front and rear. There were no objections from the parish council, this was agreed unanimously.
Roughlands, Grove Road. Erection of two livestock buildings and associated feed silo. Alterations to access and provision of passing bay. It was proposed by Derek Smalley that there would be no objections but no seconder was found so the proposal failed. It was then proposed by Jonathan Kemp and seconded by Akis Chrisovelides that it should be objected to as not adequate detail of drainage and disposal of effluence was available. This was agreed by all councillors present apart from Sarah Dye who had declared an interest.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. None
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing informed the meeting that the bid for flashing speed signs had been accepted by Norfolk County Council (NCC) for a grant of £3,375 and the Parish Council would have to fund the balance of £3,375. A working party is to be set up consisting of Steve Milner, Jonathan Kemp and Tom Johnson to seek grant funding for the balance. A representative of the County Council will attend the Annual Parish Meeting regarding highway matters. Concerns had been raised about lorries mounting the verge at Manor Corner and NCC Highways have said they will install additional kerbing to resolve the problem.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson had attended a recent Village Hall management meeting and they need £240 for cleaning 120 chairs, £400 for maintenance of the building and £500 for electrical work. They will be raising the cost of hiring the Village Hall from April this year (the last increase in charges was in 2011) and the proposed increases would amount to about 7%. They are also looking at producing a forward business plan. Their AGM is being held on Wednesday 2 April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Carol Marshall reported that the Almhouses are looking to employ a part time clerk and sharing the cost with New Buckenham. An email has been sent to Mr Harman who has a digger requesting a quote for work on the Recreation Area. Jonathan Kemp reported that the new football nets are ready and hopefully they will be up in time for the school holidays. John Frost reported that some church windows would be taken out for repair in the summer.
Highways. In Cake Street there are potholes between the reflectors and Walnut Shade on the left side of the road going towards Diss. The Parish Clerk to report the matter to Highways. John Frost is to deal with a hole in the asphalt by Forge Close.
The Green. The Green Right Proprietors held their AGM on Tuesday 4 March and it was well attended. The Ottomer pond drain needs cleaning. A tree map of the Green has been drawn up by Derek Smalley. The mowing of the Green is being looked at and consideration given to how it could be made commercially viable for a contractor.
The next meetings of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Wednesday 19 March, the Annual Parish Meeting, and on Thursday 3 April for the regular monthly Parish Council meeting. Both meetings will be in the Village Hall and start at 7.30pm.

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