Thursday, 16 January 2014

Old Buckenham Luncheon Club says thank you

All done by voluntary help
The Old Buckenham Luncheon Club started 2014 by inviting all the volunteer drivers who bring people along for their meal out each fortnight throughout the year to join them for lunch. Everyone sat down for their 'home cooked' meal in the village hall which this time also included the chance to have a glass of wine or non-alcoholic drink as well.

Organiser Bridget went through a long list of people who give their time to ensure this Luncheon Club is successful. Every time someone has to put out the tables and chairs, prepare the vegetables, lay the tables, run the raffle, cook the meal, make tea and coffee, do lots of washing up, sort out the money and then put all the tables and chairs away again. Also someone has to represent the Club on the village hall's management committee and keep an eye on the finances.
There are four coach trips to arrange each year. These outings are much appreciated by members but it is becoming more difficult to find somewhere to go as food prices and the cost of coach hire continue to rise. Fund raising through a coffee morning and a stall at the village fete has been boosted recently by the anonymous donation of £200 from someone's winter fuel payment.
So thank you to you all.

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