Friday 22 March 2024

Latest thoughts from Old Buckenham

March Parish Council minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may include information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 7 March at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Lesley Evison, Pete Twissell, Stan Burton, Steve Gowers, David Taylor and Doug Irons. Also attending were Jonn Hicks (Clerk) and ten members of the public. Apologies for absence had been received from Ali McWilliam. The minutes of the meeting held in February were approved (6 in favour).

Financial matters. The Community Account Balance now stands at £21,427.68. Payments for £2366.55 were approved (6 in favour) and included £146.75 to the community car drivers, £149.99 for a water pump, £540 to Glebe Farm Services and £177 to West Norfolk Web Design. 

Two Wheel Tuesday. David Tranmer of the Ox and Plough was formally invited to this month's meeting so as to produce new rental agreement and check his Public Liability Insurance Certificate which he did supply. Naomi Bailey asked a question regarding repairs to the Green which should have been undertaken after last year's events. David Tranmer reported that this was not possible due to the weather during this last winter and more recently. He gave his undertaking that all repairs will be carried out after this seasons' events. Naomi Bailey also asked if it was possible for the stewards at this this year's events to politely ask car drivers who visit not to park outside people's dwellings and to refrain from parking outside the play area. This causes an obstruction of view from the playground gates and could lead to an accident. Steve Gowers and Doug Irons have suggested the Parish Council invest in some signs advising drivers not to park in certain areas and direct them to park at village hall so the Council will investigate this option. The Clerk asked David Taylor to speak with village hall to ask for their approval. The Parish Council have also approved the siting of picnic benches on the Green by David Tranmer again this year . The Clerk to send a contract for these.  The Parish Council also agreed to leave the rates the same as charged for 2023 season for both Two Wheel Tuesday and the benches.

Councillors' reports. Pete Twissell had attended the Village Hall Management Committee in March. Direction markers in the car park have eroded away and they ask for permission from the Parish Council to erect directional signs on post at the edge of the recreation ground. All six councillors in favour so this can go ahead. Also the Committee are keen to reinstate the meetings between them and the Parish Council. The Clerk suggest they send a couple of their committee to the Parish Council Surgery to be held each month to keep the dialogue flowing. Steve Gowers reported that the Community Speedwatch had their first day in the village and also that it is still looking for more volunteers. He also passed on a letter of thanks from the Almshouses Trust for last year’s precept grant.

Doug Irons sent out the draft of the new website to all members and is awaiting feed back from everyone involved. He is also looking into the Neighbourhood plan to investigate what grants are available and to see if we can get enough volunteers to help with this.

Naomi Bailey has emailed Darren at Highways to ask for the yellow lines outside the High School to be re painted as they have eroded away and are barely visible. The Chair and the Clerk also confirmed that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Saturday 22 June 2024 with a start time of 11am at Old Buckenham Village Hall with refreshments available.

The Clerk reported that he had spoken spoken to Jim Trice from the Met Office who informed him that the build went out for tender but no one was successful so it has gone out for tender again. He has also made contact with the company Pace Energy and spoken to Alex Ross about the solar panel site. He says that the plan is still ongoing and they are trying to rectify issues with the national grid with reference to connection before the first phase of building works can commence. He has agreed to keep us up to date with a monthly email.

The first Parish Council 'Surgery' was held on Saturday 24 February. It was well attended by parishioners and Steve Askew was also in attendance. There was lots of talk regarding flooding around the village and it was agreed to send out a survey via the newsletter to establish who and where there are issues with water and to gather information on where ditches are located.

On Sunday 18 February a team manned the pump at Ottomer pond after another heavy rainfall. Thanks go out to Richard, Karen and Monty for helping the Clerk and Chair in setting up the pump and manning it for the day. On Sunday 25 February the pump was used to clear the ditch and roadway leading to the primary school to ensure the school could reopen after the half term break. Thanks again go out to Richard, Karen and Monty for their help. Then on Sunday 3 March the pump was run again at the primary school to ensure the road and pathway were clear for Monday morning. 

Action Log updates. Doug Irons and Steve Gowers gave all members a new copy of the Action Log which will be in electronic form.

Planning applications. Roughlands Farm, Grove Road. Prior approval for proposed change of use of an agricultural building to 1 no small dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion. The Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) -Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q (UseClass)V3PN/2024/0004/UC. Proposed building is outside the Settlement Boundary and not supported by the Parish Council (6 in favour).

Other business. Naomi Bailey reported that the first Saturday Surgery went well and she is keen for this to keep going. Thanks to Steve Askew for his attendance and she hopes to see him at further surgeries. 

Sapienta Trust have undertaken to clear the debris from the ditch behind the High School to aid the flow of water. Lesley Iverson said that she has been in contact with the relevant authorities regarding the flooding and running water on Fen Street. She was keen to point out that the Fen was totally water logged and if nothing is done this vital wetland will become a danger to all the wildlife that call it home. A member of the public pointed out that the hedges on Hargham Road are over grown and causing an issue to vehicles. The Clerk to write to those residents who own the said hedges and ask them to be cut back.

Next agenda. This should include a flooding update, news of suggested new Burial Ground and progress on a Local Plan.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 11 April at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel.

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