Saturday 24 October 2020

Footpaths in Old Buckenham

Parish Paths (Public Rights of Way) 

A number of parishioners have enquired about the routes of Old Buckenham Parish Paths (Public Rights of Way). We are fortunate to have a number of varied and very attractive routes within our village and these are identified on the map linked to this article. If you would like to view the routes in more detail you can do so by going on-line and accessing the Norfolk Highways ‘Definitive and Interactive Map’. This is accessed via On the website you can view the definitive map / interactive map / and the reporting form relating to a problem on a Public Right of Way. To access our village when entering the webpage just zoom to Old Buckenham and then left click on the map and select ‘View Public Rights of Way Definitive Map’. If you would like to investigate taking in Paths within surrounding Parishes, you can do so on this interactive map by zooming in on our neighbouring Parishes – you will see from the map that routes within an individual parish have the name of that Parish on the route as well as a route number. If you would like to undertake longer walks within Norfolk on established trails they are marked on the website

The Parish Council would like to emphasise that they can only deal with enquiries relating the Parish Paths identified by name and number within Old Buckenham. They have had a number of general enquiries about Parish Paths that whilst parishioners have thought the Path is in the Parish, it is in fact in another. They can point you in the right direction to get your enquiry answered but have no jurisdiction for Paths in other Parishes.
Your help and support would be appreciated – the Parish Council has been liaising with the NCC Countryside Access Officer for South Norfolk in relation to signage of Parish Paths. They have discussed setting up a joint project to ensure the regulations relating to signposting Public Rights of Way are adhered to. For example, it is the responsibility of the Norfolk Highway Authority to signpost a Right of Way where it leaves a public road. Therefore, they would welcome any suggestions for signposting where a parishioner is aware this does not occur. Also, the Highway Authority may arrange for additional way marking on the route of a Path where there are changes of direction or more than one possible route of travel is available or where there is a possibility of being unsure of the route of the Path. In all these instances they would welcome recommendations from parishioners where way marking would be beneficial. If you could send suggestions – with exact location details and if possible, photographs – the Parish Council can then work in partnership with the Countryside Access Officer to establish clear and informative signage within the Parish (please email suggestions to the Parish Council at or write to the Parish Clerk at 6 Forge Close)

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