Saturday, 31 October 2020

Bishop coming to Old Buckenham

A special day
Sunday 1 November is All Saints Day and the
 Bishop of Norwich will be visiting All Saints Old Buckenham for the 10am Patronal Service to rededicate the Church following the restoration of the tower, stained glass windows and the new thatched roof.
The Church will be decorated with 150 lilies to remember loved ones who have died. This event was cancelled at Easter due to Covid-19. The flower displays in the Church can be seen anytime from 9am to 4pm during the following weeks.

Take several buckets of lilies...

...cut the stems to the right size for the arrangement... 

...tidy up the arrangements and the display of names being remembered...

...and put more displays on the window sills. 

Latest Old Buckenham newsletter

 More to read

The November village newsletter is being put through your letterboxes in the next few days. As well as the normal items like the notes on the Parish Council minutes and news of the village Hall, you can read about repairs starting on the village windmill and how a village school burnt to the ground many years ago.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Old Buckenham's Eleemosynary charity

Allocation of Benefits 2020

A little later than in most years, the Trustees of the Old Buckenham United Eleemosynary Charities invite residents of Old Buckenham, in financial need, to apply for an annual grant of benefit. The need may be for a long-term situation or for a more temporary problem that has occurred only recently. There is no age restriction. However, as will be understood, the Trustees have a duty to ensure that the annual distribution of monies reflects the aim of the Charity to support the most deserving in our village.

The Trustees will review all requests received and will take into consideration any other benefits currently received by applicants. Application forms will be available in All Saints Church from the beginning of November. Fully completed forms should be returned to Mrs Jennifer Sallnow, Arianne, Attleborough Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RF (telephone 01953 860166). As was advised to beneficiaries last year, the Trustees ask that all previous beneficiaries complete an application form for consideration by the Trustees.

Last date for applications to be with Mrs Sallnow is Thursday 19 November.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Requesting Old Buckenham information

Six Villages newsletter 
The Six Villages Newsletter is hoping to produce a Christmas edition and would like input from individuals and groups in this village. If you are a local group, how have you been faring, are you intending to open again next year or have you reached the end of the road? If you are an individual or family how have you been spending your time since March? As it will be the festive season, however odd this year, would you like to send a message to anyone? Please contact Wendy, the editor, on by Saturday 7 November.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Footpaths in Old Buckenham

Parish Paths (Public Rights of Way) 

A number of parishioners have enquired about the routes of Old Buckenham Parish Paths (Public Rights of Way). We are fortunate to have a number of varied and very attractive routes within our village and these are identified on the map linked to this article. If you would like to view the routes in more detail you can do so by going on-line and accessing the Norfolk Highways ‘Definitive and Interactive Map’. This is accessed via On the website you can view the definitive map / interactive map / and the reporting form relating to a problem on a Public Right of Way. To access our village when entering the webpage just zoom to Old Buckenham and then left click on the map and select ‘View Public Rights of Way Definitive Map’. If you would like to investigate taking in Paths within surrounding Parishes, you can do so on this interactive map by zooming in on our neighbouring Parishes – you will see from the map that routes within an individual parish have the name of that Parish on the route as well as a route number. If you would like to undertake longer walks within Norfolk on established trails they are marked on the website

The Parish Council would like to emphasise that they can only deal with enquiries relating the Parish Paths identified by name and number within Old Buckenham. They have had a number of general enquiries about Parish Paths that whilst parishioners have thought the Path is in the Parish, it is in fact in another. They can point you in the right direction to get your enquiry answered but have no jurisdiction for Paths in other Parishes.
Your help and support would be appreciated – the Parish Council has been liaising with the NCC Countryside Access Officer for South Norfolk in relation to signage of Parish Paths. They have discussed setting up a joint project to ensure the regulations relating to signposting Public Rights of Way are adhered to. For example, it is the responsibility of the Norfolk Highway Authority to signpost a Right of Way where it leaves a public road. Therefore, they would welcome any suggestions for signposting where a parishioner is aware this does not occur. Also, the Highway Authority may arrange for additional way marking on the route of a Path where there are changes of direction or more than one possible route of travel is available or where there is a possibility of being unsure of the route of the Path. In all these instances they would welcome recommendations from parishioners where way marking would be beneficial. If you could send suggestions – with exact location details and if possible, photographs – the Parish Council can then work in partnership with the Countryside Access Officer to establish clear and informative signage within the Parish (please email suggestions to the Parish Council at or write to the Parish Clerk at 6 Forge Close)

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Mill repairs

 Work has started

Wednesday morning

Friday, 16 October 2020

Timber available for free collection

Pick it up

There is (or was earlier today) a pile of sawn wood behind the bus shelter on the village Green. This is the result of some tree maintenance and the Parish Council are happy that is free to anyone who wants to collect it.  

Monday, 12 October 2020

Repairing Old Buckenham Mill

Work due to start

Mill back in 2007

Our historic grade II* listed mill is set to be reopened to the public thanks to support from Historic England and the Association for Industrial Archaeology. It is hoped that the major repair works starting this week are a first step towards rescuing the mill from Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. 
Repairs to the unique 202-year-old Old Buckenham Mill can now get underway after the Norfolk Windmills Trust successfully secured funding of £95,325 from Historic England, and £20,000 from the Association for Industrial Archaeology.
Old Buckenham Mill has been closed to the public since 2018 when a pre-existing bulge in the brickwork at the base of the mill started to worsen by showing signs of further cracking and movement
Previously owned by the Colman family, well known for the famous Colman’s mustard, and then by Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, the mill in later years fell into disrepair before finally being taken into the care of the Norfolk Windmills Trust.
Old Buckenham Mill is not only the largest diameter tower mill still surviving in the country but also features a unique mechanism to turn the large heavy cap and sails into the wind.
Work is about to start on erecting full-height scaffolding that will allow extensive repairs to the tower’s aging brickwork to start. The mill’s ground floor will also be removed and replaced with further repairs being made to floor beams, the cap and internal walls. The two grants will cover the majority of the £119,156 cost of the work with the remainder of the funding coming from the Friends of Old Buckenham Mill, who have been fundraising locally, and the Norfolk Windmills Trust.
Once the first phase of work is complete the mill can be reopened to the public by the active volunteer group while further funding is sought for the phase 2 works to the cap and running gear. After this work is done it is hoped that the mill may finally be removed from Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. The final phase will be to reinstate the stocks and sails.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

Minutes of October meeting 

These notes have been written from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date. 

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 1 October at 7.30pm via Zoom. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair), Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Terry Cook, Andy Nicholls, Ben Devlin and Mike Farrington. Also in attendance were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Ryan Kuhl (Open Reach) and four members of the public. Naomi Bailey was co-opted on to the Parish Council (7 in favour). 

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 September were approved (6 in favour, 2 abstain). There were no matters arising. Ben Devlin declared an interest in planning application 3PL/2020/1007/F which would be discussed later in the meeting. 

Financial report. The community account balance now stands at 38,884.08. The Precept of £10,192.50 has been received and is included in above balance.
Payments totalling £808.40 were approved (8 in favour).

Talk from Open Reach. Ryan Kuhl from Open Reach had kindly agreed to attend the meeting to highlight the Government’s Rural Gigabit Connectivity programme to encourage groups of residents and businesses to access funding towards the installation of FTTP (Fibre to the Property) and answer any questions. There is a list of 111 properties in Old Buckenham that have been identified as needing this service. Businesses can access vouchers up to £3500 of vouchers and each residential property can access £1500 of vouchers. Open Reach has been working with Better Broadband for Norfolk to help identify areas in need of help. Ryan highlighted that through this scheme, residents would continue to have more choice over their broadband provider and stay within a competitive market, whereas with other schemes, residents would be tied in to the one provider. When asked about expected speeds and prices, Ryan stated around 150mb/s at a cost of around £35 a month, for both new and existing customers. Ryan is happy to be contacted and answer anyone’s questions.
(Mike Farrington lost his internet connection at this point of the meeting and was unable to re-join!)

Planning applications and Breckland District Council’s decisions. (All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal – - Parish Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting).

New planning applications. Rosedale, Fen Street. Prior approval for Change of use from light industrial (Class B1(c)) to a dwelling (Class C3). (The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) Schedule 2, Part 3, Class PA (3PN/2020/0044/UC). The application was supported (8 in favour).
Tall Trees, New Buckenham Road. Removal of the existing single-storey extension, new two-storey extension, replacement windows and new external cladding (3PL/2020/0979/HOU). The application was supported (8 in favour).
Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. 40 additional camping pitches and 40 additional touring caravan pitches. (3PL/2020/1007/F). Ben Devlin explained his desire to expand the business. He addressed concerns by some residents about lighting and noise. There is a noise plan in place and has been improved to include restrictions on cars on site at night and an evening patrol to ensure rules are followed. There are no plans to extend lighting. The Country Park follows NFU guidelines on safety and they are satisfied with all safety measures. The application was supported (7 in favour, 1 abstain).
Development site, Harlingwood Lane. Construction of a new dwelling house and detached garage (3PL/2020/1016/F). Change from initial application, now for one house instead of two. Concerns were again raised about the safety of the junction between Harlingwood Lane and Cake Street. The application was supported (8 in favour).
Land adjacent to Keele Cottage, The Green. Variation of Condition No 2 on Variation of condition 2 (approved plans and details 3PL/2015/0513/F) to allow substitution of these for as-built drawings to regularise the development (3PL/2020/1010/VAR). Several councillors were unhappy with some details of the build not matching the approved plans. It was highlighted that the original plan for 3-storey town houses had been rejected and that the developer had now turned the attic into a bedroom, with the addition of windows. None of this was on the original plan. Many councillors felt it was a matter of principle that it should reject any details which did not match approved plans. A proposal to object was approved (5 in favour, 2 abstain).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following four applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved.
Land to west of 22 Fen Street. Technical details consent for erection of 4 dwellings, permission in principle reference 3PL/2019/1257/PIP (3PL/2020/0495/TDC).
5 Hargham Road. Erection of an outdoor oak wooden gazebo structure with pantile roof (3PL/2020/0585/HOU).
Orchard House, The Green. Demolition of existing garage and erection of single-storey games room (3PL/2020/0814/HOU).
Old Buckenham High School, Abbey Road. The construction of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with fencing and ancillary features at Old Buckenham High School (3PL/2020/0770/F).

Communications. Steve Milner has begun to draw up a Communications Plan which will soon be sent to councillors. Suggestions include creating a Facebook page for the Parish Council and a correspondence section on the agenda (to highlight contact via website/Facebook). Proposal to create a Parish Council Facebook page, which will be run by the Clerk, was approved (7 in favour). This will initially be used to inform of agendas, minutes, etc, but will be developed over the following months.

Policies. Jonn Hicks and Terry Cook had updated several Parish Council policies. Due to the volume of reading, councillors had received and read these policies in advance of the meeting. Steve Milner queried some minor points, which were left unchanged and the updated document was approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).

Chairman’s Report. Paper for the village newsletter is to be ordered. Best price has been sourced and the RFO is to order.
The Met Office has been in contact regarding the possible radar tower. They had recently visited the village to illustrate the height of the tower using a cherry-picker. They have sent photographs of views from several locations around village. No application submitted but will expect to receive one soon.
The Precept Grant form is to be made available to village groups. Anyone interested should contact Parish Clerk.
Village Green Working Party. Large tree branch had fallen on the bus shelter during high winds. Thank you to the local tree surgeon for cutting back and making safe. Green will be cut this month.
Play Area. Are still waiting to hear from Playdale regarding date for visit to fix baby swings and complete inspection. Jonn Hicks and Naomi Bailey to chase up. Bins in the main area emptied. Bin in toddler area locked and unable to empty although Serco have been sent key by Jonn Hicks. Adrian Joel personally emptied it in the meantime.
Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel reported that there had been a new tenant on allotments. It was agreed to maintain allotment rents for the next year, with a look to raise them next year. The Community Car has only two drivers at present. New drivers need to pass medical and CRB check but struggling to find location to complete medical. At present not half of the grant provided has been used. On Remembrance Sunday 8 November there will be a Church service in All Saints at 10am. Two minute silence at the War Memorial at 11am. Traffic diversion has been approved and the British Legion has recommended no door-to-door poppy collection this year and is requesting donations be made directly to the charity. Christmas tree to be ordered for installation on the Green. However, due to Covid-19, there will be no village celebration to turn on the lights.
Items for next agenda. These will include a Covid-19 update and preparedness for winter as well as school traffic.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 5 November at 7.30pm via Zoom. Any change of location to be confirmed nearer the time, subject to Government Guidelines.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

(Old) Buckenham  Castle

This is a medieval silver penny, which was deliberately cut in two to make a half penny (ha’penny).  They were also cut pennies into four if required, to make fourthings (farthings).  This is a composite photo, so you can see both sides of the half coin side by side and the coin itself measures only 18mm along the cut edge. Specifically, it's a coin produced during the 'new coinage' commissioned by Henry lll in 1247.  It was found recently by our local metal detectorist Godfrey Pratt. These coins continued to be minted until Henry's death in 1272, so the coin in the photo can be dated to within this twenty-five year period.  If you look carefully you can see half the King's crown, half of his nose, one eye, his curly hair, and his mace.

The mid-thirteenth century was a turbulent period in English history, with frequent confrontations between the King and his supporters on the one hand, and the landholding Barons on the other.  The D'Albini family of Buckenam had been in Royal service at court since the time of William the Conqueror, and were staunch supporters of Henry lll.  Things came to a head in 1263 with the Second Barons Revolt, and in that year Buckenham Castle was besieged by an army under Henry De Hastyngs, one of the leading revolting barons.

Such were the defences of the castle that the siege failed.  Since the coin shown was found within besieging distance of the castle,  Godfrey is romantically inclined to think it was there at the time, in the purse of a besieging soldier before being accidentally dropped and lost from sight for over 750 years until he picked it up... 

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Old Buckenham helping the homeless

Each year the St Martin's charity welcome donations of food and financial gifts over the Harvest season which they can use to help their work with the homeless. This year is a little different with Covid causing restrictions on churches and community groups meeting. St Martins have still been receiving donations of food, which have been appreciated. When they asked their residents which items they find most useful, the answer was tinned and packet food, tea, coffee and sugar. Comments included "I cannot always afford to eat" and "People don’t always spend money wisely. Some people go hungry." St Martins support people to be as independent as possible, especially around budgeting for food and developing their cooking skills. 
If you would like to donate food items for the homeless you will find a box in the porch of All Saints church where you can leave your donations.