Wednesday 10 July 2019

Cutting Old Buckenham Green

It's been a big job
Some of the largest and heaviest vehicles that have ever been seen on Old Buckenham Green have been hard at work today cutting down the grass. They have also been removing the mowings (which are being taken away to a nearby anaerobic digester to be turned into a methane-rich gas that can be used as a bio-fuel and a digestate, which is a source of nutrients that can be used as a fertiliser). Removing the mowings will also reduce the fertility of the Green and this will be beneficial for the growth of wild flowers in future.
Three big machines were involved, one to cut down the grass, one to pick it all up and another to cart it away.


Because of the size of these vehicles they could not reach all of the more congested areas and it will be necessary to return and cut those with something a bit smaller.

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