Tuesday 16 July 2019

Big discussions in Old Buckenham

July meeting of Parish Council
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 4 July in the Village Hall. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair) Steve Milner Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel, Andy Nicholls, Terry Cook, Mike Farrington. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and nine members of the public. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Ben Devlin and Gemma Frost.
Mike Farrington and Terry Cook were both co-opted on as councillors (5 in favour). They will complete DPI forms by the next meeting.
Minutes of the June meeting were approved (5 in favour, 2 abstain). There were no matters arising.
Financial matters. Balance in community account is £43,026.99. The Premium Account has been discovered to be a Charity Account and so Donna Oakley will contact the bank and try to understand where this money is from and what it is for.
Income received by the council for the month was £1275 and payments of £985.08 were approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).
New planning applications. Post Office, The Green. To install three steelground power-operated roller shutter doors (3PL/2019/0550/F). Neighbour is unhappy with the potential noise and vibrations that could be caused by the shutters opening and closing. Several councillors highlighted the need to think of the village as a whole and in order for the family to be protected and continue to run the shop for the benefit of the village. The application was supported (7 in favour).
Southview, Fen Street. Erection of single storey front extension to create sun room, hall and wc (3PL/2019/0661/HOU). Councillors could not see a reason to object. It is suspected that the application fell within permitted development. The application was supported (7 in favour).
Planning decisions by Breckland Council. Crown Lane Cottage, Crown Road. First floor extension to existing single-storey annex and storage/workshop building (3PL/2019/0508/HOU). The application has been approved.
Hunters House, access roads in and around Old Buckenham Hall. Redesign conservatory to a garden room (amended design) (3PL/2019/0385/HOU). The application has been approved.
9 The Old Yard, Hargham Road. Erection of office building with first floor two-bed residential accommodation - revised elevations (3PL/2019/0539/F and 3PL/2018/0887/F). The application has been approved.
Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Demolish existing agricultural building and construct new residential dwelling (3PL/2019/0287/F). The application has been refused.
Proposed weather radar. (A friend spoke on behalf of the couple who live next to the Anglian Water site) They have spent five years extending and developing the house into a home. They enjoy spending a lot of time in the garden and one of their biggest concerns is the effect the tower will have on their view and the light into their house. They are also concerned about the noise as the Met Office have admitted there will be some low level background noise as the radar moves. When asked about the possibility of increased traffic, they have been told that once built, it will only be accessed 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. They have felt that the communication from the Met Office has been quite poor as they have not had any additional consultation or discussion. They also highlighted that any work with schools would not be allowed to take place on site as it is a working Anglian Water site. There is also concern about the effect of any future house price and sale of the property.
Adrian Joel highlighted the article on the Old Buckenham blog from Matt Wilkins which gave the view point of the Airfield. Andy Nichols felt that the Met Office have been rather strategic in their approach. He also felt that it is likely to come down to a planning committee decision in the future and explained that anyone can attend these meetings and speak. There was a need to raise concerns now, and again once the planning application is submitted.
Despite being requested by Old Buckenham Parish Council, it appeared that residents in Carleton Rode and New Buckenham did not receive the leaflet advertising the drop in meeting at the Village Hall on Friday 28 June.
Steve Milner felt it was important for the council to look into the specific details, facts and figures so that they were fully armed for any debates. The Met Office will be doing a visual impact study. The height of the tower (27m) will be approximately the same height as the windmill (with sails). If we want accurate forecasts of rainfall (and therefore potential flooding) we will need a tower in East Anglia as they have clearly shown the need for it. We should wait for the planning application and raise our concerns then.
Other points raised were that the tower will help forecasts for East Anglia but there will be no direct benefit for Old Buckenham. Other towers in the country have been placed at airfields so why can’t it be placed at an empty airfield? It was felt by many that the Parish Council should write a letter asking for more specifics and details on several aspects.
Terry Cook felt that the phrasing of the letter was very important. As the tower was being built by the Met Office and had the support of Anglian Water and The Environment Agency, it would be difficult to argue against it in terms of requirements or environmental impact. There was a need to argue on behalf of the residents as all other arguments are likely to be shot down. Need to think with our heads, over our hearts and to contact councillor Stephen Askew and George Freeman MP for their help and support
A member of the public wondered if it was worth getting the support of a large company/individual who would be able to help the fight. After a passionate comment from Steve Milner, Andy Nicholls left the meeting. Steve Milner followed and the councillors spoke privately. Both returned and Steve Milner expressed his apologies to Andy Nicholls and the Parish Council. Andy Nicholls accepted his apologies.
There was a need to contact both Carleton Rode and New Buckenham parish councils to gather their opinions. Also our village opinion might be based on people’s own view of the tower (or lack of) and might not be considerate of the neighbours view. Could English Heritage/Defra help provide arguments against it?
The residents by the site left an open invite to the parish council members to visit any time they wanted.
A letter from the Parish Council to the Met Office would ask why Old Buckenham out of all the possible sites, where were the other sites, what considerations went into the selection, what about other sites nearby and what would be the impact on airfield? (note from blog editor – the Met Office have produced a report of the consultation meeting that gives further information on most of these points. The report’s text [some 2,500 words] was posted on the Old Buckenham blog on Saturday 6 July if you wish to read it)
Chairman’s Report. The Village Hall management and the Parish Council had met. They discussed the Recreation Area as it was discovered last month that the Parish Council was paying rent for the Recreation Area, even though they own it, plus maintenance. The Village Hall agreed that the Parish Council could stop rent payment but would still pay for the upkeep.
Playdale have visited the Play Area and are going to send quote for replacing the rope bridge and a few other parts that need maintenance. There may be a need to close the playground on Sunday 11 August for all the work tidying it up.
Enterprise Inns (Ei) are putting the Gamekeeper up for sale. It is listed as a village asset and so the Parish Council would get the opportunity to purchase. Firstly, the price needs to be confirmed and a way found to gather village opinion. Andy Nicholls explained that similar purchases have been made in Garboldisham and Redgrave. He also explained that the Parish Council is able to borrow money at a very cheap rate. A member of the public explained he had received a letter from someone stating they would fully support the purchase and maybe even running it.
Ben Devlin has not completed work on the phone box. The Village Handyman to quote to Andy Nicholls a price for cleaning and sandblasting it. The Council already have the paint and a resident is offering to paint it for free.
Paint is needed for the roof of the bus shelter. Thanks were due to the gentleman who commissioned and paid for the art work which looks excellent and is a lovely feature of the village. Thank you also to the artist who painted it and those who helped install it.
Village Green Working Party. They had requested approval for the Green cutting for the next year at £1000. Andy Nicholls explained that the original agreement with Suggit was for three years at £1000/year anyway. The Green cut has been delayed till Wednesday 10 July and will require bailing as it is now so long.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner stated that they now have all the money needed for SAM signs through donations and grants. He is now waiting for a reply from D Jacklin (Highways) about possible locations and what equipment will be required for installation.
Andy Nicholls asked if local road closure dates could be posted on Facebook. Adrian Joel said that Dave Tranmer at the Ox and Plough wanted it highlighted that while Ben Devlin had done the first grass cut for Two Wheel Tuesday, he now pays for it to be cut commercially.
Items for next agenda. These will include a work plan for the village handyman, the Weather Radar and the Gamekeeper pub.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 1 August at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

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