Thursday, 31 May 2018

June edition of Old Buckenham newsletter

All the latest news
Copies of the June newsletter has now been spread around the village. This issue also contains the schedule for the open village produce and handicraft show that takes place on Sunday 9 September. It's not too early to think about what classes you will be entering.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Coffee morning in Old Buckenham

Refreshing morning
Book this date to go along and relax in the garden while enjoying those Women's Institute homemade cakes.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

May Parish Council minutes
Old Buckenham Parish Council held a meeting on Thursday 3 May. The councillors present were Adrian Joel (Chairman), Ben Devlin, Jon Hicks, Phil Little, Andy Nichols and Steve Milner along with Kerry Talbot (temporary clerk) and four members of the public. Apologies for absence had been received from Gemma Frost.
Election of chairman. The Clerk invited applicants/nominations for chairman of the council for 2018/19. Several nominations were received and ballot took place resulting in Phil Little being appointed as the Chair and then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was passed to Adrian Joel for action.
Election of vice-chair. The Clerk invited applicants for vice-chair. Jon Hicks was nominated, seconded and approved for this post.
Minutes of April meeting. These were approved.
Matters arising from April minutes. Phil Little asked councillors to update the meeting at this stage in future meetings with any action points allocated to them. Adrian Joel commented that matters arising from the previous minutes had been addressed with the exception of pollution. Adrian Joel also added that ‘Two Wheel Tuesday’ supervision, signs and marshalling were excellent and no roads were blocked. Phil Little stated that the pollution was not something that the council felt they could address at the current time without any documented evidence.
Public participation relating only to agenda items. A parishioner said he was attending to object to planning application in respect of the Asparagus field off Cake Street. Outline planning had been granted but the revised submission is now substantially larger, not compatible with adjacent buildings and concern was raised regarding the impact on flooding in this part of Cake Street with excess surface water leading to sanitary issues. The
Chairman advised parish council involvement in the planning process and they can only put forward comments. Breckland Council make the decisions. Chairman stated that he was keen for the public to understand that this part of the meeting was not a discussion group and the public were invited to discuss agenda items only. The Chair will endeavour to make process easier for the public to participate and to find a medium ground to enable the parish council to function. This will be a work in progress with the Council looking to serve the whole community. He addressed the issue of allowing parishioners a second opportunity to talk at the end of the meeting but advised that current Standing Orders state that the meeting must conclude by 10pm.
Parish Clerk and councillor vacancies. The position of Parish Clerk has been filled and a job offer issued. Phil Little advised that there were a couple of issues to resolve but was confident that the clerk will be in place for the next meeting. Adrian Joel said that since the last meeting, when Lauren Wiseman was co-opted onto the Council, she has since indicated she did not wish to take up the position and would not be making the statutory declaration of acceptance of office. The vacancy would need to be advertised again. This means that the Council is still short of four councillors and Phil Little will contact theprevious two applicants to ascertain if they are still interested.
General data protection. Adrian Joel advised that a Data Protection Officer was not needed for parish councils. He asked all councillors to complete a declaration to provide permission for use of data and their preferred method of contact. These would need to be passed to the new clerk. Also the parish council computer would need to be searched for ‘old’ data and removed and a Parish Clerk ll members of working parties will need to complete the form.
Planning applications. Asparagus Field, Cake Street. Dwelling and garage (3PL/2018/0387/F). Resolved, with 4 voting in favour and 2 abstentions, not to approve the application
Barn at Roughlands Farm, Grove Road. Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling (permitted development) (3PN/2018/0017/UC). Decided, unanimously, not to submit a view.
East View, Attleborough Road. New garden store extension (3PL/2018/0181/HOU). Noted that this application has been approved by Breckland District Council.
Homestead, The Green. Erection of dwelling and garage. (3PL/2018/0195/D). Noted that this application has been approved by Breckland District Council.
Financial matters. The Current account balance is £42,765 and the Premium account balance is £2,873.20. The sum of £185 has been received from the Eleemosynary Charity and was available to use for the benefit the whole village. The payments approved included £218 to the community car drivers, £90 for cutting the recreation area and £545 for work on the village sign. The Bank Mandate to be changed once a new clerk is in place. Steve Milner pointed out that Barclays will be closing their branch in Attleborough and wondered how this would affect the Council’s banking. Adrian Joel suggested remaining with Barclays and reviewing once the new Clerk was in place.
Chairman’s report. As the new Chair, Phil Little would like to ensure that the Council actions all issues that they have committed to. In terms of planning Phil Little would like to remove any ambiguity and make clear that the parish council are part of the consultation process and do not make decisions. He would also like to ascertain how to make the process easier and more transparent so that everyone knows how the process works.
District Councillor’s report. The Breckland Cabinet will be holding their meeting in each of the five market towns over the next few months. The next meeting of the Cabinet will be held in Attleborough on Tuesday 12 June starting at 10am in the Town Hall. There will be an opportunity for the members of the public to ask questions of Cabinet members from 9.30am to 10am. Breckland will shortly receive a revised copy of the Attleborough SUE from the developers. These will then go out for a period of consultation to residents in the area and stakeholders. Adrian Joel has asked for copies to be sent to him as the Breckland councillor and he will hold a drop-in consultation in the village hall. This will enable residents to make their comments and feed them back to Breckland Council. There will be a special Planning Committee held in Attleborough later this year. Adrian Joel will keep the parish council informed of the date and time of the meeting.
Village Green Working Party. Adrian Joel said that the Ox & Plough had, through social media, asked if there would be any support for a monthly Farmers’ Market outside the pub. Initial indications have shown that there is support for this with the proceeds being donated to the upkeep of the Green. The proposal will be listed as an agenda item for the next meeting.
Road Safety. Steve Milner advised that county councillors have been chasing NCC Highways for their decision in respect of a new crossing. No response has been received to date, a further meeting will take place once the decision has been received. A new radar gun has been received and been in use by the Speed Watch team. Steve Milner said that during the last stint (during school traffic time) 15 cars were logged travelling at over 36 mph. No tractors, trailers or coaches were logged breaking the speed limit.
Play Area. Jon Hicks advised that the grass had been cut twice. Glass had been found in the area following Two Wheel Tuesday and Dave Tranmer (Ox & Plough) had agreed to check the area after the evnt each week. Ben Devlin also to discuss this with Dave Tranmer. No play area maintenance issues have been logged. Once the weather improves, new bins will be installed and the tractor painted. Phil Little to organise signs for when the work takes place.
Recreation Area. The damaged fencing has been repaired. Further damage at the back of the village hall has also now been repaired free of charge and a bin is to be moved. This represents approximately £3,000 of work carried out the work free of charge by the school builders Morgan Sindall and Adrian Joel will write to thank them.
Councillors’ reports. Jon Hicks updated in respect of the High School Council and the bus shelter mural and designs for the recreation ground. Any involvement with this project has been stopped by the High School as academisation is underway which affects Health & Safety issues with the school. Following discussion it was agreed to offer this project to the local community as a whole with Jon Hicks to contact other schools, ie primary school and Chapel Green.
Parish Council Insurance policy. Renewal quote for 2018/19 has been received from Norris Fischer at £508.72 with an additional £48 payable for a three year fixed term. Adrian Joel is to investigate cover and to include possible Farmers Market and fireworks to ascertain how council would be liable. This to be ready for the next council meeting. Council to also contact Dave Tranmer (Ox & Plough) and ask for a copy of their public liability insurance. It was agreed unanimously to go for a three year fixed term cover.
Fireworks. Ben Devlin is in discussions with the OB2000 Trust in respect of this proposed event. Ben Devlin needs to meet with Green Right Proprietors to seek their agreement and their views on any damage that would be caused due to the bonfire. Ben Devlin is also to find out the costs of fireworks and to look at how this will be funded together with insurance cover as he is keen to provide this as a free event. Andy Nichols advised that the next meeting of Green Right Proprietors would be on Monday 14 May and will ask for details, including costs, to put to the members at this meeting. At this point Ben Devlin made his apologies and left the meeting.
Update on defibrillator. Phil Little has been in touch with the Heart Foundation. Since their visit they have no record of correspondence with the parish council so Phil Little advised that Council will have to start the process again. Phil Little has received details of what is required and felt that the Council should make applications to both the Heart Foundation and the Lottery. This way the money put aside for this project could be used for maintenance and training. Phil Little will put together the applications but will take around two months to prepare as public consultation would need to be undertaken. The Heart Foundation said that they felt the Council would have a good chance of success with both funders and it was agreed, unanimously, to go ahead with the applications.
Council website. Steve Milner advised that there had been no enquiries and Adrian Joel asked if the website could be updated. Steve Milner agreed to update it as and when he can.
Highways. Phil Little and Steve Milner advised that deep pothole repairs had been carried out and that the work is ongoing.
Next agenda. Items suggested for the next agenda included a review of working parties, a list of assets, a review of all policies including the complaints procedure, Council insurance, firework event, monthly Farmers’ Market and Parish Council banking arrangements.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 7 June.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Mobile phone coverage in Old Buckenham

Results of County Council survey
You should be able to read the details of the signal strength from the different mobile phone operators here:

Tempest later this week in Old Buckenham

Still time to get your tickets

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Visitor attraction in Old Buckenham

Going up the Mill
It has been National Mills Weekend and Old Buckenham Mill was open to the public this afternoon. At times they were queuing  to get in and then waiting to start the climb up the stairs and ladders to the higher floors.
There were three guides on duty to show the parties of adults and children how flour used to be made in years gone by. Several of the visitors were local people who have walked or driven by the Mill many times but had never been inside.
When the tour was finished there were goody bags for the children, including their own personal windmill, and the chance to enjoy drinks and homemade cakes in the afternoon sunshine.

The Mill will next be open on Sunday 10 June from 1pm to 4pm. If you missed this opportunity why not put the date in your diary. Come along and see what is inside that big brick tower near the Green.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Latest on Old Buckenham roof

Raise the Roof update

The Parish Church of All Saints has been at the centre of the village of Old Buckenham for at least 1000 years.  The present building has Saxon foundations, a Norman doorway, 12th to 15th century walls, a 15th Century font and some wonderful medieval painted and stained glass – along with Victorian pews, carved pulpit and stained glass.
In recent years this wonderful building has seen a great deal of work done to preserve it for future generations – including re-facing the Tower and restoring the medieval glass - but it is over 30 years since any of the thatch was last repaired. Some hasn’t been touched for 50 years. 
The thatch is now seriously in need of total replacement. There is already some evidence of water entry into the ceiling and if this continues it could cause catastrophic damage to the structure and interior of the church.
‘Raise the Roof’ is a major project not just to raise the funds to replace the thatch but also to involve the whole community in developing a greater appreciation of this wonderful heritage in the heart of the village. 
The project will now be in two parts:
Re-thatching the chancel roof will take place this year – 2018 – because it is in the most serious state and the nave roof will be done in 2019 or 2020.
There is a need to raise at least £30,000 to cover the cost of the chancel roof alone. The nave roof will probably cost a further £60,000 to £70,000, depending on the issues found when stage one is completed
So far the Raise the Roof campaign has raised over £21,000.
For more information please get in touch with Alison Hannah via email  

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Changing times in Old Buckenham

Opening hours at the Gamekeeper

This Bank Holiday  Monday was a chance to enjoy the weather and great barbecued food at the Gamekeeper. 
From now on they will be reverting to opening at 11am on weekdays and Saturdays and 12 noon on Sundays. The exception to this will be future Mondays when they will stay closed in the daytime and open at 6pm for the evening.
This decision to reduce opening hours has not been taken lightly but Tony and Jen feel it is necessary to make best use of their resources and spend the time given to make things even better.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

VIP visits Old Buckenham

Supporting the Raise the Roof campaign
The crowd had gathered outside the Church Rooms. The camera is in position and eyes are looking down the road to the Green.

Here comes something, looks like a pony and trap

And it's driving right down to the entrance of All Saints Church.

Ah, it's the Right Reverend Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, who has come from the Rogation Sunday service at Wilby. He has come to talk to those who are helping to raise money towards re-thatching the church roof.

After leaving the church it was time to make a short walk across the Green. Perhaps you saw three men out walking in sober suits and wondered why they were so dressed on such a glorious, sunny and warm day. They were off to take part in a fund-raising meal at the Gamekeeper pub. The blog editor was not attending so he will have to rely on a report from someone else for the next part of the story...

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Picking up in Old Buckenham

Litter pick on village Green
Villagers of all ages were out in force this morning to clear up all the rubbish they could find on the Green. The weather was very pleasant and many bin bags seemed to get filled up. Thank you to all involved.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Money raised in Old Buckenham

Walking in the rain

Just one week ago, Old Buckenham Women's Institute  organised a local walk as a fund raiser for ACWW - Associated Country Women of the World. This is a worldwide organisation to which the Norfolk Federation WI belongs and is dedicated to raising the health and standard of living of women and their families.
A six mile walk around Old Buckenham started from All Saints church in Old Buckenham in not very promising weather. There was also be a shorter walk, around two miles of local footpaths, that left from the Village Hall car park at 11.30am.
When the walks finished, a lunch consisting of a choice of homemade soups followed by fruit pie and cream was served in the Memorial Room at the village hall for those who had braved the rain  and those other WI members who had come along to help raise funds for ACCW.
The total raised was £90.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Great sign for Old Buckenham

Looking brighter
The Old Buckenham village sign is back in position and looking much brighter in the sunshine on Tuesday.
Many thanks to all those who have been involved in this restoration.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Catching up with Old Buckenham

Colourful covers
For the last ten years the Old Buckenham village newsletter has been using coloured photos to illustrate the front cover. This year the two other local newsletters have caught up and you have to look more carefully to tell which is which.