Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Latest Old Buckenham village newsletter

July newsletter being distributed
With the other local newsletter not being available before Thursday 30 June, copies of the July edition of the Old Buckenham village newsletter have not yet been put in the many pick-up points in the village. They should be around sometime tomorrow and look like this:

Inside you will find your lucky programme. Bring it with you to the village fete on Saturday 9 July to give yourself a chance to win one of the donated prizes.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Damp garden party in Old Buckenham

Evening event brightens up
Every year John and Barbara Frost host a garden party at their home in Mill Lane to raise funds for All Saints church, Old Buckenham. This year, after a sunny morning , the weather turned wet and thundery for several hours. At the official opening time the rain was still pouring down and people were arriving in waterproof jackets and carrying golf umbrellas.
Slowly the weather improved and after a couple more hours there was even a glimpse of sunshine. Visitors left the safety of the party tents and their glasses of wine to look around at the garden flowers and vegetables. There was a chance to win things on the tombola or spend more money on garden plants or raffle tickets.

Part way through the evening there was a special presentation to John Frost to thank him for his many, many years as churchwarden at All Saints. Rev Canon Stephen Wright was there to hand over the surprise item which turned out to be a specially framed full-sized replica of the church door key, something that John would have carried around and used in his churchwarden duties.

The evening finished with the drawing of the raffle prizes and a big thank you to John and Barbara for all their work to make the evening a success.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Polling station at Old Buckenham

Day of decision
All is ready at the village hall for people to come and write a cross in a box.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Broadside Boys in Old Buckenham

Advance notice
East Anglian folk band the "Broadside Boys" will be coming to Old Buckenham Village Hall on Saturday 13 August at 7.30pm for a night of music and comedy (with a bangers and mash supper) in support of two local causes. The Broadside Boys, fresh from their appearance at the Cambridge Folk Festival, will perform their songs of country life, informed by their experiences of growing up in rural East Anglia and inspired by the characters that have shaped them. 
Comedy will be supplied by Stephen Bayfield, the Gamekeeper's boy. Born at Royal Sandringham into a family of 'keepers, many of Stephen's hilarious stories are derived from his life on the region's country estates. Proceeds from the event will go to All Saints Church and Old Buckenham Village Hall fund. Tickets for the event are priced at £10 and will be available at Old Buckenham Stores.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Old Buckenham members go visiting

Breckland Flower and Garden Club
The Club created wonderful arrangements for the Rejoice Flower Festival, a spectacular flower display to celebrate the opening of the new development and exhibition “The Abbey Experience” in the incomparable setting of the Wymondham Abbey. The arrangements received lots of lovely compliments from visitors to the Abbey over the May bank holiday, some of the flowers were later displayed in Attleborough church.
On Thursday 2 June 2, members and friends headed off from Old Buckenham Village Hall for a trip to Woodbridge and the Beth Chatto Gardens. First stop Woodbridge for some retail therapy. Maybe the shops should have been warned that the Club were coming. It also happened to be market day and members returned to the coach laden with bargains. At the Beth Chatto Gardens members strolled around the gardens taking photos and inspiration from the wonderful variety of flora, followed by the opportunity to purchase some beautiful plants.
On Wednesday 8 June there was another outing, this time to Walnut Tree Nursery, where members were given a talk on pruning and told not to be afraid to prune hard. There was also tea and cake followed by the chance to purchase yet more plants.
At the rgular monthly meeting Howard Norton gave a talk with the aid of slides on delphiniums. He shared his wealth of knowledge, from how to nurture these beautiful plants from seeds, to how to make a support for the plants using a piece of old hose pipe, a roof batten and a couple of screws. Howard was very informative and happy to answer questions, displaying a true love for delphiniums.
Winner of the competition for June titled “Garden Colour” was Glynis Allin. Chairperson, Christine Hewson presented Glynis with the cup.
The next meeting will be at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 14 July at 2pm. It will be a demonstration by David Wright entitled “It is an Education”. The flower competition will be for a “Summer table arrangement”. All are welcome, visitors £4. For further details contact Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Women's Cycle Tour in Old Buckenham

Passing through at speed
Stage 1 of the Women's Tour came through Old Buckenham today. Not as big crowds as there were for the men's Tour of Britain last year but plenty of people in their gardens or on the Green to see them speed by.
First there were the team of police motorcyclists clearing the road and blocking off the adjoining junctions. Eventually the riders came into view, all in one big group. Soon they were right up close and then disappearing into the distance followed by lots and lots of support vehicles.
Stop to blink and it was all over...

School life in Old Buckenham

History of village schools
At their June meeting members of the Social and Wine Circle were treated to a talk on Victorian village schools. The speaker was Sarah Doig who now lives in part of what was once the village school at Rickinghall in Suffolk. She went through how the education of children had progressed through Sunday Schools, charity schools, workhouse schools and voluntary schools. But it was not until the end of the Victorian age that all children were expected to be schooled up to the age of thirteen. She used illustrations of various old documents such as log books and plans to show how schooling slowly developed even though attendance was limited by illnesses such as smallpox and whooping cough. At harvest time the schools virtually closed down so that the children could work in the fields.
The meeting was held in Old Buckenham Church Rooms which had been itself been the village school in the past. Next month the meeting will be held al fresco in the garden of one of the members, providing an opportunity for some enjoyable talking, eating and drinking.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

Parish Council in June
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the drat minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.
Eight members of the attended as well as the members of the parish council and the new parish clerk Hilary Clutten.
Prior to the start of the meeting Adrian Joel signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office having been appointed as chairman of Old Buckenham Parish Council at a council meeting in May 2016; the Declaration was witnessed by the new Clerk.
Apologies for absence were received from Jonathan Kemp and from Ben Devlin who would be arriving late.
Terry Cracknell declared an interest in the item concerning the Green and Adrian Joel declared an interest in the planning items as a member of Breckland Council’s Planning Committee.
Public participation. The meeting adjourned for public participation. Highways matters raised included the Road Safety Working Party to investigate and come back with a recommendation. Also highways incidents are not being logged with police or Norfolk County Council (NCC) – it is important that these are logged and an incident number obtained from the police. Other subjects were traffic management and pedestrian safety, objectives regarding Green Rights and sympathetic housing development including quality of build. The drain outside the Methodist Chapel is blocked and needs reporting to NCC Highways. Also the lack of consultation regarding the primary school’s application for academy status and lack of Old Buckenham participants at the academy consultation meeting.
Minutes of the Council meetings in May. The draft minutes of the two meetings held on Thursday 5 May had been circulated. These were approved as true and accurate record.
Matters arising from the minutes. The Play Area meeting had taken place in May. Few parents attended despite the meeting being advertised in the Parish magazine. Eighty percent of those present at the meeting were in favour of fencing the area. Sarah Hornbrook thought there was a communication issue about the meeting and Graham Hart suggested that the Website Working Party look at providing more information through Facebook and the Council’s website. The Chairman reported that Breckland Council has not had a formal request for an election to fill the recent vacancy on the Parish Council. A notice about the vacancy has now been posted in the village, two residents have expressed interest in being co-opted to the Council. The Clerk was asked for details of the VAT position regarding the Village Hall and the Parish Council with particular regard to the Parish Council reclaiming VAT on Village Hall expenses. The Clerk will circulate information on this.
Planning applications received. The Clown’s House, Church Lane. Erection of wall and gate between house and annex, and installation of a Velux conservation roof window in rear roof of house. There were no objections from the Parish Council.Primrose Barn, Fen Road. Erection of garden room/summerhouse and front porch. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Canem Cave Cottage, 62A Fen Street. Demolish building at rear of property and erect a single storey extension. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
South View, Fen Street. Erection of new 5-bed detached house and associated external works. The Clerk to ask Breckland Council to allow a time extension for the Parish Council’s comments.
27 Oaklands. Removal of flat roofs to dormer and garage and replace with tiles. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Carlestead, 62 Fen Street. Internal and external alterations, including new single storey pitched roof to the existing rear and side flat roof element. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Planning decisions received. Willow Farmhouse, The Green. Demolish lean-to and erect single and two storey rear extension, demolish garage/store to erect new and internal alterations. Planning and Listed Building permissions granted by Breckland Council.
Acer House, The Green. Erection of single and two storey extensions. Planning permission refused by Breckland Council due to scale and design.
Cherry Tree Cottage, Loss Wroo. Erection of motor home garage, store and workshop. Planning permission granted by Breckland Council.
Old Field Barn, Abbey Road. Erection of steel portal framed agricultural storage bin. Planning permission granted by Breckland Council.
Whitehands Farm, Stacksford. Application to change use of land for horses and timber stable block. Planning permission granted by Breckland Council.
Nominations for committees, working parties and outside b
odies.The Council agreed the following appointments for 2016/17.
Personnel Committee: Adrian Joel (chairman), Ben Devlin and Terry Cracknell.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Party: Jonathan Kemp (chairman), Sarah Hornbrook (vice-chairman), Steve Milner, Adrian Joel plus three residents, Ray Bayfield, Michelle Wilford and A Jaggard.
Play Area Working Party: Ben Devlin, Graham Hart, Adrian Joel, Steve Milner and resident Kerry Talbot.
Recreation Area Working Party: Jonathan Kemp and Carol Marshall.
Road Safety/Chapel Green School Working Party: Rona Boggia, Terry Cracknell, Steve Milner and two residents, Mike Bartlett and Trevor Crooke.
Precept Grants Working Party: Terry Cracknell and Adrian Joel plus resident Roy Dickinson.
Review of Standing Orders Working Party: Adrian Joel and Steve Milner plus resident Tim Bornett and the Clerk.
SNAP representative: Tom Johnson.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group representative: Tom Johnson.
Attleborough Development Partnership representative: Rona Boggia with Terry Cracknell as a substitute representative.
Village Hall Management Committee representative: Tom Johnson.
Allotments responsibility: Adrian Joel.
Chapel Road School Stakeholders: Steve Milner.
Parish Council Website responsibility: Steve Milner and Graham Hart.
Green Rights responsibility: Ben Devlin.
Almshouses Parish Council appointed trustee: Carol Marshall.
Reports from Working Parties. The Road Safety Working Party had discussed seeking advice on an alternative location for the crossing. There was no seconder for a proposal to go ahead with the crossing as originally designed by NCC. The Council agreed, with one abstention and one against, to refer the issue of getting a consultant and other site options to the Road Safety Working Party. Regarding the Play Area, the overall choice is to have metal fencing and there will soon be a meeting to choose the colour of the fencing and to measure up for gates. Concerning the Neighbourhood Plan, the survey document has to be returned by Saturday 25 June. There is a free prize draw to be held at the July Parish Council meeting for those surveys returned by Saturday 18 June. Breckland District Council has offered to come and give advice after the results of the survey are collated. The Council agreed that the Clerk should get additional paid hours for collating the responses if there was a good return rate. The Working Party on precept grants had met in May and its report circulated to all councillors; it was thought that an additional member of the working party would be helpful. The objective of the group is to encourage village organisations to ask for some financial assistance so that the promotion of their existing/new activities could be of benefit to the residents of Old Buckenham (including Stacksford). Roy Dickinson had provided a draft application form and notes which, once agreed, will be able to be obtained from the Clerk. The closing date for applications will be Friday 30 September. The Working Party proposed that a panel should adjudicate on the allocation of funds, which will total about £3,500, and bring its recommendations to the Parish Council by the end of October. It is also proposed that awards be announced in November and that there should be a joint awards ceremony with the ‘community heroes’ in April 2017 including a free buffet and drinks. The Council approved the adoption of the Precept Grants Working Party Report.
Cycling Festival September. The Council resolved to adopt the Cycling Festival taking place in September and to set up a working party to handle the issues that would arise from this such as road closures.
Chairman’s report. The Chairman reported that Hilary Clutten had been unanimously appointed by the HR Committee to the post of Clerk/RFO of the Council. Graham Hart was thanked for his help in moving the Parish Council’s files and office equipment to the Clerk’s home.
District Councillor’s report. There is a new Breckland District Council chairman and the new Breckland Website has proved popular. A new sign has been placed in St Andrew’s Close saying that it leads to Marsh Field Lane.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson reported that the Village Hall Committee will be meeting on Saturday 2 July. The next films being shown in the Village Hall are ‘Steve Jobs’ and ‘Bridge of Spies’. The Village Hall Committee would like to resurface the Village Hall car park. It is likely to cost £20,000 and NCC is willing to give a grant of £10,000 through the Parish Partnerships Scheme. The Village Hall Committee would like the Parish Council to possibly loan it the other £10,000 that was needed. It was agreed that the Parish Council should consider this request at a subsequent meeting. Meanwhile the Village Hall Committee needs to submit three quotations for the work to the Parish Council. The cow parsley on the Green is getting high – the Clerk was asked to contact NCC with a view to them cutting the Highways’ area on the edge of the Green. There has been an unpleasant letter about a hedge on the corner of Cake Street and Harlingwood Lane. NCC are to be asked to get it cut. Terry Cracknell thought that the Council should have a list of what it has to do with a view to setting targets. Also the handling of correspondence, particularly letters from residents which should be acknowledged and scanned for circulation. The mobile SAM sign has been in various locations around the village but has not being fixed as it could be prone to criminal acts. There is an old event advertising sign that needs removing, and a clothes bank has arrived in the Village Hall car park.
Highways. There is a highways’ issue in Ragmere Road, near the entrance to the allotments. The track from the Clinic to the old Baptist Chapel needs potholes repairing. The Clerk to report these to Highways.
The Green. There would be a meeting of the Green Right Proprietors on Tuesday 14 June. The Chairman would like to be able to show plans of the proposed crossing at this meeting and Ben Devlin was thanked for his grass cutting.
Public participation on agenda items only. It was reported that only 15 parents attended the academy status meeting which was a disappointing turnout. The Parish Council should have been included in the academy status consultation and the Clerk was asked to write to the School Governors to express the Council’s feeling about this. Tim Bornett to do some more investigation and report back to the Council next month. How will the proposed crossing help disabled or visually-impaired residents get around the village? Is the money not better spent on helping these residents get out and about? There is one resident in particular who needs such help. It was reported that there is local help available through a charity and a mini bus with a ramp. The Chairman asked if he could be advised in confidence of the resident in question.
Items for next agenda. These included the siting of bollards (Sarah Hornbrook will email Graham Hart about this issue who will then make enquiries).The Clerk is to circulate information to councillors about VAT and Village Halls. Other subjects include the correspondence list, community and social media, the Green road crossing, the Road Safety Working Party report, Parish Council target setting, the Health and Safety Working Party report, the Play Area fencing, the Cycling Festival and the Neighbourhood Plan Survey.

The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 7 July at Old Buckenham Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Flyer above Old Buckenham

Errant aircraft
There have been reports from villagers that an individual flying a yellow and red biplane has been making a nuisance of themselves in the skies above Old Buckenham.
Those at Old Buckenham Airfield are anxious to get hold the registration of this plane (which should be under the wing and start with a G). If you see it and can record any of the letters  it will give provide an opportunity to track them down and ask them to desist immediately (in rather stronger aviation terms of course).
Any further details that anyone can give will be gratefully received by the Airfield. In order to sort things out they need to know who they are.
With any luck, this incident will be a one off but those at the Airfield would like to assure the village that it was nothing to do with them and that they will do everything in their somewhat limited powers to put a stop to it.

Please pass any information on to the Airfield manager Matt Wilkins on 01953 860806 or email 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Cycling through Old Buckenham

The Tour will rush through

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Old Buckenham Women's Institute

Old Buckenham and resolutions
It is at the May meetings of the Women’s Institutes that they discuss and vote on the resolutions being put forward at the National Annual Meeting that will be held in Brighton on Thursday 9 June. One resolution this year concerns food waste and food poverty in this country and the second resolution is support for dementia patients when they are admitted to hospital. If the WI is going to commit time, effort, money and reputation into mounting a campaign, they wish to be sure that the proposal is precise enough to make a difference. Every WI has the chance to register it is in agreement to both, neither, or just one of the resolutions. The debate in Brighton promises to be vigorous and the process is important as well as the outcome of the voting. One Old Buckenham member, Judith Thompson, had thoroughly researched these resolutions and took members through the pros and cons of each resolution. Members will be looking forward to hearing from our delegate on the outcome of the voting in Brighton.
After the seriousness of the discussions, members were able to relax and take part in a game of Call my Bluff. Would you know (without consulting a dictionary) the meaning of the words courbaril, mastaba, merlon, jirble, costrel and spelunker?
Old Buckenham WI have a busy summer in front of them including the Village Fete on Saturday 9 July, the annual progressive supper later in July, helping with refreshments for the cycle event in September and of course our Village Produce Show on Sunday 11 September. A schedule for the Produce Show was included in the June edition of the village newsletter so be sure to consult yours soon to think about what you can enter. Recipes for some of the cookery classes are included on the schedule so you have plenty of time to do some experiments.
At the meeting on Thursday 23 June, Helen Reeve will be talking about "For the love of cows (how to turn a hobby into a business)".
The following meeting will be on Thursday 28 July when the speakers, Marilyn Bartrup and Lynn Ready, are coming to talk of their adventures in their “Pension Gap Year”. These two ladies are WI members and one of them is a past resident of Old Buckenham.